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Created June 15, 2021 14:48
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NewThrottledTransport wraps transportWrap with a rate limitter, improvement of since it allows use of *http.Client
package main
import (
// ThrottledTransport Rate Limited HTTP Client
type ThrottledTransport struct {
roundTripperWrap http.RoundTripper
ratelimiter *rate.Limiter
func (c *ThrottledTransport) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
err := c.ratelimiter.Wait(r.Context()) // This is a blocking call. Honors the rate limit
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.roundTripperWrap.RoundTrip(r)
// NewThrottledTransport wraps transportWrap with a rate limitter
// examle usage:
// client := http.DefaultClient
// client.Transport = NewThrottledTransport(10*time.Seconds, 60, http.DefaultTransport) allows 60 requests every 10 seconds
func NewThrottledTransport(limitPeriod time.Duration, requestCount int, transportWrap http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
return &ThrottledTransport{
roundTripperWrap: transportWrap,
ratelimiter: rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(limitPeriod), requestCount),
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sr3d commented Nov 22, 2022

This is a great solution for rate limiting. Thanks for sharing!

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