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Mike Hostetler mikehostetler

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mikehostetler / .cursorrules
Last active February 6, 2025 15:23
Elixir / Phoenix Cursor Rules file
# Project Instructions (Phoenix Project)
This document serves as a comprehensive, award-winning set of guidelines for a Phoenix-based Elixir web application. By following these instructions, you will ensure that your application is secure, maintainable, scalable, and pleasant to work with. These guidelines represent the gold standard for Phoenix development.
## Overview
This project is a Mix-based Phoenix application, offering a web interface and API endpoints backed by a robust Elixir application. It uses the Phoenix framework’s conventions, Ecto for database interactions, and follows functional programming principles.
defmodule JidoWorkbench.AgentJido do
use Jido.Agent,
name: "AgentJido",
description: "Agent Jido",
actions: [JidoWorkbench.Actions.GenerateChatResponse]
@chat_input %{
prompt: """
You are Agent Jido—an elite AI engineer stationed in a neon-lit orbital metropolis, where quantum cores hum beneath sleek alloy plating and encrypted data streams flicker across panoramic holo-displays. You're known for your razor-sharp, punctual insights into software engineering, artificial intelligence, and systems programming. Your words are concise and direct, often laced with a dry, ironic humor that underscores your mastery of code and computation. Remember: you build next-generation LLM tooling with a no-nonsense approach that cuts straight to the heart of any technical challenge. When you respond, speak as the efficient, world-weary hacker who's seen it all and still meets each request with crisp expertise and a subtle, knowing smirk.
mikehostetler / action-deploy-prod.yml
Created November 8, 2022 14:52
Elixir + Rust + ESBuild + SASS + Tailwind deploy setup to
name: "Deploy Server Prod"
name: Deploy Server to Production

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mikehostetler on github.
  • I am mikehostetler ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB8P3GfcmANjraRodO5Ho_2Oq5-wXzaF5TECMWtZ4XY-go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

mikehostetler /
Created December 3, 2015 14:30
Quick script to clone down and develop on Trails.js
# Quick script to clone all necessary Trails repositories for local development
# Prereq
# * Access to all repo's
for repo in trails \
eslint-config-trails \
trails-example-app \
trailpack-core \
mikehostetler /
Created November 30, 2015 02:14

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mikehostetler on github.
  • I am mikehostetler ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 5C4A E821 A731 DEAD 9DA0 F0CD C032 BAB3 EEF7 9557

To claim this, I am signing this object:

mikehostetler / bootstrap.js
Created June 20, 2014 13:32
Sails powered script
var extend = require('util')._extend;
var async = require('async');
var Waterline = require('../node_modules/sails/node_modules/waterline');
var couchdb = require('sails-couchdb-orm');
var config = require('../config/adapters').adapters.couchdb;
couchdb.config = extend(couchdb.defaults, config);
module.exports = bootstrap;
mikehostetler / AuthController.js
Created May 27, 2014 13:35
Res.json example
callback: function (req, res) {
passport.callback(req, res, function (err, user) {
//sails.log.debug("API -> Controllers->AuthControllers->Callback: Found our user, now lets log them in",user);
req.login(user, function (err) {
// If an error was thrown, redirect the user to the login which should
// take care of rendering the error messages.
if (err) {
var redirect = req.param('action') === 'register' ? '/#user/register' : '/#user/login';
if(req.wantsJSON === true) {
res.json(err.status_code || 403,{
mikehostetler / gist:7083772
Created October 21, 2013 13:20
Strider Jelly shim for Jasmine tests: url: http://localhost:9090/spec/runner.html port: 8080 enable staic server, serve: . shim: (see below)
<script type="text/javascript">
* This allows you to receive reporting from a series
* of Jasmine tests in the form of a Jasmine Custom
* Reporter that talks back to the strider server.
// Tiny Ajax Post
var post = function (url, json, cb){
var req;
body, .slide-master-content-alt {
font-family: "Gill Sans Light", "Gill Sans MT", Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
background-color: rgb(15, 126, 205);
background-image: url(;
h1 {
background: none;
color: rgb(18,102,192);
text-shadow: -1px -1px 2px #333;
font-family: "nevisBold", arial, sans-serif;