inspired by Teaching with open source presentation service Reveal.js
- Create a git repository (eg. on github)
- Clone it to your desktop _(via ssh)
git clone [email protected]:yourusername/newrepository.git
- change into the new directory
cd newrepository/
- add reveal.js as submodule and initialize
git submodule add revealjs
git submodule update --init --recursive
- change into the directory of the revealjs submodule and check that initialisation was successfull
cd revealjs/
git log
cd ..
(git log
should show the commit messages of the original reveal.js repository)
- commit the addition of the submdule and push it upstream
git commit -m "added reveal.js as submodule"
git push
- copy the original presentation "start-file" from the submodule to the main repository
cp revealjs/index.html .
- edit index.html - add "revealjs" at the start of all relevant paths (css, ja, lib, plugin)
- commit the addition of the presentation "start-file" and push it upstream
git commit -m "adding file for presentation/content"
git push
Well, to be honest, that would be a bigger story.
I usually use only the preview in a browser as this comes closest to serving the presentation later with an old-school httpd or nginx.
You need to move the gulpfile.js and the package.json one level up and adjust the paths.