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Last active April 21, 2022 02:58
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Minimal dapper in F#
module DapperFSharp =
open System.Data.SqlClient
open System.Dynamic
open System.Collections.Generic
open Dapper
let dapperQuery<'Result> (query:string) (connection:SqlConnection) =
let dapperParametrizedQuery<'Result> (query:string) (param:obj) (connection:SqlConnection) : 'Result seq =
connection.Query<'Result>(query, param)
let dapperMapParametrizedQuery<'Result> (query:string) (param : Map<string,_>) (connection:SqlConnection) : 'Result seq =
let expando = ExpandoObject()
let expandoDictionary = expando :> IDictionary<string,obj>
for paramValue in param do
expandoDictionary.Add(paramValue.Key, paramValue.Value :> obj)
connection |> dapperParametrizedQuery query expando
type User = { UserId:string }
let getUsers connection =
|> dapperQuery<User> "SELECT UserID From tbUser"
let getUser userId connection =
|> dapperMapParametrizedQuery<User> "SELECT UserID From tbUser WHERE UserId = @UserId" (Map ["UserId", userId])
|> Seq.head
type UserSelectArgs = { SelectedUserId:string}
let getUser' userId connection =
|> dapperParametrizedQuery<User> "SELECT UserID From tbUser WHERE UserId = @SelectedUserId" {SelectedUserId=userId}
|> Seq.head
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MCord commented Dec 22, 2015

I found this via a google search ;)

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fairjm commented Feb 22, 2016


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jackmott commented Mar 1, 2016

Can anyone comment on how this compares to FsSql? ->
Seems similar at a glance.

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ghost commented Aug 2, 2016


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This looks great! I was wondering whether you could help me out here. When I run this in and try to print out something like the "getUsers" over my data all I get is<fun:users@187>. I've tried iterating with Seq.iter and for individuals printing. I even had to cast the items with Seq.cast and I'm getting errors that my expression isn't finished even when I call something like Seq.head on the last pipe. What am I not understanding?

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incomplete, created these two files in f# and imported Dapper in PM and red squiggles all over!

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cowlike commented Jan 9, 2018

I found this example very helpful but I needed one more thing to get it all working with Dotnet Core 2.1.3: the result types have to be annotated with [<CLIMutable>] in order to give the record a default constructor with property getters/setters.

Also, I noticed that passing the Map directly in dapperMapParametrizedQuery works fine without having to create an Expando. That function turns into a one-liner. Not sure if this is specific to the 2.1.3.

@ovatsug25, it sounds like you're only partially applying the function. Are you sure you passed all the arguments, like the connection argument as well?

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It would be nice if the sample script included an example of how to run the functions (including a sample connection string).

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This looks useful. I'm trying to port a C# Dapper library using the Unit of Work pattern which is how I ended up here. What's missing (for me) is a way to wrap this up with transactions.

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nobleach commented Mar 18, 2018

Definitely would be a plus to add the "chrome" around these snippets. They're very helpful. New users can add

open System.Data.SqlClient
open Dapper
open Npgsql

let connString = "Host=localhost;Database=exampleDB;Username=postgres;Password=example"
let connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connString)

Note: You'll also need to install Npgsql: dotnet add package Npgsql --version 3.2.7 if you're using Postgres, like I am.

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schonfinkel commented Jun 8, 2018

Many thanks @vbfox & @nobleach, the script works and saved me hours of frustration!

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