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Last active January 7, 2022 05:48
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Denver shooter Lyndon McLeod's circle on Twitter

Lyndon McLeod's circle on Twitter

On 27 December 2021, Lyndon James McLeod (a.k.a. Roman McClay) shot at least six people in Denver, killing five. McLeod had a large following among men's rights activists and the dissident right on Twitter, in part because of his book Sanction, which some of his readers interpreted as a "manifesto". McLeod also had a history of threatening to kill people on Twitter, and many of his fans have made it clear that his preoccupation with violence was what drew them to McLeod:

Chance Lunceford (30 April 2020):

If Theodore J. Kaczynski had been a more compelling author - compelling enough that his manifesto made many of those who read it realize they wanted to blow some shit up - then Theodore J. Kaczynski would have been @roman_mcclay.

Andrew Loeschner, quoting a tweet that said "statistically speaking, at least one of the people you retweet here is a serial killer." (28 May 2020):

I know it's @mcclay_roman I just don't care.

Adam Lane Smith, referring to an incident where McLeod threatened to behead Travis Corcoran's wife and children after Corcoran insulted Smith's writing (16 June 2021):

Roman McClay is my friend. Period. Everyone can remember that and take it how they like. He knows exactly how I feel, and I won’t explain myself to anyone. Whatever folks are fighting over, Roman is my friend.

These are just a few examples out of hundreds of similar deleted comments we've recovered.

Account list

The table below tracks some of the Twitter users who interacted most frequently with McLeod's accounts. Many of these users tried to delete all references to McLeod or his book after news of the shooting was published, or even locked or deactivated their accounts. We have archives for all of them, and have already published selections separately for a few (e.g. for Adam Lane Smith and Ed Latimore).

We may update this list as more archived accounts come in. Please note that some of the "Identity" links are to personal websites.

Update: some of the accounts below have changed their screen names, so the links in the "Screen name" column may not be up-to-date, but the "Status" column contains Twitter ID links that will work for as long as the account is active.

Identity Screen name Status Followers Score Previous screen names
Lyndon McLeod mcclay_roman suspended 6607
Lyndon McLeod roman_mcclay active 1785 2106
Jamieson Fletcher Bechamp_Antoine deactivated 566
Graeme Smith smith_graeme locked 1288 544
maryintexas39 deactivated 441
Jeff Putnam Rugged_Legacy active 37983 323 Rugged_Legacy
Alecs Lindsay / "Scarlett Sincere" lookatDworld deactivated 291 alecs_lindsay
Abraham Lopez AbeLopezAuthor active 1382 237
Wells G. Rutland UU311S deactivated 229 wells47147138, wellsgrutland
Adam Lane Smith TheBrometheus active 30644 222
"Caryn Frazer" rezarf_nyrac active 750 218 frazer_caryn
Graflin Booth Graflinb active 253 210
Noble Brown Sociopathlete active 9709 195
Will Selden Rivershedge active 2132 192
Joseph Smith hmestedpadre active 5534 191 HomesteadPadre, JDManly18
John Kulp MentalCasanova active 1162 166 jrrkulp
SherlockTowers deactivated 165
"Chief Chuck" chiefchuck2k deactivated 161 cheezgrit, CharlesWhiskey, compassrudder
Andrew Loeschner AndrewBlackFlag active 3621 158 AndrewIoeschner, AndrewLoeschner
"Dustin" pain_pride active 102 154
