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Matt Parker mmparker

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# Get the list of files to work on
files_to_process <- list.files('r:/shared documents/',
pattern = 'html',
full.names = TRUE)
fredbenenson /
Last active February 3, 2025 22:47
Kickstarter SQL Style Guide
layout title description tags
SQL Style Guide
A guide to writing clean, clear, and consistent SQL.


diamonds <- ggplot2::diamonds
#> 3.46 MB

diamonds2 <- transform(diamonds, price_per_carat = price / carat)
#> 3.89 MB

# Size of both data frames combined
flohdot / productivity and self-management
Last active November 2, 2023 01:02
tools for freelancers
Fantastic, simple project management. Free tier does most things you'll ever need. I've tried Basecamp, Unfuddle and a million bug trackers, but a combination of Github and Trello is what I like best. Trello gives you a nice full overview of your whole project and who is doing what. It also makes it really easy to reorganize priorities. Unless my client has a project management tool they want me to use, I create a Trello board and add the client and try to centralize as much communication as possible in there.
Best time-tracking app I've tried, with native apps for just about every OS. Free tier does most things you'll ever need. Paid tier does even more and plugs into various other tools.
mmparker /
Created September 7, 2012 23:25
Table-driven plot in d3.js

Best viewed in its own window (because I haven't set up the CSS properly yet).

This is a report to enable my clinicians to easily review clinic statistics at will. Click on rows in the table to plot that statistic; click again to remove it from the plot.

Very much a work in progress, so please feel free to heap on the feedback!

Built with the rampantly awesome D3.js.