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hoppfrosch hoppfrosch

  • Hesse, Germany
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Pulover / Class_Properties.ahk
Last active December 20, 2015 04:39
Custom Properties Sheet control for AutoHotkey.
; Class Properties
; Author: Pulover [Rodolfo U. Batista]
; [email protected]
; AHK version:
; Release date: 24 July 2013
; Depends on: Class_Rebar <>
GoToTilla v0.22 by hoppfrosch - Added parsing of properties (AHK > 1.1.16.*)
GoToTilla v0.21 by budRich
A combination of: GoTo by Avi Aryan
and TillaGoto by TheGood
Pulover / Rebar_Browser.ahk
Last active December 19, 2015 19:49
Test Browser prototype for testing Class_Rebar.ahk.
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1
Process, Priority,, High
#Include <Class_Toolbar> ;
#Include <Class_Rebar>
Gui, +Resize
Gui, Add, Custom, ClassToolbarWindow32 hwndhToolbar x0 y0 h23 w500 0x0800 0x0100 0x0040 0x0008 0x0004
Gui, Add, Custom, ClassReBarWindow32 hwndhRebar gRB_Notifications 0x0200 0x0400 0x0040 0x8000
AHK-just-me / CTLCOLORS_sample.ahk
Created June 28, 2013 05:00
Class CTLCOLORS - coloured background and/or text for controls which don't support colouring natively.
#Include Class_CTLCOLORS.ahk
OnExit, GuiClose
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Red := "FF0000"
Green := "00C000"
Blue := "0000FF"
Pink := "FF20FF"
AHK-just-me / Class_DllStruct.ahk
Created June 6, 2013 20:04
Class_DllStruct - easily handle Win-API structures used with DllCall()
; ======================================================================================================================
; AHK_L 1.1 +
; ======================================================================================================================
; Function: Class definitions for windows structures used with DllCall
; AHK version: (U 32) / (U64)
; Language: English
; Tested on: Win XPSP3, Win VistaSP2 (x86) / Win 7 (x64)
; Version: me
; Remarks: To create a structure create a new instance of the class using
; MyStruct := New DllStruct(StructStr)
AHK-just-me / Image2Include.ahk
Last active September 16, 2024 19:30
Create include files from images which can be used without external files.
; ======================================================================================================================
; Function: Creates AHK #Include files for images providing a function which will internally create a bitmap/icon.
; AHK version: (U32)
; Script version: me - added support for icons (HICON)
; me - fixed bug producing invalid function names
; me
; Credits: Bitmap creation is based on "How to convert Image data (JPEG/PNG/GIF) to hBITMAP?" by SKAN ->
; ======================================================================================================================
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
/* _______________________________________________________________________________________
_____ ______ __ _
|_ _| | ____| /_ || | _ _ _ SKAN (Suresh Kumar A N)
| | ___ ___ _ __ | |__ __ __ | || |_| | | | | | [email protected]
| | / __/ _ \| '_ \| __| \ \/ / | ||___| | | ' | |
_| || (_| (_) | | | | |____ > < | | | | | |__| | Created on : 13-May-2008
|_____\___\___/|_| |_|______/_/\_\ |_|(_) |_| \.___/ Last Modified : 10-Aug-2012
[ I C O N E X P L O R E R A N D E X T R A C T O R ] Version : 1.4u
AHK-just-me / Class_CCButton.ahk
Last active August 12, 2021 15:11
Class CCButton - Colored Captions on Buttons
; ======================================================================================================================
; Namespace: CCButton
; Function: Helper class for colored captions on themed pushbuttons.
; AHK version: (U32)
; Language: English
; Version: me
; ======================================================================================================================
; How to use: To register a GUI pushbutton call
; CCButton.Attach()
; passing two parameters:
AHK-just-me / TransButtonsv1.ahk
Last active December 16, 2015 18:09
Transparent Buttons - Proof of Concept
SetBatchLines, -1
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Color, C00000
Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y10 w300 vNormalButton gClick, Normal Button
Gui, Add, Button, vBT1 xp y+10 w300 hwndHBTN vTransButton gClick, Transparent Button
Gui, Add, Button, vBT2 xp y+10 w300 Default hwndHBTN vDefaultButton gClick, Default Button
AHK-just-me / GuiControlAddBox.ahk
Last active December 15, 2015 21:19
GuiControlAddBox (DE)
SetBatchLines, -1
Gui, New
Gui, Margin, 20, 20
; Textfeld mit den Dimensionen der "GroupBox" erstellen
Gui, Add, Text, w400 h200 vGB hwndHGB BackGroundTrans Section
; Position holen, um den Titel später zentrieren zu können
GuiControlGet, GB, Pos
; "GroupBox" Rahmen im Textfeld erstellen