- Bad default settings (UI)
- No EU standard timeformat DD/MM/YYYY
- Advertising (nearby restaurants etc), suggested replies, joyful animations is enabled by default
- You cannot erase part of the URL link when writing email! it erases the whole string with backspace..
- all text is with red squiggly lines, because of wrong language spell checker
- link previews are enabled by default, annoying
- writing toolbar with send and discard buttons is below email, so you cannot see big area for writing (until press enter to fill page and send button is always in different position based on email length)
- discard is bigger and more prominent than send button
- email subject field doesnt have any title, or much borders.. it looks like your subject is inside the message area
- "Due to the size of this email, we've turned off Editor temporarily." Its only like 2 pages..
- Cannot view as single email thread (like any regular email) *ok you can, but not sure what setting it was
- Cannot copy emails from To and CC fields, text is there but its locked from copying, just because!
- Inbox same size and color fonts for message title, sender, message (until enable bold titles)
- Calender: Bad colors in calender days, hard to see day borders
- Calender: No different color boxes for weekends
- Calender: Today day not clearly visible (all same colors, only very small blue line for today)
- Calender: Past days not cleary visible (only slight gray background if look carefully)
- New UI design 16.09.2022! And feels like it uses way too much space for top bar :(
- Suddenly new icons in email, and they look SUPER BAD! weird blue gradients in tiny icons, cannot see anything what they supposed to mean
- menubar notification icon shows ret dot, "x mentioned you", BUT they didnt mention me! (it was company wide email)
- if you open PDF attachment, it doesnt have download link in the page!!
- if you change theme color, white theme color box becomes invisible, since its not selected and its a white box on white bg
- new color theme is so bad that you cannot see the difference of Unread and Read emails!!!!!!!!!!
- When you have day selected (clicked it), and you scroll down for next week, it doesnt keep that selection highlight in that day, it moves to next weeks day!
- Calender: When clicked up / down arrows (top left), they moved position when page loaded (something disappeared)
- Copying text from Microsoft Teams doesnt maintain formatting (and font is completely different)
- Send undo feature: There is no timer or progress bar on the "sending.." dialog, so you dont know how much time is left to cancel
- search box is invisible (no borders)
- Skype button appears later than other buttons, next to my day (which should be always enabled by default anyways), pretty sure its just to make people accidentally click skype button
- My day, Up Next is bigger than Tomorrow, so it looks like Up Next is happening really today
- Open Calender and Open meeting info is same icon, but another opens new tab, another opens popup window
- Clearing Search doesnt update results
- Pressing escape on search doesnt clear search (unless press 2-3 times)
- TAB indexes are messed up (cannot go from TO field into CC field)
- Browser favicon shows red dot sometimes, as if new email, but there is no emails or notifications..what is it?
- groups tasks automatically becomes active on first visit, instead of new emails!
- the new animated mail opening icon make the page FEEL slower (since the animation is so slow)
- cannot upload file drag n drop, without first going and pressing "new conversation")
- view full calender button and view event in new window are the same (and in same position!)
- Browser scrollbar is hijacked (custom thin scrollbar), difficult to see and scroll
- Cannot sort search results by date! (so you need to scroll down 100 years to find that old message..)
- Opening email on new window to view images: Bottom of the image viewer is blocked by floating "gallery" view (so cannot see image fully)
- Delete email button appear on top of the message title (when email list is on left panel), so its easy to accidentally click it
- Suddenly new 2x smaller font today?! (could be browsers fault too, but in any case, would be nice to get notification in outlook if it was their fault/decision to suddenly change things)
- then creating new event, cannot title right away, without clicking the title field first
- clicking download pdf attachment, doesnt actually download it but opens in pdf viewer, then need to click download there. (for other file formats, it downloads directly, so pdf is missing download headers?)
- Cannot open calender to new window with middle mouse button anymore (this used to work, they just blocked it intentionally..)
