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tildebyte / Don’t shop
Created December 3, 2024 18:54
Don’t shop here

Don’t shop here

These are companies/owners/CEOs/major shareholders which

  • Made large donations to the Republican Party/Trump/Project 2025 PACs
  • Did NOT make any donations to the Democratic Party/progressive causes

(FYI, many companies "cover thier bets" by donating equally to both parties)


tildebyte /
Created November 22, 2024 23:26
lunar phase calc
# Output the current moon phase as an emoji for your prompt.
import juliandate as jd
from datetime import datetime
def calc_phase(year: int, month: int, day: int) -> int:
fixed_date = 694039.09 # NON-JULIAN days since 1900-01-01 🤷
days_per_cal_month = 30.436875
Julian_Y2K = 2451544.5 # Julian 2000-01-01T1200
tildebyte / inference.ipynb
Last active May 6, 2023 01:33
Running inference against DeepFloyd's IF on RunPod
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
tildebyte / Klipper vs Prusa
Last active June 27, 2024 09:14
Klipper vs. Prusa Slicer tips and info

Klipper vs. Prusa Slicer tips and info

Jank scraped and collated from the Klipper Discord

kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 250
max_accel: 1800
tildebyte / GShade.ini
Created January 3, 2023 21:01
GShade ini for GW2
[email protected]
EffectSearchPaths=C:\Guild Wars 2\addons\reshade\gshade-shaders\Shaders,C:\Guild Wars 2\addons\reshade\gshade-shaders\ComputeShaders
tildebyte /
Created November 1, 2022 22:34
Enable long paths in Windows 11, 10

Make Windows accept File Paths over 260 characters Enable Win32 Long Paths through Regedit

To enable Win32 long paths through Regedit-

Open Regedit
Paste the path for the file system folder
Find the LongPathsEnabled DWORD file and double click on it
Change to value from 0 to 1 and click OK
tildebyte / neg prompting theory
Created October 25, 2022 04:47
SD, negative prompting, and SEO pollution
From somewhere in the bowels of
by Ok_Entreprenuer_5833
If anyone is wondering why this effect happens (and they should be wondering if they want to push SD to it's limits) it's the SEO media marketing word cloud noise coming up in the labelling of the dataset SD was trained on.
I'll try not to be long winded, want to get back to my SD project but think it's valuable enough to put down here since this experiment is a clear visual aid for the idea.
Top searches in 2019 in my example here: (didn't use 2020 onward as results of covid would skew this out of normalization).
News, people, celebrities and Trump is up there among all those at the top.
// Get a list of elements that match selectors, i.e. "Toggle to follow" buttons.
// Maintainers probably need to change the selector string for new FB versions
var follows = document.querySelectorAll('div[aria-label="Toggle to follow"]');
// If you want to make sure this script doesn't click on the wrong buttons, go
// to the Elements tab, press Ctrl-F, enter "Toggle to follow" in the search
// bar, then find the button that is highlighed
var delay = 1500; // Delay between clicks to prevent being blocked by FB
var i = 0; // Initialize a counter of unfollows
tildebyte / Pusherman's Eurorack DIY Noobs pinned
Created April 3, 2020 13:26
Pusherman's Eurorack DIY Noobs pinned post

Pusherman's Eurorack DIY Noobs pinned post

Component "shopping lists"

Necessary tools

tildebyte / quence01.lua
Last active February 8, 2020 18:56 — forked from millxing/quence01.lua
This is the latest version (as of 11/4/2018) of QUENCE, a probabilistic MIDI sequencer for norns and grid (
-- Q * U * E * N * C * E
-- a probababilistic
-- 4-track MIDI sequencer
-- for norns and grid
-- Rob Schoen
-- millxing at gmail
-- inspired by Turing Machine, Fugue Machine, and Physical (Norns Study #4)