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Jochem Stoel jochemstoel

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jscholes /
Created May 17, 2024 23:30
Udio media URL extraction script
import argparse
import json
import re
import sys
import urllib.error
import urllib.request
from urllib.parse import urlparse
nickferrando / imagemagick-ubuntu.txt
Last active April 25, 2024 04:05
Install ImageMagick with JPG, PNG and TIFF Delegates - Ubuntu (20.04)
#These are the steps required in order to Install ImageMagick with JPG, PNG and TIFF delegates.
sudo apt-get update
#Install Build-Essential in order to configure and make the final Install
sudo apt-get install build-essential
#libjpg62-dev required in order to work with basic JPG files
SethVandebrooke / accomplishments.txt
Created April 9, 2019 18:24
Seth Vandebrooke's career path
age 6: decides to become an inventor
age 7: makes a 10-year plan to start a real estate company
age 8: realizes it won't happen in 10 years
age 9: designs an unrealistic solution for self-sustainable energy
age 10: gets a financial freedom certification and starts investing in the stocks
age 11: writes a report on how video games are made
age 12: builds over 40 video games
age 13: gets an internship as a game developer
age 14: learns how to make websites
var cloudinary = require('cloudinary').v2;
cloud_name: "<CLOUD NAME>",
api_key: "<API KEY>",
api_secret: "<API SECRET>"
var result = [];
var options = { type: "upload", max_results: 500, prefix: "<Name of the Folder>/" }; //Add you folder name + `/`
iSWORD / shuffle.js
Last active February 15, 2023 20:11
Shuffle & Unshuffle an Array in JavaScript & Swift
// Functions
let shuffle = (inArr, seed, unshuffle = false) => {
let outArr = Array.from(inArr),
len = inArr.length
let swap = (a, b) => [outArr[a], outArr[b]] = [outArr[b], outArr[a]]
for (
kripken / hello_world.c
Last active September 29, 2024 17:39
Standalone WebAssembly Example
int doubler(int x) {
return 2 * x;
bennylope /
Created April 22, 2016 23:17 — forked from webkader/
FFmpeg add a watermark to video

How to Add a Watermark to Video

FFMPEG filters provide a powerful way to programmatically enhance or alter videos, and it’s fairly simple to add a watermark to a video using the overlay filter. The easiest way to install ffmpeg is to download a pre-built binary for your specific platform. Then you don’t have to worry about including and installing all the right dependencies and codecs you will be using.

Once you have ffmpeg installed, adding a watermark is as easy as passing your existing source through an overlay filter like so:

ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -i watermark.png -filter_complex "overlay=10:10" test1.mp4

Basically, we’re passing in the original video, and an overlay image as inputs, then passing it through the filter, and saving the output as test1.mp4.

jcarroyo / client.js
Created April 6, 2016 02:09
Node.js send file with pure socket (low level transfer)
var net = require('net');
var socket = new net.Socket();
socket.connect(5000, "");
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var packets = 0;
var buffer = new Buffer(0);
socket.on('data', function(chunk){
vankasteelj / sec2time.js
Last active February 2, 2024 11:08
Javascript - Seconds to Time (hh:mm:ss,ms) -> sec2time(593.685038) becomes 00:09:53,685
function sec2time(timeInSeconds) {
var pad = function(num, size) { return ('000' + num).slice(size * -1); },
time = parseFloat(timeInSeconds).toFixed(3),
hours = Math.floor(time / 60 / 60),
minutes = Math.floor(time / 60) % 60,
seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60),
milliseconds = time.slice(-3);
return pad(hours, 2) + ':' + pad(minutes, 2) + ':' + pad(seconds, 2) + ',' + pad(milliseconds, 3);
var dictionary = [