$ svn log --xml | grep author | sort -u | perl -pe 's/.>(.?)<./$1 = /' > users.txt
$ vi users.txt
$ git svn init ${svn_url} --no-metadata
$ git svn fetch --authors-file=users.txt
$ vi .gitignore
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" \ | |
"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> | |
<plist version="1.0"> | |
<dict> | |
<key>Label</key> | |
<string>networkchange</string> | |
<key>LowPriorityIO</key> | |
<true/> | |
<key>ProgramArguments</key> |
[global] | |
index-url = https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ | |
[install] | |
trusted-host=mirrors.aliyun.com |
apache2 conf: | |
<VirtualHost *:80> | |
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/cgidir | |
<Directory "/var/www/html/cgidir"> | |
AllowOverride All | |
</Directory> | |
</VirtualHost> | |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Install Shadowsocks on CentOS 7 | |
echo "Installing Shadowsocks..." | |
useradd shadowsocks | |
read -p "input shadowsocks password: " SS_PASSWORD | |
CONFIG_FILE=/etc/shadowsocks.json | |
SERVICE_FILE=/etc/systemd/system/shadowsocks.service |
---- TRACE 1 start vector3.lua:14 | |
0008 UGET 5 0 ; Vector3 | |
0009 KSHORT 6 0 | |
0010 KSHORT 7 1 | |
0011 KSHORT 8 0 | |
0012 CALL 5 2 4 | |
0000 . FUNCF 7 ; vector3.lua:6 | |
0001 . UGET 4 0 ; setmetatable | |
0002 . TNEW 5 4 | |
0003 . ISTC 6 1 |
using UnityEngine; | |
public class Main : MonoBehaviour { | |
void Start () | |
{ | |
FakeObject obj = new FakeObject (); | |
Debug.LogError (obj); // [FakeObject] | |
Debug.LogError (obj == null); // false | |
Debug.LogError (obj.num); //100 |
$ svn log --xml | grep author | sort -u | perl -pe 's/.>(.?)<./$1 = /' > users.txt
$ vi users.txt
$ git svn init ${svn_url} --no-metadata
$ git svn fetch --authors-file=users.txt
$ vi .gitignore
Atom.prototype.startEditorWindow = function() { | |
var CommandInstaller, dimensions, maximize, resourcePath, safeMode, _ref; | |
_ref = this.getLoadSettings(), resourcePath = _ref.resourcePath, safeMode = _ref.safeMode; | |
CommandInstaller = require('./command-installer'); | |
CommandInstaller.installAtomCommand(resourcePath, false, function(error) { | |
if (error != null) { | |
return console.warn(error.message); | |
} | |
}); | |
CommandInstaller.installApmCommand(resourcePath, false, function(error) { |
import sublime, sublime_plugin | |
import os | |
import re | |
regex = re.compile('.*:(\d+):.*') | |
class LuaParseCheck(sublime_plugin.EventListener): | |
def on_post_save_async(self, view): | |
path = view.file_name() | |
if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] != ".lua":return | |
result = os.popen("/usr/local/bin/luac -p '"+path+"' 2>&1").read() |
Open keyboard bindings file, and add a line to it
{ "keys": ["alt+o"], "command": "open_file_at_cursor" } // this one