- When viewing calender in smaller screen, Todays day blue line looks like its last weeks day underlined..(instead of clearly showing todays day)
- Suddenly meeting colors changed today again, middle of the day, refreshed calender (as it wasnt updating anymore?) and now different color theme..
- Viewing meeting, it doesnt show your face icon in the attendees! theres only small almost white text on white background saying "you responted yes"
- Switching account: items appear in the list after the dropdown list opens, so you end up clicking wrong item!
- if you search something, items are NOT listed by date!!! "TOP RESULTS" shows older email before more recent ones..
- Your name is displayed in browser tab all the time, not good for privacy in public areas (and its useless info for me)
- No proper full view calender in same page (need to open separate calender view)
- By default wrong weather location and wrong temperature units for Europe
- public holidays not visible in calender
- Up Next shows bright there, but its not today (its for tomorrow)
- cannot scroll down to other months, need to click next month
- cannot move (drag n drop) event from another month to another (because its not visible and doesnt autoscroll)
- suddenly calender has changed colors for all items :o
- if you edit event, to make it full day, it switches to "free" (when it was "away")
- cannot double click to view event details (only mouse over)
- mouse over event details, has stretch arrow top right, but it doesnt do anything (it says view event)
- Top right notifications icon ("whats new") is full of random useless notifications
- Same notification appears everytime page gets refreshed (and closing it doesnt cause dismiss)
- Dark mode doesnt work in calender (settings switch doesnt do anything)
- Navigating in settings, random "Not saved" alert comes up, even if you havent changed anything
- If calender view texts becomes selected, you cannot deselect clicking somewhere, need to press ctrl+a to clear
- press new message, then esc to cancel, all text become selected in emails list
- Webmail hanged whole browser (while their server went down)
- opening email in popup window doesnt work (keeps loading)
- desktop notification for the upcoming meeting, shows wrong meeting info panel when clicked. (maybe because that other meeting panel was already open in browser?)
- user sphere icon only 1/4 visible
- duplicate event doesnt work on first click, need to do again
- already moved calender event still shows desktop alert at the old time
- "Something went wrong" when opening emails, had to clear cache for some reason
- Join team meetings page loads empty now
- cannot drag n drop files to emails anymore?
- tooltip "press ctrl click to follow links", in edit mode, doesnt work
- pdf preview for writing email is broken on first view (only partial content is displayed)
- doesnt load emails anymore! (happened around start of august? shows new message count, but not visible in the list, until refresh page)
- if you collapse Folders, cannot open it again (need to refresh page)
- Wrong week number in calendar!!! *Apparently need to manually select some weird "First 4-day week" https://superuser.com/questions/1246132/wrong-week-number-in-outlook
- Pasted image on email, "The following files couldn't be attached: image.png. Please try again later."
- deleting event, it appears back, had to delete 3 times
- Download all button in email says "error could not fetch file content" (until you wait 1 minute and reload page, also F5 doesnt reload page, outlook page hijacks it)
- cannot download small fbx file ("could not fetch file content")
- attachment download error, cannot copy paste error message from dialog
- Doesnt load user list on first visit on login page, need to refresh
- PDF Preview didnt work for some file, and clicking download it just jumps back to the email
- pdf preview page doesnt have download button, but has "save to one drive" (so need to close preview, download from email)
- Status page says everything is fine, but webmail is down
- "add outlook office com as an application for mailto links?" appears every time, cannot disable it?
- no button to "unjunk" email from junk folder? need to drag n drop into inbox?
- cannot jump into that message time at inbox (to see if that email was replied or bounced back), need to scroll manually for many years of emails
- "Meeting insights, information you might find relevant": always suggests totally wrong files, emails.. just confuses user
- Scheduled email send, if you press "Schedule send" nothing happens (if the viva insights is already open), need to close viva insights, then press "Schedule send" again, then its scheduled.
- when scrolling emails (with scrollbar), view doesnt update until you release mouse!!!
- new toolbar on the left (for mail, calender..) used to be small toolbar at bottom, now takes ~3% horizontal screenspace for nothing
see also
"Whats Wrong With Microsoft Teams - UX"