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kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep Evicted | awk '{print $2 " --namespace=" $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod |
kubectl get po --all-namespaces | awk '{if ($4 != "Running") system ("kubectl -n " $1 " delete pods " $2 " --grace-period=0 " " --force ")}'
If you delete a pod it just restarts right? don't we want --grace-period=0
and/or --force
Yep, but that's only if it's owned by something that would reschedule it elsewhere. Such is the case with a deployment or a replicaset. For example if a pod spawned by a job fails...depending on the policy you could end up with a lot of extra garbage if the job was tried over and over again. Hence this script
To everyone here, this was useful to us earlier before we got better at kubectl
(plus it gave us a file based backup if we needed to know pod ID's later for post-mortems,) but there are many ways to use kubectl
to do this without a script...a lot of the people on this commenting thread have make great suggestions...please use theirs instead!
What is the equivalent of kubectl get pods | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod
in Poweshell?
That command is needlessly complicated. You just use:
kubectl delete pods --field-selector=status.phase=Evicted
But for really complicated stuff involving kubectl and powershell, you have to use something like ([string](kubectl get pods -o json)|convertfrom-json).items
to get started.
An extended @tombh answer for working with all namespaces:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep Evicted | awk '{print $2 " --namespace=" $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod
Awesome, thanks.
Hi all, I've updated this to reflect a much easier way to do this. I wrote this a long time ago before I knew bash, kubectl
and Kubernetes all that well. Thanks for the awesome suggestions above you people rock! 🎉
The solution provided by @willemm is the best, as it doesn't require other tools and works on every platform, so also under Windows.
That command is needlessly complicated. You just use:
kubectl delete pods --field-selector=status.phase=Evicted
However, for me it didn't work out of the box, the =
after --field-selector
has to be removed to make it work and Evicted
has to be replaced with Failed
("Evicted" is the reason, "Failed" is the phase). Also you have to provide a namespace.
So I ended up with:
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed --all-namespaces
Bear in mind, however, that this not only deletes evicted pods, but also pods that have failed due to different reasons ("ContainerCannotRun", "Error", "ContainerCreating", etc.).
@TobiasWenzel thanks for drawing this to my attention :)
The solution provided by @willemm is the best, as it doesn't require other tools and works on every platform, so also under Windows.
That command is needlessly complicated. You just use:
kubectl delete pods --field-selector=status.phase=Evicted
However, for me it didn't work out of the box, the
has to be removed to make it work andEvicted
has to be replaced withFailed
("Evicted" is the reason, "Failed" is the phase). Also you have to provide a namespace.
So I ended up with:
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed --all-namespaces
Bear in mind, however, that this not only deletes evicted pods, but also pods that have failed due to different reasons ("ContainerCannotRun", "Error", "ContainerCreating", etc.).
make this golf even better,use -A instead of --all-namespaces.
hence kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed -A
Very helpful!
thanks for you all guys! very usefull
kubectl delete pods -A --field-selector=status.phase=Failed
Or, if you want to delete all pods that are not explicitly running (completed, for example):
kubectl delete -A --field-selector 'status.phase!=Running' pods
kubectl delete -A --field-selector 'status.phase!=Running' pods
Note this will also delete pods in PodInitializing
, ContainerCreating
and Pending
status - which might not be desired.
This command was just perfect to delete my evicted pods: kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed -A
Thank you guys for this thread! It was really helpful.
First, execute kubectl get po -A |grep Evicted |awk '{print "kubectl delete po " $2 " -n " $1 }'
to check the command.
After you confirm the command is what you want then execute kubectl get po -A |grep Evicted |awk '{print "kubectl delete po " $2 " -n " $1 }' |bash
to run the command.
for me, all the above was not working with the newer (v1.23+) version of Kubernetes as with kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
it shows some other statuses as well, like "OutOfcpu", "OOMKilled", "ContainerStatusUnknown", etc. So I added all those statuses to @yuzp1996 command:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -E OutOfcpu\|Evicted\|Completed\|OOMKilled\|Error\|ContainerStatusUnknown | awk '{print "kubectl delete po " $2 " -n " $1 }' | bash
Thank you @rubenpetrosyan1. This worked well for me. All the other versions using --field-selector
is not working for some reason.
My case I have to delete few specifically those have different name of pod, I will used below command to delete those.
If you know the name list to delete try like below worked for me.
kubectl delete pods podname1 anotherpod2 etcpod
@rubenpetrosyan1 good, it's works
This simple loop could help:
for ns in $(kubectl get po -A --no-headers | grep -i crash | awk {'print $1'}); do
delpods=$(kubectl get pods -n $ns |
grep -i 'CrashLoopBackOff' |
awk '{print $1 }')
for i in ${delpods[@]}; do
kubectl delete pod $i --force=true --wait=false \
--grace-period=0 -n $ns
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed --all-namespaces
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Error --all-namespaces
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Succeeded --all-namespaces
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase!=Running --all-namespaces
kubectl get po -A -o wide| grep -vE "Compl|Runn"|awk {'print $1,$2'}|grep -v NAMESPACE| sed "s,^,kubectl delete pod --force -n ,g" |bash
kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Failed --all-namespaces kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Error --all-namespaces kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase=Succeeded --all-namespaces #ALL kubectl delete pods --field-selector status.phase!=Running --all-namespaces
thank you so much - this is the cleanest by far
The simplest solution possible would be like
kubectl delete pods -n $NAMESPACE --field-selector=status.phase!=Running
Better way for this is including namespace too
kubectl get pods -n name-spacename | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod -n name-spacename