Dennis Michael Hynes HynesDm active 6684 154
Chance Lunceford LogoCentrifuge suspended 153
Kiel_Kyle_ active 5580 144 Keel_Kenney, home_grown_sanc, BlueCollared_WP, B_C_W_P
sdeslav locked 684 144
JamesWatson210 suspended 142
faboIus active 276 135 FabiSeal, iamfaboIous, f_boIous
HDPbilly active 543 131
Cakeinacrisis_ active 2936 131 CakesClicks
braveunicorn55 deactivated 122 michelmiller50
SteelJanz active 1944 121
Zac Small ZacSmall_ active 28932 116 TheFamilyAlpha, HunterDrewTFA
Andrew Sandner TeaLeavesB active 556 115 TeaLeavesBook, TeaLeavesBoot
manofthewest78 deactivated 111 Crytpodomingo
Garrett Dailey Liber_Rex active 4526 104 Libera_Rex
Goldmund ShamanOfThe active 15525 104
Robert Toth DeeperThrill locked 31792 94
Honor_Above_All deactivated 94 The_Duncan_Hope
LongStone active 362 89
JeffGodwin active 1400 88
janefromtexas deactivated 87
Jon du Toit jondutoit active 8646 84
jbaksht deactivated 84
Kyle_Moonlight locked 819 84
Chance Lunceford TheUncommonist locked 3324 80 DeliverMeFire, TheLivingLogos
TheAvtoritet active 8204 78 TheRed_Eminence, SyncRogach
SamuelSThorp locked 1588 78
SanctionQ active 118 76
RollinStoves active 239 74
TheChuggReport deactivated 74
stalemeats locked 163 73 AcolyteOfTime
chri1s13 locked 1803 70 chris_decicco
IamMarqaos active 161 66
Lyndon McLeod? JackThree6 active 98 66
SicknessKungFu active 886 65 Uncle_Sickness
shawmor active 338 65 Shawmor3
meboykin active 92 64
romanopiumtales deactivated 62 romanastral
MIGTAU deactivated 62
thotpoizn active 707 62
neovictorian23 active 2189 61
bookof_chuck active 109 59 Snoopnshoot
Ophelia Maddsen AHandyGingerGal active 6232 59 MaddsenOphelia, OpheliaMaddsen
Kairos0101 active 1707 58 GlassOnion108
Jordan Casstles DocCasstles active 325 57 The_Jovian, CaptainCasstles
HooaFury active 14038 56 GeoFFuryBear
excellens1 active 107 56
doublebarreldad active 216 56
Ed Latimore EdLatimore active 166242 54
TheBodhisattva4 active 9984 53 DaStockPreacher
TexasDom1 active 6482 51 celticamps
mfoxhunter deactivated 50 Activ8dToxin
LarsKlotz deactivated 48
_Shaheen22 locked 189 48 Introspectah, Shaheenseen_
RealBobbyDino active 18694 48 BobbyD_Outdoors
bethmartens active 1826 47
edysseus active 935 46
IvanThrone suspended 45
matthew_kasinec locked 121 44 KasinecMatthew, Matthew_Shoots
beingsanctified active 1918 43 Intangibl3, ABlueGorilla
TheTraderDad active 75 43 ADominiak311, VibeHealthy_, AdamD311_, AD_311_
Joseph W. Norman normonics active 55740 42
anotherkevin deactivated 42
NoLongerBennett active 5991 42 MarkWBennett
virtusnonsignum deactivated 42 sshole_adam
TheKoreyT active 239 41 K9_KoMmAnDo, K9KoMmAnDo, NavPerspectives, NavigatePerspec
joserosado active 74560 41
Jack Murphy jackmurphylive locked 155410 40
jonsrennie active 16477 40
Benjamin George BenjaminGJW active 13288 40 BGZeroTwoOne
danmcgurk active 202 40
TheWayAlone suspended 40
NielsKnk active 15177 38 EmbSnake
Helen Madgelma Zuman HelenZuman active 79 37
RedwingsRob active 126 37
MrsBrometheus active 1977 37
PhrenicDonJuan active 332 37 Sargon4PM
GileadBays active 390 36
griever_au active 108 36 searchforzer0, m0gwai, silentheaven, savageheaven
RealtorOnABike active 181 35 motorcyclewolf
ladi_jadi deactivated 35
mistergoodgod active 2800 35 jalavine, misterfiregod
aerikvon suspended 34
STEVEN_HALL_bTC active 761 34 SteveHa85000139
KalkinTrivedi active 1150 33
missionislegacy deactivated 33 the_primal_fire, theprimalfire
curtis7676 deactivated 33
radfy_swango suspended 32
NickLowary active 5473 32 theRed_SoloCup
Doonvorcannon active 7857 31 houndwarrior
