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Created February 4, 2020 00:34
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Using py-object-file to Parse a Mach-O

Using py-object-file to Parse a Mach-O

First, instantiate a Mach object, passing it the path to a mach-o binary:

m = Mach("/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib")

The Mach class treats all mach-o binaries as if they're fat binaries with at least once slice. So to work with your mach-o you first have to get its slice, even if it's not a fat binary. You can either to this by architecture name or slice index:

arch = m.get_architecture_slice("x86_64")
arch2 = m.get_architecture_slice_at_index(0)
assert arch == arch2

The architecture slice is your actual mach-o object. You can interact with it with programatically. For example, there's a convenience method to look up symbols by name.

symbol = arch.get_symbols_by_name("_objc_msgSend").pop()
print("{:016x}: {}".format(symbol.value,

Here's a complete example:

from pyobjfile.mach_o import Mach

class MachOParseException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg, macho_bin_path):
        self.macho_bin_path = macho_bin_path

class MachOArchitectureSlice:
    def __init__(self, arch_slice):
        self.arch_slice = arch_slice

    def locate_symbol(self, symbol_name):
            sym = self.arch_slice.get_symbols_by_name(symbol_name).pop()
        except IndexError:
            raise MachOParseException(
                "Symbol '{}' not found".format(symbol_name), self.macho_bin_path)

        sym_loc = sym.value

        return sym_loc

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.arch_slice, attr)

class MachOSymbolParse:
    # TODO: Maybe move this class into py-object-file?

    def __init__(self, macho_bin_path, arch=None, arch_idx=0):
        self.macho_bin_path = macho_bin_path
        m = Mach(macho_bin_path)
        if not m.is_valid():
            raise MachOParseException(
                "Not a valid mach-o binary.", macho_bin_path)
        arch_count = m.get_num_archs()
        if arch_count < 1:
            raise MachOParseException(
                "No architectures found.", macho_bin_path)

        self.arch_slice = self._get_arch_slice(m, arch, arch_idx)

    def locate_symbol(self, symbol_name):
        return self.arch_slice.locate_symbol(symbol_name)

    def _get_arch_slice(self, mach_o_obj, arch, arch_idx):
        arch_slice = None
        if arch:
            arch_slice = mach_o_obj.get_architecture_slice(arch)
            if not arch_slice:
                raise MachOParseException(
                    "No architecture slice found for {}".format(arch))
            arch_slice = mach_o_obj.get_architecture_slice_at_index(arch_idx)
            if not arch_slice:
                raise MachOParseException(
                    "No architecture slice found at index: {}".format(arch_idx), mach_o_obj.path)

        return MachOArchitectureSlice(arch_slice)

def main(argv):
    macho_bin_path = argv[1]
    symbol_name = argv[2]

    parsed = MachOSymbolParse(macho_bin_path)
    symbol_loc = parsed.locate_symbol(symbol_name)
    print("{}: 0x{:016x}".format(symbol_name, symbol_loc))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
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