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Jose Antonio Morales Ponce josemoralesp

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function connect() {
var $user = 'admin';
var $password = 'admin';
var $dbname = 'db_name';
var $server_url = 'http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/';
if(isset($_COOKIE["user_id"]) == true) {
if($_COOKIE["user_id"]>0) {
return $_COOKIE["user_id"];
def validate_pickings(self, pickings):
"""Method used to validate pickings no matter the number of steps used in the picking process
pick = pickings.filtered(lambda a: a.state in ('confirmed', 'assigned'))
# Confirming Pick
value = self.trans.\
with_context({'active_model': 'stock.picking',
from collections import defaultdict
magia = defaultdict(self.env[''])
for i in self.tax_line_ids:
magia[] += i
records = env['pos.order'].browse(context.get('active_ids'))
for object in records:
if not object.amount_total < 0:
# When is created a new register, verify that partner have VAT, and
# create and validate automatically the invoice
# Are related the customer journals with the id of payment method
# Dict = {journal_id: payment_method_id}
mapping = {
37: 3,
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 2.
"__export__.ir_act_server_774","","Execute Python Code","Set Name in Tasks","hr_timesheet.model_project_task","# Available variables:
# - time, datetime, dateutil, timezone: Python libraries
# - env: Odoo Environement
# - model: Odoo Model of the record on which the action is triggered; is a void recordset
# - record: record set of the current record on which the action is triggered; may be be void
# - records: record set of all records on which the action is triggered; may be void
# - log : log(message), function to log debug information in logging table
# - Warning: Warning Exception to use with raise
# To return an action, assign: action = {...}
def test_002_get_coa_xml_misconfigured(self):
"""Verify that XML to CoA report is not generated with misconfigured
'code': '989.09',
'name': 'Account Test CoA',
options = self.report_coa.get_options()
data = self.report_coa.get_lines(options)
import itertools
import timeit
def using_list_obj():
tok = 'Casa'
toks = ['Cosa', 'Nada', 'Por', 'Camion', 'Ejto']
val = list(i for i in toks if i[0] == tok[0])
return [i for i in val] # Sorry only for test
from collections import defaultdict
@api.depends('document_ids', 'document_ids.residual',
'document_ids.payment', '')
def _get_amount(self):
field_sum = ['payment', 'total', 'aawp_id']
field_spans = ['span01', 'span02', 'span03', 'span04', 'span05']
for record in self:
res = defaultdict(float)
direction = record.aaw_id.direction == 'past'
spans = [record.aaw_id.period_length * x * (direction and 1 or -1)
CREATE TABLE mail_message_y2014 (CHECK(date >= DATE '2014-01-01' AND date < DATE '2015-01-01')) INHERITS (mail_message);
CREATE TABLE mail_message_y2015 (CHECK(date >= DATE '2015-01-01' AND date < DATE '2016-01-01')) INHERITS (mail_message);
CREATE TABLE mail_message_y2016 (CHECK(date >= DATE '2016-01-01' AND date < DATE '2017-01-01')) INHERITS (mail_message);
CREATE INDEX mail_message_y2014_id ON mail_message_y2014 (id);
CREATE INDEX mail_message_y2015_id ON mail_message_y2015 (id);
CREATE INDEX mail_message_y2016_id ON mail_message_y2016 (id);
# Available locals:
# - time, datetime, dateutil: Python libraries
# - env: Odoo Environement
# - model: Model of the record on which the action is triggered
# - object: Record on which the action is triggered if there is one, otherwise None
# - workflow: Workflow engine
# - Warning: Warning Exception to use with raise
# To return an action, assign: action = {...}
ids = []
for i in env['ir.model'].search([]):