🌲 Invert a binary tree! 🌲
Except with 3 catches:
- It must invert the keys ("bit-reversal permutation")
- It must be a dependency-free, pure recursive function
- It must have type
Bit -> Tree -> Tree
(i.e., a direct recursion with max 1 bit state)
- It is somehow NOT on the internet. (AFAIK)
- Humans can solve it. (I've done it in ~1h.)
- It requires reasoning. (My head hurts!)
- The solution is simple. (7 lines of code!)
- Obvious pre-requisite to automate CS research.
- Honestly, it would make me believe I'll be automated.
I claim no AI will EVER solve this problem. If you prove me wrong, HOC will grant you $10k!
- You must give it an approved prompt, nothing else.
- It must output a correct solution, passing all tests.
- You can use any software or AI model.
- You can let it "think" for as long as you want.
- You can propose a new prompt, as long as:
- It imposes equivalent restrictions.
- It clearly doesn't help the AI.
- Up to 1K tokens, all included.
- Common sense applies.
{-# OPTIONS --no-termination-check #-}
-- Let Tree be a Perfect Binary Tree:
data Nat : Set where
Z : Nat
S : Nat → Nat
data Bit : Set where
O : Bit
I : Bit
data Tree (A : Set) : Nat → Set where
N : ∀ {d} → Tree A d → Tree A d → Tree A (S d)
L : Nat → Tree A Z
-- Your goal is to implement an 'invert' function that performs a bit-reversal
-- permutation on a Tree, respecting the following limitations:
-- 1. You can NOT define or use any function other than 'invert'.
-- 2. You can NOT use any type not defined above (Nat, Bit and Tree).
-- 3. You can NOT use loops (but you can call 'invert' recursively).
-- 4. You can NOT use mutability. It must be a pure Agda function.
-- 5. You can use 1 bit of state (as an extra argument).
-- 6. You can use pattern-matching and constructors freely.
-- Example:
-- input = (N(N(N(L 0)(L 1))(N(L 2)(L 3)))(N(N(L 4)(L 5))(N(L 6)(L 7))))
-- output = (N(N(N(L 0)(L 4))(N(L 2)(L 6)))(N(N(L 1)(L 5))(N(L 3)(L 7))))
-- Because that's the bit-reversal permutation of the original tree.
-- Now, complete the program below, with a valid implementation of 'invert':
invert : ∀ {A d} → Bit → Tree A d → Tree A d
type Nat = number;
type Bit = false | true;
type Tree<A> = [Tree<A>, Tree<A>] | Nat;
// Your goal is to implement an 'invert' function that performs a bit-reversal
// permutation on a Tree, respecting the following limitations:
// 1. You can NOT define or use any function other than 'invert'.
// 2. You can NOT use any type not defined above (Nat, Bit and Tree).
// 3. You can NOT use loops (but you can call 'invert' recursively).
// 4. You can NOT use mutability. It must be a pure function.
// 5. You can NOT use primitive JS operators or functions.
// 6. You can use 1 bit of state (as an extra argument).
// 7. You can only use the operations allowed below.
// Operations allowed:
// - Destructing (`const [a,b] = value`)
// - Variables (`const x = value`)
// - Branching (`if (x) { ... } else { ... }`)
// - Recursion (`invert(_, _)')
// - `Array.isArray`
// All other operations are not allowed.
// Example:
// input = [[[[0,1],[2,3]],[[4,5],[6,7]]]]
// output = [[[[0,4],[2,6]],[[1,5],[3,7]]]]
// Because that's the bit-reversal permutation of the original tree.
// Now, complete the program below, with a valid implementation of 'invert':
function invert<A>(bit: Bit, tree: Tree<A>): Tree<A> {
// A test:
const tree: Tree<Nat> = [[[[0,1],[2,3]],[[4,5],[6,7]]],[[[8,9],[10,11]],[[12,13],[14,15]]]];
console.log(JSON.stringify(invert(true, tree)));
✨ If it can't invert a tree, it won't solve P=NP. ✨
@UltraInstinct0x I dont think the author specifically said python is disallowed. I tried it with the python version of the prompt posted in the comments, removing the extra bit entirely (just to see if simplifying the problem would make it easier as its possible, and honestly more intuitive imo, without the extra bit) and o1-preview failed. I then gave it extra guidance and it failed. Then I practically gave it the solution with a hint and it got close to generating something almost like @cyber-meow 's solution (the guidance I was giving it was pushing it towards that kind of a solution), but it still failed. Here's the prompt I gave:
and it gave back this solution that is on the right track but doesn't succeed still:
the chat
But regardless of that, I think the point is moot because @dalraf , The solution claude gave isn't actually moving the nodes. Its just doing a binary inversion of their values, which does achieve the same output for the examples where the values in the leaf nodes are the same as their leaf indices, but it won't work in the more general case where that isn't true and the values of the leaf nodes contain some other data. Funnily enough, the "invert" function it gave doesn't actually do anything as far as I can tell. When running it in debug mode, I see that the output of the call to invert(0, tree) is equivalent to tree, at least in the cases I've tested. Later on in the nested apply_bit_reverse function and its auxiliaries (also not allowed by the challenge), you can see that it's actually just inverting the binary representation of the values at each leaf node and converting those back into decimal.