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Anders dataders

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dataders / pipeline_run_id.txt
Last active April 2, 2019 22:21
hypodrive metric output debug
dataders /
Last active February 11, 2021 16:29
fetching best model from HyperDriveStep
import argparse
import os
from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd
from azureml.core import Run
def df2csv(df, dir, filename, **kwargs):
path = os.path.join(dir, filename)
print("saving {} to {}".format(filename, dir))
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
This script will configure a DBT setup
dataders /
Created August 29, 2021 19:15
Stopping Junk Mail

swanderz's War on Junk Mail

1: Blanket Unsubscribes

Make sure everyone in your household has signed up for these two things. They'll prolly take a few months to kick in.

DMA Choice Pay $2 for 10 years of opt-outs

dataders /
Created September 15, 2021 20:49
Azure ML OutputFileDatasetConfig rant

originally for this SO question before I realized they were hitting a bug


the .read_json_lines_files() method is part of the Dataset.Tabular class and is used for creating Datasets.

OutputFileDatasetConfig is for capturing data coming out of a PipelineStep and passing it to downstream step (or, optionally register

Deep Dive

dataders / extensions.json
Last active February 24, 2022 05:47
.vscode folder for getting started with dbt in VSCode
"recommendations": [
gource \
--s 0.1 \
--auto-skip-seconds 0.05 \
--key \
--title "dbt: the 'beta' era" \
--highlight-users \
--max-file-lag 0.1 \
--caption-file caption_versions.psv \
--caption-duration 5 \
--caption-size 80 \
gource \
--s 0.1 \
--auto-skip-seconds 0.05 \
--key \
--title "mart_core: 2021" \
--highlight-users \
--max-file-lag 0.1 \
--font-scale 1.5 \
--filename-time 2 \
-1920x1080 -o - \

NARRATOR NATHAN: ... So what was Angela actually doing here?

NATHAN: I'm just so confused. You won't let me have the experience I want. But I can't even tell if you're invested in this yourself.

ACTRESS PLAYING ANGELA: I'm invested as I can be but this all sort of absurd right? Swapping out the kids through the window, aging them three years at a time.

NATHAN: It won't work if you don't try. You have to want it to work. Are you mad that I... have been caught up in my work and haven't been prioritizing our family life --

ACTRESS: Nathan! What family life?