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Created January 8, 2013 05:17
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TheWorld のテーマ設定で用いられているカラー暗号化の仕組みのコードです。 いつか、JSか何かでWebで綺麗に再現できるような支援機構を作ります。
// We Cannot Use "{" & "}" & ","
static NSString *_IndList[300] = {
@"⠀", @"⠁", @"⠂", @"⠃", @"⠄", @"⠅", @"⠆", @"⠇", @"⠈", @"⠉",
@"⠊", @"⠋", @"⠌", @"⠍", @"⠎", @"⠏", @"⠐", @"⠑", @"⠒", @"⠓",
@"⠔", @"⠕", @"⠖", @"⠗", @"⠘", @"⠙", @"⠚", @"⠛", @"⠜", @"⠝",
@"⠞", @"⠟",
@"⠠", @"⠡", @"⠢", @"⠣", @"⠤", @"⠥", @"⠦", @"⠧", @"⠨", @"⠩",
@"⠪", @"⠫", @"⠬", @"⠭", @"⠮", @"⠯", @"⠰", @"⠱", @"⠲", @"⠳",
@"⠴", @"⠵", @"⠶", @"⠷", @"⠸", @"⠹", @"⠺", @"⠻", @"⠼", @"⠽",
@"⠾", @"⠿",
@"⡀", @"⡁", @"⡂", @"⡃", @"⡄", @"⡅", @"⡆", @"⡇", @"⡈", @"⡉",
@"⡊", @"⡋", @"⡌", @"⡍", @"⡎", @"⡏", @"⡐", @"⡑", @"⡒", @"⡓",
@"⡔", @"⡕", @"⡖", @"⡗", @"⡘", @"⡙", @"⡚", @"⡛", @"⡜", @"⡝",
@"⡞", @"⡟",
@"⡠", @"⡡", @"⡢", @"⡣", @"⡤", @"⡥", @"⡦", @"⡧", @"⡨", @"⡩",
@"⡪", @"⡫", @"⡬", @"⡭", @"⡮", @"⡯", @"⡰", @"⡱", @"⡲", @"⡳",
@"⡴", @"⡵", @"⡶", @"⡷", @"⡸", @"⡹", @"⡺", @"⡻", @"⡼", @"⡽",
@"⡾", @"⡿",
@"⢀", @"⢁", @"⢂", @"⢃", @"⢄", @"⢅", @"⢆", @"⢇", @"⢈", @"⢉",
@"⢊", @"⢋", @"⢌", @"⢍", @"⢎", @"⢏", @"⢐", @"⢑", @"⢒", @"⢓",
@"⢔", @"⢕", @"⢖", @"⢗", @"⢘", @"⢙", @"⢚", @"⢛", @"⢜", @"⢝",
@"⢞", @"⢟",
@"⢠", @"⢡", @"⢢", @"⢣", @"⢤", @"⢥", @"⢦", @"⢧", @"⢨", @"⢩",
@"⢪", @"⢫", @"⢬", @"⢭", @"⢮", @"⢯", @"⢰", @"⢱", @"⢲", @"⢳",
@"⢴", @"⢵", @"⢶", @"⢷", @"⢸", @"⢹", @"⢺", @"⢻", @"⢼", @"⢽",
@"⢾", @"⢿",
@"⣀", @"⣁", @"⣂", @"⣃", @"⣄", @"⣅", @"⣆", @"⣇", @"⣈", @"⣉",
@"⣊", @"⣋", @"⣌", @"⣍", @"⣎", @"⣏", @"⣐", @"⣑", @"⣒", @"⣓",
@"⣔", @"⣕", @"⣖", @"⣗", @"⣘", @"⣙", @"⣚", @"⣛", @"⣜", @"⣝",
@"⣞", @"⣟",
@"⣠", @"⣡", @"⣢", @"⣣", @"⣤", @"⣥", @"⣦", @"⣧", @"⣨", @"⣩",
@"⣪", @"⣫", @"⣬", @"⣭", @"⣮", @"⣯", @"⣰", @"⣱", @"⣲", @"⣳",
@"⣴", @"⣵", @"⣶", @"⣷", @"⣸", @"⣹", @"⣺", @"⣻", @"⣼", @"⣽",
@"⣾", @"⣿",
// ####################################################################################
+ (int)getIndexFromChar:(NSString *)str{
for(int i=0; i<256; i++){
if([_IndList[i] isEqualToString:str]) return i; }
return 0; }
// ####################################################################################
+ (NSString *)colorToString:(UIColor *)color{
const CGFloat *_com = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor);
UInt8 _r = (UInt8)(_com[0] * 255.f);
UInt8 _g = (UInt8)(_com[1] * 255.f);
UInt8 _b = (UInt8)(_com[2] * 255.f);
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@",
// ####################################################################################
+ (UIColor *)stringToColor:(NSString *)str{
NSString *_rs = [str substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
NSString *_gs = [str substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, 1)];
NSString *_bs = [str substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(2, 1)];
float _r = ((float)[ThemeData getIndexFromChar:_rs]) / 255.f;
float _g = ((float)[ThemeData getIndexFromChar:_gs]) / 255.f;
float _b = ((float)[ThemeData getIndexFromChar:_bs]) / 255.f;
return [UIColor colorWithRed:_r green:_g blue:_b alpha:1.f]; }
// ####################################################################################
- (NSString *)makeStringFtomTheme{
NSMutableArray *_ary = [NSMutableArray array];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:mainColor]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:subColor]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:impColor]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:btnColor1]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:btnColor2]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:btnColor3]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:exBackGround]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:exBtnTextColor]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:exImageColor]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:exTintColor]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:exLineColor]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:exBarColor]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:exPopBackGround]];
[_ary addObject:[ThemeData colorToString:exPopTextColor]];
NSString *_str = [_ary componentsJoinedByString:@""];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#TWTheme {%@,%@}",name,_str];
// ####################################################################################
+ (ThemeData *)makeThemeFromString:(NSString *)str{
ThemeData *_theme = [[ThemeData alloc] init];
NSString *reg = nil;
NSError *error = nil;
NSRegularExpression *regexp = nil;
NSTextCheckingResult *match = nil;
// Reg Exp
reg = @"#TWTheme \\{(.+?),(.+)\\}";
regexp = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:reg options:0 error:&error];
match = [regexp firstMatchInString:str options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, str.length)];
if(match.numberOfRanges > 1){ = [str substringWithRange:[match rangeAtIndex:1]];
str = [str substringWithRange:[match rangeAtIndex:2]]; }
NSMutableArray *_ary = [NSMutableArray array];
if((str.length % 3) != 0) return nil;
while(str.length != 3){
[_ary addObject:[str substringToIndex:3]];
str = [str substringFromIndex:3]; }
[_ary addObject:str];
if([_ary count] != CL_COLOR_NUMBER) return nil;
_theme.mainColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:0]];
_theme.subColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:1]];
_theme.impColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:2]];
_theme.btnColor1 = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:3]];
_theme.btnColor2 = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:4]];
_theme.btnColor3 = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:5]];
_theme.exBackGround = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:6]];
_theme.exBtnTextColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:7]];
_theme.exImageColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:8]];
_theme.exTintColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:9]];
_theme.exLineColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:10]];
_theme.exBarColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:11]];
_theme.exPopBackGround = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:12]];
_theme.exPopTextColor = [ThemeData stringToColor:[_ary objectAtIndex:13]];
return _theme;
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