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yuessir yuessir

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Behavioral Interviewing

While there are a number of definitions, for our purposes, soft skills are all of the skills that are not technical. Meaning - the you that shows up the interview, as well as your technical ability. Your interview is composed of your technical prowess, as well as your soft-skills and ability to answer non-technical questions around teamwork, leadership, failure (yes), ability to adapt, timeliness, and communication skills.

If you have heard of the airport test - when hiring managers ask themselves would I want to be stuck in an airport with this person? - your non-technical stories will help them answer that question. In short: non-technical questions will ask you to tell a number of stories that supplement your technical mastery.

Interviews are subjective, based off of who’s interviewing you. When you prepare for soft-skill questions, understand the value that you can bring to a company as well as your goals and interests. You will deliver better answers and be more con

pedrouid /
Last active January 5, 2025 16:46
Setup SSL with NGINX reverse proxy

Get a Free SSL Certificate With Let’s Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority.

  1. Install tools for using the Let's Encrypt certificates using Certbot
  sudo apt-get update \
  sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
schnerd / lazy-load-puppeteer.js
Created April 18, 2018 03:21
Lazy-loading content in Puppeteer
function wait (ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms));
export default async function capture(browser, url) {
// Load the specified page
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(url, {waitUntil: 'load'});
// Get the height of the rendered page
tomo-makes /
Last active February 16, 2024 02:33
$ pandoc -s <input>.docx --wrap=none --reference-links --extract-media=media -t gfm --filter ./ -o <output>.md


  • --wrap=none 勝手にwrapさせたくない(defaultではwrapしてしまう)
  • --reference-links
  • --extract-media=media docxに埋め込まれたpngなどを抽出できる
  • -t gfm github形式のmarkdownで出力したい(tableがpandoc defaultのmarkdownは他の形式になってしまう)