mkdir -p ~/SD
cd ~/SD
docker build -t sd-mrocm-5-6 .
docker-compose up -d
docker logs -f sd-mrocm-5-6
docker start sd-mrocm-5-6
It's now running as a service, browse to:
The web UI will pull things in the background and may act... Odd the first few times you run things. WAIT for a while after a click, watch your GUI and network load to see what's up. Sometimes just hitting F5 to reload the page will fix things.
Amazing, I actually got this working. Since I have nearly no idea what im doing!
Is there any straightforward way to edit the files in the container without rebuilding it? Say for instance if i wanted to modify the starting parameters?
Is there a reason this uses a slightly older build? I was hoping to try the different optimizations via the webui settings as opposed to startup parameters, but noted this version doesn't have the option. How would one go about changing which version of the webui is pulled? Is it as simple as changing what i assume is the build hash has after the hard reset command in the dockerfile?
Regardless, thanks for your help and evshiron!