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Created June 27, 2023 18:49
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# automatically change configuration of Mac OS X based on location
# author: Rocco Georgi <[email protected]>
# version: 0.4.0

# original author: Onne Gorter <[email protected]>
# url:
# version: 0.4

# redirect all IO to a logfile
#mkdir -p /usr/local/var/log
#exec &>/usr/local/var/log/locationchanger.log

# to avoid any output, any logfile, uncomment the following:
exec 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

# this service is called immediately after network activity.
# sleep a bit to make sure that info is finished writing to disk about those network changes
sleep 2

# get SSID
SSID=`/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport -I | awk -F ' SSID: ' '/ SSID:/ {print $2}'`
#echo `date` "New SSID found: $SSID"

#if [ -z "$SSID" ]; then
#   exit 0

if [ "$SSID" = "eduroam" ]; then
   osascript -e "display notification \"Network Changed to $SSID\" with title \"Network Update: $SSID\""
   sh /Users/Shared/bin/

exit 0

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response=$(curl -sL --head --connect-timeout 3 "$url")

if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    open "/Users/Shared/bin/"

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