PraetorianSwift active 4254 31
john_mcnally locked 1723 31
holisticbtc active 589 31 NathanEames1
MiscreantMr active 471 31 RayKenderdine, MiscreantSith
SlipperyIncline deactivated 30
man_integrated active 56855 30 Flyover_Country
SimonPopeDK active 71 30
Heroic_Ethic suspended 29
Edover45 active 68 29
Iterative_Mind active 75 29 FrameEli
ForthNBackAgain active 104 29
RobertRMarck deactivated 28 RuggedAlchemy
cfmbetricky2 active 6547 27
groovydao deactivated 26 foreverAlfon13
albion_podrimaj active 180 26
RazorStoic active 190 26
fireflymagnolia active 11228 26 Ennaaseret7, fiercelyfeminin
Aimercab active 492 26
JoshuAnansi active 441 25 Pebilort
kulpirate active 1092 25
biology_admirer active 26 25 LarsKIotz, Lars_Klotz
e_nordin deactivated 25
ArchaicSavage deactivated 25
JamesCaird7 active 35 25
HumungusBrute deactivated 25 TerranAscending, Asendyng
MartianOrthodox active 2177 25
mentaljonathan active 2342 24 the_pritchard, realjpritchard, minderfolden
TheEmpalador suspended 24
AKFielding active 1727 24
David J. West David_JWest active 2510 24
BrahWord deactivated 23
ManyAreSoy deactivated 23 2Soylent4U
pingortle locked 75 23
PhilLaconic active 394 23
allicovington active 8770 22 alliferguson
mrcharlestothex active 1348 22 charles2reality, hustle4better, hustleunlocked, mrchuckthetech
1strongman1970 active 31 22
selfconquering active 16055 22 crypto_german, DigitAlex
FeralCatt77 deactivated 22
dereksboonstra active 111 21
BatteryHorse active 128 21
BeefSexington active 72 21
sgsmith_ active 614 21
clawsonsmithy suspended 21 sagaofaelorad
PhillipCapaldi active 268 20
VDiPasquale active 1354 20
TinkeredThinker active 13878 20
warriorprotocol suspended 20 simonsmart01
JesusBryce_II suspended 20
AlmostMedia active 26589 20
MetalShogun active 1156 20
bigbrobenji active 931 19 synchronicelife
peter_steppe deactivated 19
TikiMcFelts active 176 19 AndreFlett
TomMallan1 active 356 18
JackHeald5 active 1540 18
J_Sampson_ locked 73 18
InveniumViam active 905 18
TheAdventureO14 deactivated 18
ghostlonewolf active 303 17
AJA_Cortes active 112800 17
aLective active 1984 17 lostnspvce
BrianNiemeier active 3823 17
flyboyjimc active 156 17 UnfetteredGent
PathToManliness active 93367 17
NatAesthetic suspended 17 SanctionTheBook
ManOutaTime1888 active 153 17 Sonisrising2019
SpaceforceQueen deactivated 16 for_hottie
HomoAge active 460 16
caveofthevalley active 24 16 DuvalHulen
Fitnessopher active 1196 16 Equinoxopher
Tombom64 active 1134 16
INMATE_16180339 deactivated 16 CitrusDaily_
GregLammers active 1593 15
DentesLeo active 57121 15 BBennaghmouch
bigmanbreakdown deactivated 15 MikeBanner16
UnchartedFather active 11349 15 Red_Pill_Dad, TW_Beckett, TWayneHicks
Bobthewelding1 active 1819 15 Bobtheweldingas
LassereMelissa suspended 15
EntropyRulesAll active 3343 15
Not_Naked_Now active 11725 15
adamscrabble active 86911 15
Shaun_Agoge deactivated 15 PtShaunn
Stiernburg deactivated 15
jackdcoulson active 49057 14 strongfident
thejaysoncross deactivated 14
loopuleasa active 3770 14
lecaester active 266 14
mictubis locked 60 14
oshawnx active 766 14
AHelleneAuthor active 3452 14
darwinslair active 236 13
JohnMillard3 active 534 13
SaltySweetJane active 299 13
gebronson active 814 13
D3s1gnSp3ak active 151 13
Chuck_DBQ active 267 13 ChuckDa13084103
AmSavage1776 active 734 13 RealErikSRoot
Nzube Olisaebuka Udezue ZubyMusic active 625613 13
ThomasB07801772 active 270 13
Christo00993114 suspended 13
HolderOftheFire active 3780 13 MikeyBlocks11, MJP11x, M1chael1138
