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Created December 15, 2024 04:07
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ZSH: check for vscode before running 1Password `op completion`
# 'op' completion for some reason causes VSCode to trigger a
# "would like to access data from other apps" prompt
# this happens when vscode or an extension sources your .zshrc
# we need to check for VSCODE_RESOLVING_ENVIRONMENT, since vscode and
# some extensions set that
# We ALSO need to check TERM_PROGRAM since opening an interactive terminal session
# within vscode will *also* trigger the TCC prompt
if [ -z "$VSCODE_RESOLVING_ENVIRONMENT" ] && [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" != "vscode" ];
# initialize 1Password cli completions if 'op' exists
if _command_exists 'op';
eval "$(op completion zsh)"; compdef _op op
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