Or, yet more evidence that you should use feature detection instead of browser/user agent sniffing.
- Unprefixed CSS
. Should require-ms-transform
but doesn’t require it.
- ­ works in IE8 but does not work in IE9-as-IE8 Source
- The Matrix CSS filter. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533014(v=vs.85).aspx
- 32KB limitation on Data URIs: Test Case courtesy of @keeganstreet.
- SVG (yet IE9-as-IE8 displays <object data="file.svg">). Source
- Reliable reuse of array.sort arguments http://www.zachleat.com/web/array-sort/
- Navigation timing courtesy of @bluesmoon
- Web Storage courtesy of @mattdsteele
- Modernizr reports: IE8 in compatibility view mode has onhashchange, but doesn't support it.
- Box sizing (not supported in IE7 but haz.io reports true in IE9-as-IE7)
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AntZUVoCEOyYdGQyMG1OWjg1THNFaWdkMHliX2FNc0E#gid=0 Thanks @dmolsen
- TODO: Search through modernizr for document.documentMode references.
- TODO: Compare haz.io results to caniuse results.