VidyaDragon active 999 13 shouldershark, logosimian
realAdamKelly active 151 13
Alexandroulykos locked 2049 13 Art_of_InnerWar, Oneiropsis, StoryPerception, Heroic_Revival
TAreopagite active 157 13
Abrasivism suspended 12 ReolDonaldTrum_, N0T_B1GG1E, __Abrasive, DonaldTrumpSock
stormcrow762 deactivated 12
PsycheShattered deactivated 12
sanctionthebook deactivated 12
Tendingmyownga1 active 139 12
BookstoreThor active 614 12
trishakdouglas active 167 12
The_Crab_Juice deactivated 12
Porfyreos locked 271 12
butchpierce deactivated 12 applethatis, beardedpen
theraidingparty deactivated 11
Jim1Staggs active 783 11 HeatReversal
bite_nail active 1 11
colinfgallagher deactivated 11
AramLeary active 160 11
SearsRowbuck deactivated 11
RenegadeMeyer deactivated 11
SimplyXY deactivated 11
johnsolomonbain active 4039 11
GerardOShock active 329 11
OneShotFinance active 757 11
iowapatsfan67 suspended 10 DavidKa40437322
PioneerReturned active 35 10
SeloSlav active 10411 10 santafebound467, erlicm, selobound
buffdad1983 active 43 10 theburgerresume
PugApproved deactivated 10 PocketMeats
baboon_2 suspended 10
halkyov15 active 238 10
chrismanfrank active 12927 10
CmdrJonty active 1222 10 JontyCampbell
KAD0NA deactivated 10 KADh0e, AlecDonahoe
Grandk1000 suspended 10 Zeteite, ConstructingGK
SaviRoman active 785 10
freemattpodcast active 277 10
Dr_Seuss33 active 238 10
Jacob3686 active 2037 10 TheGentlemanJak
Read_Acted locked 1325 10 WitnezMe, GatewayDionysus, SycopmpDionysus
seiveviour active 24 10
wjesse777 active 386 10
Bull_Rush4570 active 673 9 Bullrus22473015
TheOldMorpheus active 1298 9
coll61490833 active 1795 9 KimColl61490833
André Thiele? malaventura68 active 128 9 MgtowCatholic
mdvex22 active 2572 9 mdvex22
skeasyPete active 56 9
beachmuscles active 11166 9
MrB_McMeans deactivated 9 MrB_HQ
mbwithers active 120 9
TRPConstantine active 2684 9
SRAlsultani active 595 9
Travis Corcoran MorlockP locked 12078 9
ThomasArezzo active 402 9
TheRexMundie active 448 9 Mr_Nova_26
imperatorzuzana active 196 9 spacemonkey1138
thomasjbevan1 suspended 9
master_metrics active 251 9
honeyba06350856 suspended 9
Abuamerican active 9462 9
forgottenbaca locked 3023 9
KaliTerrestrial active 557 9
Thundercatnat deactivated 9
mielkman locked 384 9
lockwoodgary85 active 85 9
Anarcho_Stash deactivated 8
meowinghobbes active 253 8
realSchoenecker deactivated 8
ChroniclesNate active 42830 8
Trippin0001 active 62 8
SirThomasDiesel active 91 8 hutchosophy, DrThomasDiesel
DanaPKelly active 36 8
SpiritedSparr0w active 26598 8 RachelBock9
theistinthought active 2185 8 theisticon, efficientspirit
DaveLeeWilson active 61 8
TomRoyce active 7989 8
Fritzer55 active 126 8
MasculineLife active 1117 8
DeucianRevival suspended 8
HeyTimApple deactivated 8 altprimal, ancestralchoice, ancestralgeek, thevetdev
HomeOverGold deactivated 8
ColtonDGreat active 313 8 GFL_Colton, ColtonGen2
TheRealLeejo active 2279 8
Motorhead77 locked 214 8
ImpendingDude active 59 8
BillyRedHorse active 12777 7
JimeeGee active 388 7
90BTFD suspended 7
JohnnyNoblebody active 6135 7 JohnBoethius
stringofhearts2 active 137 7
Victor Valentine Romo SubtleBodhi active 12335 7 vigidya, ________victor, vsbtlv, dankprana
HenriettaKitty deactivated 7
DarthMaynDawg active 303 7
GoldenJanus active 3185 7
JunoDorian deactivated 7
AEngelsrud deactivated 7
VergilDen deactivated 7
JordonEggleston active 220 7
thejesusbryce suspended 7
thiccoq active 370 6
Farm_And_Meme deactivated 6 GromekCo
SenecaReloaded active 1778 6 SenecaReads, SenecaRoka
