###29 Behaviors that will make you an unstoppable programmer ..Get with someone who knows-This is key and it keeps you from wasting a whole lot of time trying to figure something out on your own. Analyze clues found in error messages-Developing this skill is paramount to writing and learning to code effectively. Google very Agressively-That's what I do and I must say I've gotten very good at finding solutions to my problems quickly. I have also gotten very good at phrasing my issues to garner different results with amazing answers.
###Getting Organized ..Checklist keep you accountable and ensure that no stone is left unturned. They are a backup in case you have forgotten something important. I agree with checklists and I use them in my life all the time. I think using them with school is important, given the volume of work/reading we are required to do. In order to stay on top of it all, a checklist is crucial. I have used Trello and it works well but I eventually went back to using my google c