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Last active June 22, 2021 13:37
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Transliteration function
translit <- function(text, charupper=FALSE){
lat.up <- c("A","B","V","G","D","E","YO","ZH","Z","I","J","K","L","M","N","O",
rus.up <- c("А","Б","В","Г","Д","Е","Ё","Ж","З","И","Й","К","Л","М","Н","О",
lat.low <- c("a","b","v","g","d","e","yo","zh","z","i","j","k","l","m","n","o",
rus.low <- c("а","б","в","г","д","е","ё","ж","з","и","й","к","л","м","н","о",
n <- nchar(text)
text <- substring(text, 1:n, 1:n)
while (n > 0) {
for(i in 1:33) {
char.pos <- grep(rus.low[i], text)
text[char.pos] <- lat.low[i]
char.pos <- grep(rus.up[i], text)
text[char.pos] <- lat.up[i]
n <- n - 1
ifelse(charupper==TRUE, toupper(paste(text, collapse = "")), paste(text, collapse = ""))
#Пример использования
translit("Здесь фабула объять не может всех эмоций — шепелявый скороход в юбке тащит горячий мёд.", charupper=TRUE)
translit("Друг мой эльф! Яшке б свёз птиц южных чащ!")
translit("Любя, съешь щипцы, — вздохнёт мэр, — кайф жгуч.")
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nice one, I used it many times before realized that it works slowly.
Adapted it to become much-much faster.

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