_Rian_Stone active 19608 6 StonePTilists
freedivingCEO deactivated 6 beantownguy2019
NeilCumming74 deactivated 6
rakish_bloke locked 54 6
DrudownT1 active 397 6
limitlessleila active 10648 6 limitless_leila
iamnickyates active 6117 6
wristsisfrogs active 1600 6
_IAmNaveen active 370 6
PaulBates7 active 634 6
tpb03a active 4 6
v3LD1n deactivated 6 VeldinV
RandyMaugans active 1349 6
sumah_rose active 80 6
untappedgrowth active 16704 6
CycleOfChaos active 401 6 VitaminsAmerica, No_Communists
BryanEBlackmon suspended 6
ImAlextheRebel active 44 6
AmericanDan1776 suspended 6 realdanbendele
TomSince1977 active 636 6 tomholz
aged_survivor active 7002 6
fixforhusbands active 10985 6 MasculineDesign
infinitycurator active 22 6 thoughtcurator_
StinkhornPress active 269 6
JoeyTheLegg active 8 5
Fiannawolf2 active 854 5
scooter_downey active 12718 5 TrueLegendFilms
ErwanLeCorre active 31943 5
EscoFresco88 active 1437 5 EscoEQUALITY88
BostonDelendEst active 1502 5 Loweeel
urraca__ active 53 5
_BrettSullivan_ deactivated 5
Janne_HG active 331 5
TheMillenialSH active 124 5
Alex_The_SoSo deactivated 5 TyranicalTigger
rummankr deactivated 5 RummanKay, rummanraf, zenoexe786
OpenToInfo active 335 5
DennisDemori active 14775 5
johntgiuffre active 590 5 TheSloppyJohn, Imjohngiuffre
IngriPauline active 12578 5
OrFishing active 96 5
GoodOldPat active 517 5
johnnysundari active 422 5
GsdJstn active 89 5
nickeball1 deactivated 5
HeavyMetalCJ active 261 5 THEREALCJBARNES
itsmedevclev active 10070 5 atpeaceboutique, misfitpursuit
Ardeamus suspended 5 shippers71, Cliodynamicist
MemphisTraveler active 162 5
yes_url deactivated 5 no_url
BAPRespecter active 137 5
renofmen active 1512 5 will_renofmen
waronweakness active 45218 5
haztech79 active 169 5
RebelRancher active 19311 5 TheBasedBlonde, LogicByLauren, SteakStoic, SteakFueled
edibalian deactivated 5
Newsat11_ deactivated 5
ragnar_michael deactivated 5
tsunamibob active 788 5
JamesAFry active 527 5
agreenpilgrim active 26 5 Bennett_K_, agreenpilgrim
DrSteveJacobs active 959 5
TaoistRonin active 200 5 BinaryShrine
JBaksht active 603 5
DarthMcNugget active 48 5
NoahRevoy active 7051 5
joe_lampton active 16269 5
__Highflyer__ deactivated 5 ArpitHighflyer
realradiobrain active 1147 5
PeacefulFathers active 2927 5 datbadguy97, PoliteSavage_
balancemindset deactivated 5 MuslamicSohei, noorAKAthelight, noorthebalance
DurganByron active 87 5
Quintin1739 suspended 4 KhushalMurtaza
Zarathanarchy suspended 4
johnyaya137 deactivated 4
RiverrunStately suspended 4 You_Need_A_Lift
punch_sideiron active 624 4 claudeakinsmask
jezeusbryce suspended 4
Alex_D3large active 152 4 TKolar, ADL155123
IYI_Dsrspctr active 3966 4 drkeithbenson, keithbensons
_Mikelandia active 35 4
MichaelHewitt23 active 2242 4
ravensspirit68 active 10710 4
baseballdoc24 active 51 4
Dimi_h active 521 4
SpiralObserver active 741 4 MagisterMrK, InfinitusK
punkandinlove deactivated 4
primalosophy active 190 4
MrWillHastings deactivated 4
JUDGE_T234 suspended 4
theodore_nit active 27 4
Watchman_motto active 6887 4
MrsHmestedPadre active 477 4 MrsJDManly18
ValiantTraveler active 185 4 KhalidMaghni162
ribney1 deactivated 4
Solarchitects active 2170 4 essential_ist, _solarchitect
DrRalphNap active 58137 4
harry_sudock active 12315 4
ryanmichler active 20734 4
SPEKTRALKAISER active 168 4 TDrachenkaiser, Sentient_Orang
TheGreatErenan active 443 4
chadthawolf active 687 4 sigmawolf4, killthawolf
Snakeeater36 active 11644 4
StrengthReason active 2201 4
VitruvianEpoch active 2546 4
PathToDadliness active 364 4 WarpathOfTyr
