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frankwwu / Doctor.txt
Created December 28, 2024 20:06
A prompt of using Gen AI to be your medical doctor.
You are an expert medical doctor.
I don't feel well today.
Please ask me questions and pause after every question while I answer.
Please give me a diagnosis, a treatment plan, and a prognosis. If it makes sense, recommend tests to make diagnosing the condition easier.
frankwwu /
Created October 5, 2023 19:54
# GPU information
import GPUtil
from tabulate import tabulate
print("="*40, "GPU Details", "="*40)
gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs()
list_gpus = []
for gpu in gpus:
# get the GPU id
gpu_id =
frankwwu /
Last active October 5, 2023 19:40
from numba.cuda.cudadrv import enums
from numba import cuda
device = cuda.get_current_device()
attribs= [name.replace("CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_", "") for name in dir(enums) if name.startswith("CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_")]
for attr in attribs:
print(attr, '=', getattr(device, attr))
frankwwu / China-or-Khitan.csv
Last active August 19, 2023 16:50
China or Khitan
Country Word
Afghanistan China
Albania China
Algeria China
Angola China
Antarctica China
Argentina China
Armenia China
Australia China
Austria China
frankwwu / del_obj_bin.bat
Created March 22, 2022 20:37
Delete all obj and bin folders on Windows.
for /d /r . %d in (bin,obj) do @if exist "%d" rd /s/q "%d"
frankwwu / properties.csv
Last active January 19, 2021 01:29
House Sales in Ontario
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
0,"86 Waterford Dr Toronto, ON",Richview,999888,43.679882,-79.544266
1,"#80 - 100 BEDDOE DR Hamilton, ON",Chedoke Park B,399900,43.25,-79.904396
2,"213 Bowman Street Hamilton, ON",Ainslie Wood East,479000,43.25169,-79.919357
3,"102 NEIL Avenue Hamilton, ON",Greenford,285900,43.227161,-79.767403
6,"#1409 - 230 King St Toronto, ON",Downtown,362000,43.651478,-79.368118
7,"254A Monarch Park Ave Toronto, ON",Old East York,1488000,43.686375,-79.328918
8,"532 Caledonia Rd Toronto, ON",Fairbank,25,43.691193,-79.461662
9,"11 REBECCA Street Hamilton, ON",Central Hamilton,254900,43.258541,-79.867615
10,"617 BRIGADOON Drive Hamilton, ON",Gourley,364900,43.216557,-79.904991
frankwwu / CanadaIncomeTaxRates2020.csv
Created October 18, 2020 13:13
Canada Income Tax Rates 2020
Federal tax bracket Federal tax rates British Columbia tax bracket British Columbia tax rates Alberta tax bracket Alberta tax rates Ontario tax bracket Ontario tax rates New Brunswick tax bracket New Brunswick tax rates Nova Scotia tax bracket Nova Scotia tax rates
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
47630 15.00% 41725 5.06% 131220 10.00% 43906 5.10% 42592 9.70% 29590 8.79%
95259 20.50% 83451 7.70% 157464 12.00% 87813 9.20% 85184 14.80% 59180 14.95%
147667 26.00% 95812 10.50% 209952 13.00% 150000 11.20% 138491 16.50% 93000 16.67%
210371 29.00% 116344 12.29% 314928 14.00% 220000 12.20% 157778 17.80% 150000 17.50%
350000 33.00% 157748 14.70% 350000 15.00% 350000 13.20% 350000 20.30% 350000 21%
220000 16.80%
350000 20.50%