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Absent-Minded professor

Aleksandar Puharic xZero707

Absent-Minded professor
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xZero707 / foldersize.php
Created August 7, 2019 10:29 — forked from eusonlito/foldersize.php
PHP function to get the folder size including subfolders
function folderSize ($dir)
$size = 0;
foreach (glob(rtrim($dir, '/').'/*', GLOB_NOSORT) as $each) {
$size += is_file($each) ? filesize($each) : folderSize($each);
xZero707 / ArrayDiffAssoc.php
Created July 12, 2019 12:27
Compares two arrays and shows exact difference between them. The ultimate function
* Compares two arrays and shows exact difference between them.
* !!! IMPORTANT !!
* Order of two supplied arrays matters!
* @fix xZero707 <[email protected]>: Pay attention to types as well
xZero707 / git-mv-with-history
Created March 5, 2019 12:18 — forked from emiller/git-mv-with-history
git utility to move/rename file or folder and retain history with it.
# git-mv-with-history -- move/rename file or folder, with history.
# Moving a file in git doesn't track history, so the purpose of this
# utility is best explained from the kernel wiki:
# Git has a rename command git mv, but that is just for convenience.
# The effect is indistinguishable from removing the file and adding another
# with different name and the same content.
xZero707 / str_map.php
Last active February 11, 2019 11:02
str_replace on steroids
namespace NorthernLights\Util;
* Map/replace string accordingly to supplied character map
* Note:
* There is certain overhead because we use 4 function calls main -> mapper -> array_keys -> array_values
* versus that it can be done with just single str_replace()
* However, accordingly to benchmarks, difference becomes noticeable only after 1 000 000 iterations (~300ms slower)
xZero707 /
Last active October 21, 2018 20:16
Install zRAM on Debian(8)
not_root() {
echo "ERROR: You have to be root to execute this script"
exit 1
zram_exists() {
echo "ERROR: /etc/init.d/zram already exists"
* We declare $x as init of anonymous class, which implements magic __toString() method
* @author Alexander Puharic <[email protected]>
$x = new class
/** @var array */
private $feed;
(empty('' . $x) && ($x == 'FA' && $x == 'LO' && $x == '103' && $x == '208'))
xZero707 / exceptions-tree.php
Created July 12, 2018 13:43 — forked from mlocati/exceptions-tree.php
Throwable and Exceptions tree
if (!function_exists('interface_exists')) {
die('PHP version too old');
$throwables = listThrowableClasses();
$throwablesPerParent = splitInParents($throwables);
if (count($throwablesPerParent) !== 0) {
xZero707 / BinarySearchTreeArray.php
Last active March 26, 2018 09:59
Uses a binary search tree algorithm to locate a value in the specified array.
* Uses a binary search algorithm to locate a value in the specified array
* Due to internal function call overhead (count, floor), it might be inefficient to use on small arrays
* Original:
* @author Nicholas C. Zakas
* @see
xZero707 /
Created March 7, 2018 08:38
Keybase Identity Verification

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am xzero707 on github.
  • I am xzero707 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAA5Sg7IqA1pGLf3Utp582WPy4O5T-4tXdm5XZ-0QKd3go

To claim this, I am signing this object: