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Last active June 1, 2022 22:51
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Capstone Concepts & Proposals

Capstone Concept - Alderta Matéo

Problem Statement #1

This web application functions as an exchange for parents to trade toys, children's clothes etc

MVP Feature Set

  1. As a new parent, I should be able to join the exchange via an invite email
    • An existing user can invite a new parent by entering their email.
    • The invited parent can click on a link and log in with their Google account to accept the invitation
  2. As a new user I can list new items available
    • Offering users can post a name, description location and picture of items to put up for exchange
    • Offering users can update posted items
    • Offering users can mark items as claimed
  3. As a user I can request posted items
    • Requesting users can request to claim a posted item
    • Requesting users can send a message to a user offering items
  4. As a new user, I can search for items offered by name, and location
    • Users can see a map with search items labeled

Potential Additional Features

  1. Items could be posted for sale
  2. The site could be responsive for users on mobile devices
  3. The site could also allow Facebook authentication

Draft Technology Choices

  • Database: MariaDB
  • Back-end: Java Spring API
  • Front-end: React.js

Additional content, diagrams, wireframes, user flows, etc.


Capstone Concept - Suzanne Avitus

Problem Statement

In this application users will be presented with an interactive map of Seattle parks. The app tracks which parks which have been visited and presents useful information about each park.

MVP Feature Set

  1. As a user, I will be able to see a map with each park labeled with a pin
  2. As a user, any park I have visited will have it's pin colored differently
  3. As a user, I can log in via my Google account
  4. As a user, as I get close to a park, it will be automatically marked as visited
  5. As a user, I can get a notification as I approach an unvisited park
  6. As a user, I can tap on a park on the map and get detailed information about the park.

Potential Additional Features

  1. Achievement games for visiting specific parks, and specific numbers of parks
  2. The ability to post comments, pictures etc of each park tagged with location
  3. The ability to like and upvote comments and pictures for visited parks

Draft Technology Choices

  • Database & Back-End: Google Firebase
  • Authentication: Google Oauth
  • Front-end: Swift/IOS
  • Seattle Parks API

Additional content, diagrams, wireframes, user flows, etc.


Capstone Concept - Suzanne Avitus

Problem Statement

In this application users will be presented with an interactive map of Seattle parks. The app tracks which parks which have been visited and presents useful information about each park.

MVP Feature Set

  1. As a user, I will be able to see a map with each park labeled with a pin
  2. As a user, any park I have visited will have it's pin colored differently
  3. As a user, I can log in via my Google account
  4. As a user, as I get close to a park, it will be automatically marked as visited
  5. As a user, I can get a notification as I approach an unvisited park
  6. As a user, I can tap on a park on the map and get detailed information about the park.

Potential Additional Features

  1. Achievement games for visiting specific parks, and specific numbers of parks
  2. The ability to post comments, pictures etc of each park tagged with location
  3. The ability to like and upvote comments and pictures for visited parks

Draft Technology Choices

  • Database & Back-End: Google Firebase
  • Authentication: Google Oauth
  • Front-end: Swift/IOS
  • Seattle Parks API

Additional content, diagrams, wireframes, user flows, etc.


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audreyandoy commented May 19, 2021

Chris this looks great! Would it be a good idea to have them identify their deployment technology... or only if they describe deployment as a learning goal?

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@audreyandoy I think it's very useful for them to identify how they intend to deploy. Historically it's been a key learning goals for everyone, where applicable.

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@CheezItMan Should we allow multiple concept submissions again? I believe in C14 we allowed up to 3?

Also, what do you think about students submitting their concepts in markdown as a PR (similar to submission for projects)?

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