- scope Id should not be attached to the Rules in the keyframes
- fix the detection of forwarded slots
- adapt keepalive to ssr
- toggling branches with in-out mode should be transitioned correctly
- custom dom props should be cloned when cloning a hoisted DOM
- respect the mixed render function in ssr
- component with multi roots should be removed when unmounted, Its accompanying PR that needs to be dealt with first is #2870: targetAnchor should also be removed when unmounted
- keep the order of imports expression for the fallback branch of SSR
This is translated from the original blog post written by @mizchi in Japanese:
データバインディングについてVue.jsと Backbone.stickitを比較する
This is part of the material to convince my company to use Vue.js instead of Backbone.stickit, so I will be picking on Backbone.stickit a bit :D