A4988 Drivers
Vref set to ~90% of stepper rated current
Rs = 0.1ohm
X = 0,58v (0,725A)
Y = 0,58v (0,725A)
Z = 0,58v (0,725A)
E = 0,72v (0,900A)
Naming: [JK][S]HS[L]-[100][4]
JK: Manufacturer (jkongmotor) S: Size (42mm) HS: Hybrid Stepper L: Length (34/40mm) 100: Rated current 1.00 4: Number of wires
X, Y, Z: 42x34 1.8deg 0.84A 4xwires jk42hs34-0844 yal8-23
E: 42x40 1.8deg 1.0A 4xwires jk42hs40-1004a-02f
I managed to get hold of someone at Hunan Keli Motor Co who very helpfully shared this schematic with me for the BJ42D09-20V02 as used on the Creality Sprite extruder (found on the Ender 5 S1). Sharing here as it may be useful for others.
@Avedena according to these specs your table for the rate current for the
needs updating, resistance should be 1.75, current should be 0.84