NatureBoyThrust deactivated 4 NickyJ51, LeanAndKeenNick, NickJKettinger
3Baboon suspended 4
barbaricvitalsm active 1070 4 barbaricdisc, barbaricdev, barbarianaes, devotionbc
xarnego27 active 31 4
hho_ca_te active 531 4
IShouldGoWrite deactivated 4
somecaveman active 151 4
davidsarac active 4248 4
Hammondvet active 138 4
RawleNyanziFTL deactivated 4
cpe_dk active 81 4
BusinessAndBull deactivated 4
EarthenInfinity deactivated 4 themangomami
SeanMooreWins suspended 4
Misteri090 deactivated 4
PonchMorgey active 49 4
taylorburrowes active 41092 4 drbabelovelife
PleasePinchMe active 101 4 bkwassmer
vigilant_vector active 484 4 lemong
TestosteroneTri active 499 4 TheTestosteron1, TheTestoTriad
duaconn active 12 4
chris_boreteen active 317 4 chris_boertien
anthony66912411 active 341 4 anthony66912411
Mrs_MisfitTech deactivated 4
10SerpentDove16 active 211 4 matt_siravo
Badass__Buddha active 137 4
Thirdperiodwre1 active 327 4
MarkBToole active 470 4
rderruisseaux active 19 4
zane0402 deactivated 4 z_laclef
DammDstate suspended 4 AnarchofreeM
atavist_ deactivated 4 TheMundell, AtavisticSkill
FraterIAO active 4373 4
JCT1001 locked 58 4 asinghtoo
GreetsUwithFire active 155 4
jaenglish active 609 4
greggzuman active 58 4 cabbin_city
DavidRoomeAuth active 373 4
uppityhobbit active 2491 3 theNthJennifer, JDLedfordVO
Delicious_Tacos active 31504 3
pi_mij active 493 3
filhenderson16 active 288 3 banderson16
Judith31758199 active 38 3
Actual1Murf active 7746 3 srmurphy1, KarmasButtonMan, MurfActual, MurfActual1
EricLesh4 active 147 3
orcanomics active 6 3
OfWudan suspended 3
GigiStratton active 1010 3 Paula_Stratton
Jed_Trott locked 1701 3
kristophable active 54 3
SheilaRomano1 active 168 3
UviziusNurquan active 835 3
jesuisroi suspended 3 dejaGRu, dejafuu, sunsteak, kingofgods
H_Thras active 91 3 HansThras
YoItsAjizzle suspended 3
1brando1 active 186 3
bdmarotta active 1776 3
tomhansenauthor active 658 3
Huemvn_BEinG active 13288 3
Men_of_Grit active 1303 3
ChuckWatkins127 active 125 3
Pounds_7 active 144 3
ArthurTrent15 active 73 3
DrDavidLey active 20555 3
TimBiden deactivated 3 FreelancerFrnd, TimInCali
HelmsmanJh active 11 3
jovanidecarlo active 633 3 austenjgray
BeGreatSaints active 1435 3
brianerb active 324 3
txnyg active 1591 3
CharmingRascal active 1766 3 thefitbully
CriesofCryze suspended 3
RebornRenegade active 108 3
alanwittenberg3 active 221 3
AThMainz active 35 3
JackPilon active 1134 3 Jacks_America, JackPilonBTRN
MarkSoll2 active 56 3
ChrisTauber11 active 3817 3 Chris_DFB
jitz4lifer active 33 3
Danwray7 active 500 3
JohnB29772693 deactivated 3
BreakfastQuiche deactivated 3
jgraham821 deactivated 3
_adamcostello_ deactivated 3 artfuldynamics, cognitivelmnt, artfulfuture, herculeanvision
Typosaurus_rex deactivated 3
BigTimHerron active 37 3
AGStover active 1128 3
James_Maluchnik active 1 3
scottalavender suspended 3
dalescowboys active 79 3
mythumos deactivated 3
edwardrooster active 4424 3
DeanAbbott active 13563 3
ArchitectOfH active 125 3 TheArchitectOfH
disemelevatoriz deactivated 3
TBreeks deactivated 3 RoseVonHammer, TightBreeks
boomer_dave_ active 15 3 DavidJa16716222
occipitalbum suspended 3 JoseHK84, JHK4L, _OUTRVN
OwenGregorian active 438 3
SentinelVI active 3107 3 PylonLight
craftedpig7 active 103 3
TheCycloneDrew active 352 3 bydefault904
PabloAmarna active 1813 3
SrgFeathers active 47 3
jamesfoxhiggins deactivated 3
JasonLWooten deactivated 3
dougsandquist locked 2402 3
ishirubi active 2662 3
UndeadDan active 642 3
jaxon_guerrero deactivated 3
