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Last active December 10, 2015 01:38
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Project euler 15 retry



スピードは速くなってます。 "Elapsed time: 21.310858 msecs"


前のルートからの合計を足していく方法です。動的計画法なんでしょうかね? このサイトの問題2で説明されている方法と同じです。


ある点の前の点のリストを出します。 The Joy of Clojure にあった処理からヒントを得ています。





(require '[clojure.test :as test])
;; Find previous points
(defn prev-points
([xy] (prev-points [[-1 0] [0 -1]] xy))
([deltas xy]
(filter (fn [new-xy]
(every? #(< 0 %) new-xy))
(map #(mapv + xy %) deltas))))
(test/is (= (prev-points [4 4])
'([3 4] [4 3])))
(test/is (= (prev-points [1 3])
'([1 2])))
;; Calc value form previous points.
(defn calc-score [grid point]
(if (find @grid point)
(get @grid point)
(let [sum-parent-points (->> (prev-points point)
(map #(get @grid %) ,,)
(reduce + ,,))]
(do (swap! grid assoc point sum-parent-points)
(test/is (= (calc-score (atom {[3 1] 3 [2 2] 5}) [3 2])
;; solve
(let [grid (atom {[1 1] 1})
size-x 20
size-y 20]
(->> (for [y (range 1 (+ 2 size-y))
x (range 1 (+ 2 size-x))]
[x y])
(map #(calc-score grid %) ,,)
(last ,,)))
(defn prev-points
([xy] (prev-points [[-1 0] [0 -1]] xy))
([deltas xy]
(filter (fn [new-xy]
(every? #(< 0 %) new-xy))
(map #(mapv + xy %) deltas))))
(test/is (= (prev-points [4 4])
'([3 4] [4 3])))
(test/is (= (prev-points [1 3])
'([1 2])))
(defn scan-rectangle [x-size y-size]
(concat (map vector (concat (range 1 (inc x-size))) (repeat 1))
(map vector (repeat x-size) (range 2 (inc y-size)))))
(test/is (= (scan-rectangle 4 4)
'([1 1] [2 1] [3 1] [4 1] [4 2] [4 3] [4 4])))
(defn scan-diagonal [[start-x start-y]]
(map vector (range start-x 0 -1)
(range start-y (inc start-x))))
(test/is (= (scan-diagonal [4 1])
'([4 1] [3 2] [2 3] [1 4])))
(defn calc-score [grid point]
(if (find @grid point)
(get @grid point)
(let [sum-parent-points (->> (prev-points point)
(map #(get @grid %) ,,)
(reduce + ,,))]
(do (swap! grid assoc point sum-parent-points)
(test/is (= (calc-score (atom {[3 1] 3 [2 2] 5}) [3 2])
(let [grid (atom {[1 1] 1})
size-x 20
size-y 20]
(last (->> (scan-rectangle (inc size-x) (inc size-y))
(mapcat scan-diagonal ,,)
(map #(calc-score grid %) ,,))))
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