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Last active May 14, 2020 19:01
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censorship on r/btc

r/btc markets itself as a "censorship-free" sub. In reality it attempts to silence the voices of people it disagrees with.

A few screenshot examples of censorship

this article was deleted when posted, which describes how the mods of r/btc are roger ver's employees at

"Exploit code for the recent BTU attack - apparently this was posted to /r/btc, and of course, got censored. :)"

r/btc moderators will often say that "rate-limiting and downvotes are not censorship". The reader can decide for themselves. Suppose you want to discuss bitcoin with others but your own posts are limited to once every 10 minutes, while the other side can post as often as they want. That doesn't seem like an equal debate to me.

censorship of Bitcoin Core (BTCC)

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I was banned for calling a paid shill a "fuckin paid for shill". With his 3 month old account and uniform narrative and exactly 3 posts a day... seemed obvious.

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Tectract commented Sep 7, 2017

Alex Ohanian is destroying everying Aaron Schwartz stood for.

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nopara73 commented Mar 28, 2018

The lead writer of forgot to change his real account to a sock puppet account. With this, he reacted to a tweet, while talking about himself in third person. This is a direct evidence for sock puppetry by This is especially ironic, considering the recent events when the CEO of, Roger Ver lost his calm in a public interview with Bitcoin Error Log, when he was accused of paying sock puppets.

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I Do not understand this fake info ...

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A moderator of /r/btc made a reply to this post. I think it's a good idea to post it here too:

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fueleh commented Apr 28, 2019

Money stolen from Kraken and donated to Bitcoin Unlimited, censored from r/btc
Mods admitting that negative karma automod filter was intentional and used for censorship
It's correct that a auto-rule was implemented with good intentions to try to stop spam/scams from accounts with very negative karma (typically spammers/scammers have low karma). We set a very high negative threshold of -50 karma to auto-filter posts from these malicious accounts. Unfortunatley the rule wasn't that great as some users who were not spammers/scammers were caught in the filter due to low karma. Mods did manually approve these posts, but at times didn't always which lead to some legit users posts being filtered. The rule has since been removed and is no longer in use.
Roger accidently reveals the rules that allow for user's to censorship other users
This is just repeating the above about the rules, which included the negative karma rule.
r/btc allowed a doxxing witch-hunt of Theymos. Moderators refused to remove it, there were many doxx threads. Eventually was reported to reddit admins and they took action
Not sure how this is censorship? This is actually the direct opposite. Posts were not removed until admins came in and removed them. At which time they private message moderators notifying them to never allow this kind of posts again and to enforce and ban anyone that does this.
r/btc is encouraging their users to spam reddit admins en masse in order to have our current mods removed and/or ban the sub entirely. Link and highlights inside!
This has nothing to do with /r/btc censorship. If you read carefully, you will see it's a fight AGAINST censorship that is occuring in /r/bitcoin!
Strange coincidence that all the regular r/btc posters are not automatically downvoted in r/bitcoin yet all the regular r/bitcoin, pro core posters are
This has absolutely nothing to do with /r/btc. It was discovered by others that it was a bot from a user from another Bitcoin forum (outside of reddit).
Demonstration of rate limiting (caused by inexplicably high downvoting - this doesnt happen to bigblock or rbtc posters in r/bitcoin)
User rate limiting is invoked by reddit spam filter, has nothing to do with /r/btc. Users who are rate limited should contact reddit admins to be removed from the spam filter.
Banned for criticizing rbtc moderator
This unfortunately is true but /r/btc no longer has this moderator and has since not had any instances like this again.
/r/btc mod admits to "censoring" threads.
/u/anduckk was rightfully banned for breaking rule #5, but was later unbanned as a show of good faith that /r/btc doesn't censor.
I am also banned from /r/btc
This unfortunately is true but /r/btc no longer has this moderator and has since not had any instances like this again. In addition, this user has since been unbanned.
Censorship at /r/btc: SouperNerd is banning me for criticizing one of his actions as a mod.
This unfortunately is true but /r/btc no longer has this moderator and has since not had any instances like this again. In addition, this user has since been unbanned.
Talk about North Korea.. Banned from r/btc for exposing Soupernerd as Roger Ver's puppet mod account!
Not even sure what this is, /u/soupernerd is not Roger Ver's account. Anyhow, /r/btc no longer has this moderator.
Journalist banned from r/btc "rbtc jumps another shark: After banning journalist Kyle Torpey its mods banned smartfbrankings for complaining about it."
Kyle Torpey was temporarily banned because he was accusing someone of being a rapist; the temporary ban was just so we could give him a small timeout and also notify him that type of behavior is not welcome
How /r/Btc claims to have no censorship but hides more than 50 comments...
(this example is how downvoting is abused to hide dissenting opinion)
Downvoting != Censorship. This is just a sad attempt to discredit /r/btc and excuse /r/bitcoin for all their censorship.
rbtc, you have a "censorship" problem
Downvoting != Censorship. This is just a sad attempt to discredit /r/btc and excuse /r/bitcoin for all their censorship.
r/btc moderator censoring
/r/btc no longer has this moderator and has since not had any instances like this again.
Time to get serious here. Don't let your Blockstream hate cloud your judgement, we need to be seen as credible. • /r/btc
This is the same exact post as above (duplicate). Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is? Above I said: /u/anduckk was rightfully banned for breaking rule #5, but was later unbanned as a show of good faith that /r/btc doesn't censor.
Money stolen from Kraken and donated to Bitcoin Unlimited, censored from r/btc
This is the same exact post as above (duplicate). Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is? Above I said: FALSE:,
Mods admitting that negative karma automod filter was intentional and used for censorship
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
Roger accidently reveals the rules that allow for user's to censorship other users
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
r/btc allowed a doxxing witch-hunt of Theymos. Moderators refused to remove it, there were many doxx threads. Eventually was reported to reddit admins and they took action
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
r/btc is encouraging their users to spam reddit admins en masse in order to have our current mods removed and/or ban the sub entirely. Link and highlights inside!
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
Strange coincidence that all the regular r/btc posters are not automatically downvoted in r/bitcoin yet all the regular r/bitcoin, pro core posters are
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
Demonstration of rate limiting (caused by inexplicably high downvoting - this doesnt happen to bigblock or rbtc posters in r/bitcoin)
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
Banned for criticizing rbtc moderator
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
/r/btc mod admits to "censoring" threads.
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
I am also banned from /r/btc
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
Censorship at /r/btc: SouperNerd is banning me for criticizing one of his actions as a mod.
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
Talk about North Korea.. Banned from r/btc for exposing Soupernerd as Roger Ver's puppet mod account!
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
Journalist banned from r/btc "rbtc jumps another shark: After banning journalist Kyle Torpey its mods banned smartfbrankings for complaining about it."
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
How /r/Btc claims to have no censorship but hides more than 50 comments...
(this example is how downvoting is abused to hide dissenting opinion)
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
rbtc, you have a "censorship" problem
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
r/btc moderator censoring
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.
Time to get serious here. Don't let your Blockstream hate cloud your judgement, we need to be seen as credible. • /r/btc
These are all just duplicates of the above... Are the duplicates here to try to make this list look longer than it really is?.

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Tectract commented Jan 3, 2020

Time to get serious here. Any forum that bans people for "excessive profanity" is a joke.

Wow, they just ban anyone who says something they don't like.

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Someone just got INSTABANNED for mentioning that their secure communications company was invaded by state intelligence agencies who wouldn't let them produce secure encryption hardware. It was me ;) Again, lol.

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