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Last active May 15, 2019 03:28
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A simple C# reflection class
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
* Reflection.cs - a class used for working with reflections in .Net
* Written in 2019 by Wildbook (Wildbook#2203)
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
* and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide.
* This software is distributed without any warranty.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with
* this software. If not, see <>
public static class Reflection
private static readonly BindingFlags _defaultFlags
= BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
#region Field
public static TReturn GetFieldValue<TReturn>(this object instance, string fieldName) =>
.GetField(fieldName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Instance)
public static TReturn GetFieldValue<TClass, TReturn>(string fieldName) =>
GetFieldValue<TReturn>(typeof(TClass), fieldName);
public static TReturn GetFieldValue<TReturn>(this Type type, string fieldName) =>
(TReturn)type.GetField(fieldName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Static)
public static void SetFieldValue(this object instance, string fieldName, object value) =>
.GetField(fieldName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Instance)
.SetValue(instance, value);
public static void SetFieldValue<TClass>(string fieldName, object value) =>
SetFieldValue(typeof(TClass), fieldName, value);
public static void SetFieldValue(this Type type, string fieldName, object value) =>
type.GetField(fieldName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Static)
.SetValue(null, value);
#region Property
public static TReturn GetPropertyValue<TReturn>(this object instance, string propName) =>
.GetProperty(propName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Instance)
public static TReturn GetPropertyValue<TClass, TReturn>(string propName) =>
GetPropertyValue<TReturn>(typeof(TClass), propName);
public static TReturn GetPropertyValue<TReturn>(this Type type, string propName) =>
(TReturn)type.GetProperty(propName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Static)
public static void SetPropertyValue(this object instance, string propName, object value) =>
.GetProperty(propName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Instance)
.SetValue(instance, value);
public static void SetPropertyValue<TClass>(string propName, object value) =>
SetPropertyValue(typeof(TClass), propName, value);
public static void SetPropertyValue(this Type type, string propName, object value) =>
type.GetProperty(propName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Static)
.SetValue(null, value);
#region Method
public static TReturn InvokeMethod<TReturn>(this object instance, string methodName, params object[] methodParams) =>
.GetMethod(methodName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Invoke(instance, methodParams);
public static TReturn InvokeMethod<TClass, TReturn>(string methodName, params object[] methodParams) =>
InvokeMethod<TReturn>(typeof(TClass), methodName, methodParams);
public static TReturn InvokeMethod<TReturn>(this Type type, string methodName, params object[] methodParams) =>
(TReturn)type.GetMethod(methodName, _defaultFlags | BindingFlags.Static)
.Invoke(null, methodParams);
public static void InvokeMethod(this object instance, string methodName, params object[] methodParams) =>
instance.InvokeMethod<object>(methodName, methodParams);
public static void InvokeMethod<TClass>(string methodName, params object[] methodParams) =>
InvokeMethod<TClass, object>(methodName, methodParams);
public static void InvokeMethod(this Type type, string methodName, params object[] methodParams) =>
InvokeMethod<object>(type, methodName, methodParams);
#region Class
public static Type GetNestedType<TParent>(string name) =>
GetNestedType(typeof(TParent), name);
public static Type GetNestedType(this Type parentType, string name) =>
parentType.GetNestedType(name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
public static object Instantiate(this Type type) =>
Activator.CreateInstance(type, true);
public static object InstantiateGeneric<TClass>(Type typeArgument) =>
InstantiateGeneric(typeof(TClass), typeArgument);
public static object InstantiateGeneric(this Type genericType, Type typeArgument) =>
public static object InstantiateGeneric<TClass>(Type[] typeArguments) =>
InstantiateGeneric(typeof(TClass), typeArguments);
public static object InstantiateGeneric(this Type genericType, Type[] typeArguments) =>
public static IList InstantiateList(this Type type) =>
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