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Last active March 11, 2025 14:31
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Whats Wrong With Microsoft Teams - UX

Whats Wrong With Microsoft Teams

  • not in any order, and i know few of these have been fixed, like having conference in separate window
  • This first list is for Classic version, New Teams specific are in the gist below (but new Teams has most of the classic bugs still too)


  • If you typed message in some chat, then alt tab and go to another chat, that message is still in the chatbox (wrong room)
  • if there is many single messages, with link on each, tooltip emoji menu popups and blocks your view to previews item (and you can accidentally click it if tried to click the previous link)
  • if paste image to messagebox, messagebox stays very small 2 rows.. so cannot see anything (or wait, it expands after you alt tab away..)
  • channel mention doesnt show alerts for people by default
  • replies minimize automatically if leave chat open for a while (so context is lost where you left it)
  • if you write multiline message, clicking the send (paperplane) button below doesnt send message
  • if you add people to new chat, and prepare message to be send, and then go to another chat to copy something, the whole "draft" chat disappears!

Calls / Conferences

  • Now changed layout in the participants list, can only see people in or people out
  • Uploading file in another chat, while you have join window open, closes the the join window?
  • Conference timer text width changes, moving the buttons around by few pixels
  • If more than 10 participants, can only see 10 names in that list (even though rest of the panel has empty space!)
  • its not clear that who is talking, especially during screenshare (no proper highlights)
  • Request permissions button appears suddenly there, when you tried to click participants list (and you cannot cancel the request!)
  • If someone calls into wrong group, everyone from that group will then later rejoin the call and pull other people in from the correct teams conference..
  • You need to click those grayed out buttons on left, to access rest of the teams during meetings
  • You lose all track of current place that you were, when entering conference (since video steams the focus and forces you into that chat, video should popout as separate instance, so you can work on teams normally)

Files in Teams tabs

  • Cannot see where its downloading the file
  • Cannot cancel download
  • Cannot see if you have already downloaded this file (and clicking download automatically downloads with new name)
  • Cannot right click to "open local file/folder"
  • Double clicking does nothing (well some weird menu changes appear, but not clear whats the point)
  • Open button is actually dropdown menu, shows single item "open online" (eventhough i have downloaded it)
  • Weird [x] button in the menubar, when file is selected.. seems to mean "deselect"?
  • Strange "This page uses cookies.." - notification banner
  • Cannot go to next/prev image if there are many images in files tab
  • Cannot open full screen view of document?
  • if you upload 2 files, 2nd file then shows 0 bytes after completion (and refreshing doesnt help, download works)
  • no preview or thumbnail view, with folder full of images in files tab
  • clicking downloaded notification takes you to the folder, but doesnt select the file
  • viewing power point file, cannot press Page down to go next page
  • cannot drag and drop files into files tab header, or inside the tab either
  • no download button, have to press that ... dropdown
  • copy link context menu doesnt copy the link, but opens dialog where you can copy it
  • if you lose network connection during upload, upload actually continues(?) after reconnetion, but you dont know, and then you upload new file, but in the end it asks file already exists, and starts overwriting previous upload
  • if you start upload 1 file first, then upload 3 more, it shows uploading 3 files (should be 4)
  • cannot drag and drop files inside the files view
  • files are not sorted by date as default, also it doesnt save your selected sorting, so need to click sort by date again
  • no file sizes visible!


  • after windows password change, teams application login page is broken (with broken swedish letters too)
  • Cannot see your activity past 1 month (and cannot search it either)
  • cannot keep one chat "always active", like slack/discord
  • Asking me to login, but yesterday was autologged still..
  • Today its asking again to link teams to office, i dont want
  • Meetings in separate windows? dialog again, i answered it last time already
  • joining a meeting from Outlook, it opens browser first for the join link, and sometimes browser is slow or needs updates.. why not just directly call Teams on local machine?
  • downloading teams .msix requires you to first manually download "app installer" from ms store!

File attachment in chat

  • Says 404 not found, but same file in Files-tab works fine..
  • cannot delete file sent into chat (other than by deleting the message)
  • If you go to chat from alerts, then view file, and close the file, you are teleported back to first alert chat (not the same you viewed file from)
  • really slow opening of files, with no progress bar to say that something is loading
  • txt file in chat doesnt open, only worked once, after that need to use open online (regular viewer shows blank)
  • files are removed after few months???
  • after upload, you get random notification, "you have shared..." (and clicking it takes you to wrong chat, not where you shared the file)
  • when downloaded file from chat, chat message popup covered the downloaded file popup, so you cannot click it..need to go explorer to find it
  • cannot download all from one message, need to download one by one
  • if you start uploading file, then go to another chat and come back, you dont know if download is still going on
  • unfinished download disappears completely if you close teams and come back!!
  • Cannot create folders in Chat files tab! (so after few years, you'll be browsing thousands of files there..)
  • DWG viewer is a joke (you get some pixelated thumbnail image only) and download button for it is hidden under ...

