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i insert before character under cursor
a insert after cursor
I insert at beginning of current line
A insert at end of the line
o starts insert mode in a new line below current one
O insert in a new line above current one
Enter insert mode & replace
ciw ("change inner word") change word under cursor
ci" change double-quoted string (but keep the quotes)
ci( change text between matching parentheses, also works with brackets
cc change whole line
c/}<ent> change from cursor to next occurrence of }
c3/end<ent> change from cursor to third occurrence of end
cw change word
c3w change 3 words
Find & replace
replace on line :s/<find>/<replace>
replace globally :%s/<find>/<replace>//gc
Find in files
:vim /something/gj **/*.rb search for 'something' in all subdirs. j=don't jump to first result
:cw open the results in a 'quick fix list'
:lvim /something/gj **/*.rb (as above but local to current window)
:lw (as above but local to current window)
h l Cursor movement
→ ←
/ ? search for a pattern of text, jump to it by hitting Enter (<CR>)
* # search for the word under cursor
n N jump to the next match for the previous search
$ ^ position cursor at end of current line
f F position cursor on the character in the same line that matches the next keystroke
t T position cursor before the next character that matches the keystroke
; , repeat the last f, F, t, or T
w b move to start of next word
W B move to start of next "WORD" (sequence of non-blank characters)
} { move down one paragraph (block of text separated by blank lines)
gg jump to first line of document
G jump to end of document
22G go to line 22
:22 go to line 22
Manipulating text
cut the current line dd
copy the current line yy
paste below current line p
paste above current line P
remove the character under cursor x
remove the character before cursor X
delete the word under cursor de
delete to the end of the line d$
remove five lines starting here 5dd
copy five lines starting here 5yy
indent this line >>
indent five lines starting here 5>>
replace mode (overtype) r
replace with x rx
Copy & paste registers
copy & paste using default register yy p
copy & paste using register 'a' "ayy "ap
copy & paste using system clipboard "+yy "+p
copy & paste using system clipboard "*yy "*p
Auto complete/suggest C-p
Visual mode selection
Visual mode v
Visual Line mode V
Visual Block mode <CTRL>v
Split panes
:split new horizontal pane
:vsplit new vertical pane
<C-w> move next
<C-k> move up
<C-j> move down
<C-h> move left
<C-l> move right
<C-w> x swap panes
<C-w> | max width
<C-w> _ max height
<C-w> = equalise sizes
<C-CR> open the selected file in a new split window
<C-s> open the selected file in a new split window
<C-v> open the selected file in a new vertical split window
<C-t> open the selected file in a new tab