Or, yet more evidence that you should use feature detection instead of browser/user agent sniffing.
- Unprefixed CSS
. Should require-ms-transform
but doesn’t require it.
- ­ works in IE8 but does not work in IE9-as-IE8 Source
- The Matrix CSS filter. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533014(v=vs.85).aspx
- 32KB limitation on Data URIs: Test Case courtesy of @keeganstreet.
- SVG (yet IE9-as-IE8 displays <object data="file.svg">). Source
- Reliable reuse of array.sort arguments http://www.zachleat.com/web/array-sort/
- Navigation timing courtesy of @bluesmoon
- Web Storage courtesy of @mattdsteele
- Modernizr reports: IE8 in compatibility view mode has onhashchange, but doesn't support it.
- Box sizing (not supported in IE7 but haz.io reports true in IE9-as-IE7)
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AntZUVoCEOyYdGQyMG1OWjg1THNFaWdkMHliX2FNc0E#gid=0 Thanks @dmolsen
- TODO: Search through modernizr for document.documentMode references.
- TODO: Compare haz.io results to caniuse results.
I remembered you were compiling this list and I ran into a couple things on my latest project that I didn't notice in IE10 as IE8 but rendered wrong in actual IE8. Maybe these are too specific for what you are looking for, but here they are anyways.
Twitter Bootstrap Breadcrumbs inside a row-fluid. This is supposedly an inline-block issue. I found the following fix:
.breadcrumb li {
margin-right: 1px;
Also select box dropdowns in actual IE8 are fixed width, but in IE10 as IE8 they are dynamic (extend to the length of your content).