I hereby claim:
- I am zefer on github.
- I am zefer (https://keybase.io/zefer) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is F567 C5FD F4C4 6609 D9C6 D3D8 69F5 6243 1352 83C0
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
navigator.geolocation = undefined; | |
window.FormData = undefined; | |
window.getComputedStyle = undefined; | |
window.matchMedia = undefined; | |
window.FileReader = undefined; | |
window.Worker = undefined; | |
window.WebSocket = undefined; | |
window.requestAnimationFrame = undefined; | |
window.performance = undefined; | |
window.EventSource = undefined; |
i insert before character under cursor
a insert after cursor
I insert at beginning of current line
A insert at end of the line
o starts insert mode in a new line below current one
O insert in a new line above current one
ciw ("change inner word") change word under cursor
<!-- The container is a centered 960px --> | |
<div class="container"> | |
<!-- Give column value in word form (one, two..., twelve) --> | |
<div class="sixteen columns"> | |
<h1>Full Width Column</h1> | |
</div> | |
<!-- Sweet nested columns cleared with a clearfix class --> | |
<div class="six columns clearfix"> |
require 'spec_helper' | |
describe OrdersController do | |
describe "GET express (/order/new/express)" do | |
context "with an empty basket" do | |
let(:current_basket) do | |
basket = mock(Basket, sub_total: 0.to_money) | |
controller.stub(:current_basket).and_return(basket) |
# hopefully a temporary patch so HireFire will run on the Heroku Cedar stack | |
# NB: the worker type is hard-coded as "worker" below, this must correlate to the type in Procfile | |
# NB: ENV['APP_NAME'] must be defined (e.g. 'heroku config:add APP_NAME=myherokuappname') | |
# using ps & ps_scale instead of info & set_workers | |
class HireFire::Environment::Heroku | |
private | |
def workers(amount = nil) |
c = 'ffffff' | |
canvas_image = Magick::Image.new(w, h) { | |
self.background_color = c | |
} |
require 'rubygems' | |
require 'right_aws' | |
aws_access_key_id = 'your-access-key' | |
aws_secret_access_key = 'your-secret-key' | |
target_bucket = 'your-source-bucket' | |
destination_bucket = 'your-destination-bucket' | |
s3 = RightAws::S3Interface.new(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key) |
# DO NOT RESPOND TO REQUESTS OTHER THAN upload.xxx.ly AND upload.xxx.com | |
server { | |
listen 80 default; | |
server_name _; | |
return 444; | |
} | |
server { | |
listen 80; |
class Product | |
include Mongoid::Document | |
include Mongoid::Timestamps | |
field :description, :type => String | |
field :price_pence, :type => Integer, :default => 0 | |
field :currency_iso, :type => String, :default => Money.default_currency.iso_code | |
validates_presence_of :description |