This web application functions as an exchange for parents to trade toys, children's clothes etc
- As a new parent, I should be able to join the exchange via an invite email
- An existing user can invite a new parent by entering their email.
- The invited parent can click on a link and log in with their Google account to accept the invitation
- As a new user I can list new items available
- Offering users can post a name, description location and picture of items to put up for exchange
- Offering users can update posted items
- Offering users can mark items as claimed
- As a user I can request posted items
- Requesting users can request to claim a posted item
- Requesting users can send a message to a user offering items
- As a new user, I can search for items offered by name, and location
- Users can see a map with search items labeled
- Items could be posted for sale
- The site could be responsive for users on mobile devices
- The site could also allow Facebook authentication
- Database: MariaDB
- Back-end: Java Spring API
- Front-end: React.js
Chris this looks great! Would it be a good idea to have them identify their deployment technology... or only if they describe deployment as a learning goal?