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Makin' the net work

Brannon Dorsey brannondorsey

Makin' the net work
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brannondorsey / gist:5711072
Created June 5, 2013 01:46
Trying to figure out why this isn't noticing the differences between the current frame and the previous. It seems like the assignment on line 36 isn't doing its job properly.
void testApp::setSequences(){
int pixelThreshold = 20; //percent similarity each individual pixel needs to pass
int imgPercentNeededToPass = 80; //percent of pixels that must pass threshold test
int checkEveryIncrement = 10; //number of pixels before next pixel comparison
int maxPixDiffToPass = (pixelThreshold*255)/100; //converts percent to a max pixel change value
vector<long> cutFrames;
ofPixelsRef prevPixelsRef = myVideo.getPixelsRef();
brannondorsey /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Instructions for copying branches from a remote upstream into a cloned repo

#Github Collaboration process

Collaborating on GitHub can be confusing, especially because cloning a fork on your local machine doesn't clone all of its branches. Here are some instructions that make this process easier.

  1. Fork project on GitHub
  2. cd to desired parent directory on local machine
  3. run git clone [email protected]:user/repo.git
  4. cd into cloned directory.
  5. Add remote upstream by running git remote add upstream [email protected]:user/repo.git with [email protected]:user/repo.git being your fork (that was just cloned).
  6. Now, pull branches from your fork one at a time (ew... gross...) by first creating a new branch: git checkout -b branchname
brannondorsey /
Created March 6, 2014 07:05
Chat Bots and NLP in Videogames
brannondorsey /
Created March 11, 2014 20:13
A resource list for preliminary investigations into classified DARPA funding for Artificial Intelligence projects.

Classified Artificial Intelligence Projects

The United States Military and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) potentially represent A.I.s biggest funders. For this reason I have chosen to compile a list of resources and documents that contain pertinent information regarding DARPA funding for AI, as well as suspicious or telling cases, rather than outlining a specific organization or event at this time in my research. For now, I am most interested in investigating the office of Silicon Valley Brain Spect Imaging but that may change as I gather more information.

Known DARPA funding for AI

brannondorsey /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Surveilling Covert Artificial Intelligence and Related Government Projects in the Public Realm

Surveilling Covert Artificial Intelligence and Related Government Projects in the Public Realm

I was perusing the Federal of Information Act (FOIA) 2013 log when I came across an interesting request by one "Matthew LeDoux."

FOIA Requests 2013 Screenshot

The request was for:

Documents sufficient to establish that DARPA has had a secret relationship with the office of Silicon Valley Brain Spect Imaging in order to conduct secret experiments on patients of that clinic without their consent: These experiments are related to DARPA's goal of developing technologies of artificially reducing the need for sleep


Person 1
1: "Do you feel better?"

Person 2
2: "Yeah, a little cleaner"

Person 2
brannondorsey /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Final project for Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms class

Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms Final

For my final project, I have continued work on the Exchatter framework. Exchatter is a Node.js framework for creating personalized chat bots.

How it works

While Exchatter is far from complete, my project exhibits some of the core algorithms that will be used in the release such as:

  • Text normalization
  • Cosine Similarity
  • Levinshtein Distance


var data = {
    foo: "bar",
    val: $('#text-to-send').val()

$('#set-text').on('click', function() {
 var $this = $(this);
brannondorsey / README.txt
Created June 1, 2014 20:12
Diamond Diamond Version 0.5 BETA, 4/8/13
This software has copyright by Brannon Dorsey under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License. licensing information can be found at
Diamond Diamond is a free artware tool that allows users to create poetic images using their own text and pictures. It aims to incorporate a balance of randomness and control over its content, leading users to draw inspiration from and make associations with imagery and language in new ways.
//---------------USING DIAMOND DIAMOND-------------------
brannondorsey / cmake output
Created October 10, 2014 05:12
Build Errors for PCL KinFu + KinFu_largeScale on OSX
-- Try OpenMP C flag = [ ]
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED - Failed
-- Try OpenMP C flag = [-fopenmp]
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED - Failed
-- Try OpenMP C flag = [/openmp]
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED - Failed
-- Try OpenMP C flag = [-Qopenmp]