RobotWrangler_ active 199 3 alphapriori, enn_gih_near
heywildrich active 10610 3
Civil_Dsobdient active 155 3
BarryNishizawa deactivated 3
IronwillStoic suspended 3 Ironwil19511473
Cycle0fChaos suspended 3
MitchHeaslip deactivated 3
WoodFenton active 693 3
bara active 754 3
belac46 suspended 3
PeterIsaacSimon active 523 3
michaelmalice active 326176 3
RQuaaden active 3761 3 EliteDutchLeo, EliteExcellente, DietseHertog
mister_jcm deactivated 3 TheMasterTrade
RodVickDubois deactivated 3 Pvtsodlayer, YesMittRomney
ben_foth active 2522 3 canadiantraceur
Mindw1 active 157 3
CaseyWCrews deactivated 3 Tuatha01960262, BertMaverik
WOOTangz active 298 3 BassieTokenpay
harrowingof active 113 3
cerebral_zen active 2275 3
lilgator10 deactivated 3
Tombo_10 active 101 3 Cullum___
ROGUEWEALTH active 52555 3 adeluccar
NordicBronze suspended 3
JohnHaskTMC suspended 3 frjohnnyboy
moon__runes active 51 3
thisLAJenn locked 5906 3
autophag3 suspended 3 GripOfWinter, Unsauberkeit, recongnitionem, autopsycrotic
MatuaTanekaha active 70 3 bigolslice
kaptinkoowel deactivated 3
IAmSunBody active 265 3 elwarriorpoet, IAmSunBody, Andre_Vigor, DenzELBey444
alexshevchenko3 suspended 3 Chalkochuckle
brahminbrah active 655 3 lowkeylyon
rachelSager1 deactivated 3
MorinoSoren active 60 3
Aq0ll0 deactivated 3 ToupMaster, RO8OQOP
TeAdIoBo_Ta deactivated 3
RussThornton deactivated 3
MatthewsAurel active 32 3
jagvocut deactivated 3 jagvocate
dboiblank active 52 2
SC_Daydreamer active 49 2
joimachine suspended 2
waronweeshness active 368 2 waronweeshness
TomUmarHunter suspended 2 cryptoproph3t
bajaturbo active 1862 2
MoriahJovan active 3165 2
REINALDOx4 locked 26 2
Josmile123 active 300 2
AbrazVaraz locked 53 2
MarcusA00386295 active 24 2
Memento_Mori_93 active 499 2 Memento59420516
KJfromDowntown active 1089 2
boyinthetornado suspended 2
DHertzLocker suspended 2 DannicaHertz, DandyHampshire
DrCamRx active 18368 2 DrSepah
SergeBond3 deactivated 2
MeatJM suspended 2 JonEMay1
TomKedrick active 367 2 BetaMinus
joemafrici active 199 2 hosap_
realdylanmadden suspended 2 wayofolympian
999_a16 deactivated 2 max__note, maxwarez, wh1spnet21, wh1spnet
Oberon_MTG active 821 2
I_Krayzie active 84 2
jacobspost1978 deactivated 2
FadiMaddoc active 41 2 ChahirFadi
UnrulySea locked 1212 2 JudithMarie3, UnrulyCline
StosselMustache suspended 2
PaulMDomenick active 21476 2 PaulDom92
loccjob active 334 2
CumberlandAcad2 suspended 2
Pmac_rising active 66 2
HerThroneOfGold active 620 2
lorettatheprole deactivated 2
Semmelweis7 active 3812 2 Random42555090
andrewrbartel active 81 2
PhilFoster_ active 3920 2 EvolvedPhil
dsmedsker deactivated 2
MichaelGuimarin active 3674 2 MikeGuimarin
roblogic_ active 299 2
choicebirdsong active 154 2
TheRoos39813393 active 710 2
StoicTrader1 active 607 2
zero_soy active 10659 2 Zero01478478
wildandcraft active 126 2 brandoscat, RenegadeADHD, PsychedeliCampr, PsycheCamper
amanda_fawkes suspended 2
ANDYdotCOMPANY active 532 2
KevAll1385 active 215 2
Lil_S0UL deactivated 2
IamMarkWH active 45 2 MarkHan53644951
PatHartman_ active 1409 2
_rabbitwhole active 97 2
micfini1 active 97 2
joeknape active 386 2
starrddust active 329 2
thegenerel suspended 2
hyperanomalous active 527 2
jdstrain84 active 143 2
dovidfeldman active 17867 2
J_Driver01 suspended 2 JosephPiechock1
Dan_Sanchez_ES active 1 2 option_win
TexasTarheel00 locked 17 2
thelionman93 deactivated 2
Freedom_life101 active 60 2
AmandaHogginkis active 42 2 heywoodjabloblo
Postgenetic active 221 2
MrKnighttime active 43 2