Image attachments in Chat

  • Cannot copy image! (there is "copy image" in right click, but it doesnt copy it (at least not in any usable format for Word, Paint, Photoshop..)
  • There is Download icon in top right, but nothing happens when you click on that "1 file downloaded"
    • So you have to manually browse into downloads folder, and original image name is lost and you end up with hundreds of "MicrosoftTeams-image (1).png" images
  • Cannot see images in chat after reboot!
  • image shows error thumbnail for a long time, then later appears (when come back to chat)
  • clicking image opens faded out panel, but no image (and no indicators of what happening, is it loading or what?)
  • if image is png with white image part, you cannot see anything (since image background is white), same if click those images
  • replying to message with more than 10 images, your reply disappears until you go to different chat and come back
  • all downloads are named with MicrosoftTeams-image.png (so data is lost if user wants to transfer specific filename)
  • cannot view next image with arrow keys or mouse (have to close current one, click next image)


  • Sometimes loading planner tab is slow, all names assigned are shown as "Former member" (until they are loaded)

Video Player

  • stuck buffering on first try
  • avi files not supported, with mysterious error message: xxxxxxx-ed67-4f73-xxxx-551ddc7aba77.xxxxxxx-23c0-4f2e-81a9-xxxxxxx

Activity feed

  • cannot search the feed
  • really messy to read that feed, lots of similar text (due to long titles), hard to see what was the actual mention
  • cannot filter my own activity (where i posted that thing last week?)
  • what did i do last week
  • where are list of all open tasks assigned to me or that im part of?


  • clicking teams title in main window doesnt scroll to it in teams list panel
  • dragging team titles make strange jumps, not sure what happened, did the teams move or not?
  • cannot star/favourite multiple items at one go from "more channels..", have to do that manually for each item one by one
  • cannot use keyboard to scroll teams (have to press enter for each item and then focus moves away from the list)
  • cannot search teams list
  • No indicators if non-favorited topics have new messages or not

Gifs in chat

  • Dropping gif file doesnt show preview in the compose panel (so you dont know if its correct file, have to go watch it in file explorer manually)
  • playing gif doesnt show that its loading, just pause button is shows
  • gif doesnt loop automatically
  • When componsing message with gif attachment, clicking the gif doesnt open it


  • Everyday you get "Stay connected with out mobile app" banner advertising, and after closing it, another tooltip banner appears for "download the teams mobile app here"
  • top right, the "private" text looks like button (rounded edges, gray background), text is selectable too.. but does nothing
  • Cannot do ctrl+F to find in current view (or area), like activity list
  • "See more" is not smart, sometimes hides only 1-2 lines (which should be rather showed then)

Tasks Due - Email Notifications

  • Links open in browser, not in desktop teams
  • Email is stuffed with advertising spam: "Bing Maps - Get More Apps", "Get the Planner app for iPhone or Android"
  • Clicking on Bing maps dropdown, opens map for microsoft office location.. useless

Private chat tutorial video

  • clicking that "[play icon] private chat and calling" opens video player, but video doesnt autoplay (even though there was clearly play video icon in that link you clicked)


  • Help system doesnt have free text search (to find help on some specific keyword)
  • Help, Troubleshooting list is not scrollable with middle mouse button, until you click another item in the list


  • double clicking file doesnt do anything (oh i see, have to click exactly on the file name.. not the row, why)
  • right click has "copy" but its disabled, so whats the use?
  • clicking file opens strange small "open file messagebox", if you click another file, new popup opens each time
  • closing file preview goes back to the chat, instead of back to the files list (so if you were in some folder, need to go back)
  • no preview for powerpoint file (yet this is microsofts own product..)
  • viewing excel sheet in tab, sheet horizontal scroll is jumping around until scroll the page


  • your name is shown as red color, which seems excessive (looks like its error or missing person or something else)

Adding file to chat message

  • if you click Attach/Upload from my computer, default folder is Teams installation folder (why not documents at least..)

Chat tab

  • your most recent chat is open by default, so you cannot open this tab during screen share or meetings, if you have private discussions there (no way to "close" chat, to show some empty default screen)
  • suddenly old chats are gone? i dont see any button to see old messages and contacts here.. Supposedly its archiving old chats (and hiding them), only way to get them back, is to find that person in some team, start sending new message to him, then your old chat history appears again.
  • Nothing listed in chat contacts list (yet i have lots of chats history with people)


  • Renaming forms tab show edit in the name field: "Edit | Your title here"
  • Rename dialog is not draggable/movable (cannot see the name that you wanted from behind it)
  • Theme colors are not matching with the selected theme button color (button is much darker, stronger)

Error messages

  • After changing windows password, "request is not properly formatted. the parameter "login_hint" is duplicated"
  • Cannot copy error message, copy context menu is grayed out


  • CTRL+Z doesnt work anymore! (for example, if you paste link)
  • Teams is unable to stream desktop view at good frame rates (its like 320kbps 4fps)! what a joke
  • cannot send png today : o "failed to send" or stuck "sending" and then just disappears! (so you dont even know you had tried to send it and it failed!!!!)
  • Added new Word Online file to Files, wrote big list of things there, then suddenly the document reverted into initial version! No undo or redo available.
  • What does this mean? i did got one results though: "search is unable to to all results at this time. While we fix the issue, you'll receive limited results"
  • after a group call, this call chat doesnt appear on top (in the chats tab)
  • typing message, left/right arrow doesnt move cursor anymore!
  • pasting link to teams excel, it changes it into email text and link (previous rows?)
  • calender doesnt open from the open calender button (right side)

Powerpoint viewer

  • No download button top right corner, but other files have..
  • No close button, like other files have

Word viewer/editor

  • If you press enter on a line that has hyperlink, that link is opened (instead of newline gets inserted)
  • Cannot search in word viewer!!
  • Shift arrow left/right to extend selection doesnt work on first try, need to click document again?

