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# (File moved to https://github.com/ole/Storyboard-Strings-Extraction) |
Updated to automatically create the base strings file for each storyboard if it does not exist.
Check out my blog post where I discuss this script: http://oleb.net/blog/2013/02/automating-strings-extraction-from-storyboards-for-localization/
I tried to use this script but I encountered 2 limitations:
- Some placeholders strings like % generate errors.
- I have multiple XX.lproj in my project (for graphics, plist or anything) and instead of looking up for *.lproj at the same level that Base.lproj, the output is copied everywhere.
For really small / non-complex project I guess I'll use it, though.
@ole Should Base.lproj strings file be checked into version control?
Doesn't seems to work so well on Xcode5 DP6, wiped all my strings content and all the strings content of cocoapods libs.
same problem than masterkain, clean all MainStoryboard.string files content after a storyboard update.
Here, errors for xcode :
-Iconv: ./myproject/Base.lproj/MainStoryboard.strings.new: No such file or directory
-Rm: ./myproject/Base.lproj/MainStoryboard.strings.new: No such file or directory
-Command /bin/sh emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure
First, I thought to a Base.lproj directory access rights problem. So, I tried to do a "chmod 777" on Base.lproj directory but nothing has changed ...
I doesn't work on Xcode 5. Same problem :(
I have updated the script with a fix/workaround for the error that could caused the wiping of existing strings files in Xcode 5. Please see the update to my blog post for details.
Works great! Thx a lot
Works somewhat but changed FR, IT and JA files to garbage! Don't have a clue why... :-{
Great script! But still I am wondering if it would be a way to change the way in which apple provides this horrible labor and write something more legible.
For example:
I would like to change this ugly ObjectID = "ccX-24-Hnq";
for a more friendly ViewController="LoginViewController".
In this way any translator would be able to know the context in which that text must be translated.
Thanks for sharing your work!
In case anybody comes across this script looking for a solution like this that is working with Xcode 7+:
You might want to checkout BartyCrouch, a command line utility I recently wrote in Swift that does a fairly similar thing. I hope it helps!
The first revision is mikezang's original version of the script. See http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=16060008&postcount=4