NabeelAzeezDXB active 10807 2 AbuMilkSheikh, Nabeel4Reel
DeanBradleySFF suspended 2
LadiJadi1 active 231 2
MikeEddings active 185 2
fixthycrown active 32 2
voiajormedia locked 33 2
silentviolent11 active 52 2
NickXiotis active 51 2
JBensonWright active 201 2
mrjeromeschmidt deactivated 2
cathollertx active 122 2
onthemohawk active 1239 2 MiaVeritas
flaarpy active 334 2 pieteradejong
bystander995 suspended 2
m74_n active 9 2
try2explainthis active 255 2
tentcityhall active 131 2
stay_based1 suspended 2 atropoulos
PJDelaruelle active 355 2
bustin_jerkz active 132 2 justin_bertz, bustin_jertz
Dave38035857 deactivated 2
Manacunited active 0 2
ded_ruckus active 1519 2
zac_sky active 67 2
JoesBarAndCult suspended 2
GGoetz67 deactivated 2
adrianegan411 active 54 2
cmchapman7 active 632 2
TimothyReigle active 7182 2
AdaOfLovelace deactivated 2 Ada_Luvlace
riselifeco active 67 2 realriselife
JordanHedberg active 3644 2
DaNatureBoy3 deactivated 2
Spankster72 active 46 2
MattH0ef deactivated 2
vimian active 75 2
Elvengast active 205 2 ThijsvanTienen
MerikanDan suspended 2
notaedonis active 1111 2
bernie_mcg deactivated 2
AvdullahYousef active 1005 2 AvdullahDraws
olderChrisBrown deactivated 2
yashxv deactivated 2
Ghoulfang active 143 2
Oscillator_WSOP active 5254 2
imramblinagain active 10 2
tannerguzy active 43633 2 MasculineStyle
TheMisfitTech active 118 2
GoGabPrlrNow active 52 2 JBousquet007, PresElect007
LloyElijah deactivated 2
apdonovan1990 active 682 2 pat_libertarian, marketingdonny, andrewinguelph
3502zippo suspended 2
YIC1982 locked 0 2
AkterCh active 33 2 PathToReality, AkterCheaib
StoutMagnus deactivated 2
pgeerkens active 1756 2
overunderwriter active 211 2
jdothuitt active 55 2
DeclanFinnBooks active 2574 2 APiusManNovel
ambiguous_inc active 62 2
Oghma_EM active 438 2
Smoothlike active 21 2
FoxtherapyLLC active 3408 2 Freudsfox, PsychHustle, PsychStreamer, Manfultherapy
BodyRecompExprt active 11364 2 CapStrengthCEO
OrionKevin suspended 2
LightTriadMan deactivated 2 SpiritualPB, MasculineOutlaw
DaMockracy active 422 2
MatthewPudner active 466 2
bangingbill active 107 2
freeradicalpunk active 316 2 bunkieprewster
diefortheflower active 3624 2
amitmurthy deactivated 2
CDan1333 suspended 2
Jose_Alonso787 locked 459 2
ArtimusBuck active 137 2
cesar_esteve active 274 2
fashDopplar active 198 2
karlnieberding active 910 2 karlnieb
DoLesbiansTip active 1026 2
AzathothsFlute active 503 2
ArkThumos suspended 2 ChrisWinig, DaggaStan
samintheclouds locked 248 2
GloryforHim deactivated 2
tbohen active 44409 2
ticking_away deactivated 2
BubbleGumCigar suspended 2
MKRiker2 active 132 2
KarolePearce active 113 2
davidshestrin active 479 2 goodeyegenes
fortune_gozie suspended 2
BeyondTheCenter deactivated 2
GRITCULT active 21888 2 cryptogrit
sid2da34 locked 398 2
presidentbigt deactivated 2 the828th, itsbigtony_, manofnoface_
VEDIC_CYBERGOD suspended 2
BernieMcG51 deactivated 2
cognazor active 12931 2
Metamorph4ssist suspended 2
Stoner_68 suspended 2
AdamBrimson active 7105 2
mikekimelman active 12312 2
JezzaCorncob active 99 2
masonthemaestro suspended 2 RedpillRomance, masonthejudge, NewBookSociety, UltimateTitsGuy
CharlesOnTheLaw suspended 2 BoomersSayWhat
kathrynmkline deactivated 2 KathrynmHogan
afghanhound37 deactivated 2 SujdovicLuca
Mike122612 active 65 2 MikeAAtkinson
TheNewPunkTV deactivated 2
anthonyenglehar active 150 2
BlackCrwnAuthor suspended 2 TheIronNurse
maciejsoltysiak active 385 2
JRhodamine suspended 2
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