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Vesa Kauppinen vesakk

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MadhavJivrajani /
Created October 15, 2021 13:58
This is a list of resources that I personally found helpful while trying to understand containers and kubernetes from a big-picture POV.

Getting Started With Kubernetes On A High Level

One of biggest barriers when trying to get started with Kubernetes is that there's so much content out there that it's kinda overwhelming - and that's totally normal! The intent of this document is to try and provide directed resources in a roadmap like fashion to understand and learn about the horizontals of Kubernetes - post which you can dive deep into any vertical while keeping the bigger picture in mind - that this document hopes to provide.

This is a set of resources for different topics that I found particularly helpful when getting started, and hopefully you do too! I've tried to list them out in order of consumption. If A comes before B under a subtopic, then it's probably that A has topics needed for B, or that A attempts to explain topics of B in a slightly simpler (not nescessarily better) manner than B.


Feel free to skip over if you're already familiar with containers and have some idea about what they are and why they exist.

imkevinxu / Device.swift
Last active March 4, 2023 16:09
iOS device checks for OS version and screen size in Swift
// Device.swift
// imHome
// Created by Kevin Xu on 2/9/15. Updated on 6/20/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Alpha Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
ashishkakkad8 / JOSNArraySwiftParsingiOS
Last active December 31, 2017 05:59
JSON Array Parsing in Swift Langauage - Swift 3 – iOS 10 – Xcode 8 GM
// ViewController.swift
// SwiftJSONParsingDemo
// Created by Ashish Kakkad on 12/10/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Kode. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
* At least two points are needed to interpolate something.
* @class Lagrange polynomial interpolation.
* The computed interpolation polynomial will be reffered to as L(x).
* @example
* var l = new Lagrange(0, 0, 1, 1);
* var index = l.addPoint(0.5, 0.8);
* console.log(l.valueOf(0.1));
* l.changePoint(index, 0.5, 0.1);