I was hesitant as to whether or not to publish this, but in an act to create awareness in a community where some people, including me, are left uncomfortable and no one notices, I decided to go ahead. Feel free to share your experiences too, to further spread awareness in our community, because awareness is the first step.
I noticed that I started being more and more reserved the more events I went to rather than the other way around. This worried me and I was up until late hours thinking, why is that?
What happens at the events may be part of that, so here I'm sharing to create awareness. Bear in mind that this is only a handful of things that happened to me at conference socials, to give you an idea as to why I'm nowadays inclined to only hangout with the people I know, or skip the conference socials all together.
When you notice that behaviour from me remember that: It's not you, it's me, feel free to say hi but please understand why I may be a bit shy at first.
Disclaimer: I didn’t repor