One Note Tab

  • Doesnt keep your layout settings, if you resize the section/page panels, they reset back to default EVERYTIME
  • cannot lock the section/page tab to be visible always
  • triple click doesnt select whole line
  • copy paste list breaks list indents

Team Meetings

  • cannot view rest of the teams, since it locks your into meeeting view!
  • shows only 4 people in the list below screenshare
  • Person sharing his view, can see his whole chat list (with latest comments visible)
  • At the end of meeting, there is always that "how was audio quality rating"-screen, its useless
  • cannot cancel call if you call someone from meeting

General Missing Features

  • No "seen by" count on posts
  • Cannot print image from chat image viewer!
  • no easy file share functionality with expiration date (if just want to send file to someone, but dont need to keep it in teams forever polluting the files list)
  • cannot set max upload or download speed (as it still kills whole internet when upload)
  • cannot pause upload or download
  • no click counter on links
  • no download counter on files


  • pressing space Doesnt select person from the popup dialog (if multiple persons with same first name), it moves to another person instead!!
  • meeting: "People" button moves around, soon after you join, so you tried to click it and then suddenly "Raise" button takes it places
  • Searching apps and then viewing the app info panel, back button clears search, close button completely closes app search
  • Selecting text to copy from chat, all the popups interfere with selection on first selection and you need to select again
  • After editing chat message, the Accept button is bottom right, but it also triggers those smily faces in next message
  • more actions menu item with arrow > in message top corner, one item appears on top of the menu root (strange)
  • windows taskbar icon shows persons name and green icon, but in the window itself the person icon is away
  • Cannot press backspace to go back folder in browsing files and folders in teams files tab
  • Application icon in taskbar shows greendot, and the username on which chat you are (but the person is offline, yet the green icon makes it looks like they are online)
  • zip viewer, no download button (but have conversation and close buttons), download is under ... dropdown menu (even though that is the most needed and used button)
  • zip viewer, after closing it, meet button is directly under close button, accidentally can click it easily
  • ctrl+shift+r (refresh page in Firefox) triggers reply message in the email..
  • when uploading file, you get notification: "you have shared 0...", only first letter is visible!
  • hard to find names in chat recent list, because name is not bolded (same color as message text)
  • cannot see how many people already in the meeting (shows it only if theres many?)
  • suddenly UI was completely changed in next app start (no notifications or options to revert)
  • cannot message to self (to share some data between computers or just keep quick note)
  • triple click selects username and date from message (cannot easily copy just the whole message)
  • searching for message only shows that single message, cannot jump into that day/thread.. (now has jump to message button, but still only shows that 1 message :D )
  • if you paste message on channel, then go to another chat and come back, that message has been switched to some article editing mode (and you cannot switch back to just posting regular message!), so it mean you need to open notepad to first copy paste your stuff, compose the full message in notepad, and then come back to post it as regular message
  • if you start writing message on channel, and go else where and come back, your cursor position is changed to start (instead of end where it was)
  • viewing excel in Teams, scroll bars are white (opposite of any other application, where draggable area is darker)
  • Copy image, it copies it as base64 img html tag :D lol
  • If you search message, you cannot copy text from those results! wow!
  • if you delete message (between 2 messages), deleted message row jumps as last message..
  • list text is black on call chat panel! (with dark gray background)
  • cannot drop image to message, UNTIL you type something first
  • suddenly today new thumbs up icon in the feed (looks more blurry and not clear with purple background)
  • If someone reacts to your message in the current that that you already are, then you need to go to notifications and come back to have "mark it as seen".. (when you already saw it as it was for the last message there)
  • if you click channel link in chat (to enter it), it wont become visible in the channels list
  • Cannot click forwarded message to see images and context (it doesnt even show the images!)
  • if you search messages, results are NOT ordered by date or anything! (and you cannot sort them by date)
  • Clicking "More" on messages search results, show same results but with extra tools, but still no sorting option
  • Clicking "Next" shows few more results, nowhere there is info on how many total results or pages there are
  • new message popup is too dark, close button not visible until mouse over
  • cannot mark channel as read, it keeps showing red (1) icon, until you find that flagged message from one of the reply threads
  • if you click your own profile icon, it displays "start chat", but clicking it doesnt do anything
  • from activity feed, you cannot jump into the channel where notification is from (hard to see what is the root teams name either, not clear from regular text in description dropdown panel)
  • in private messages, if message contains more than 1 image, you get arrows to view next/prev image, but in team chats you dont get arrows for viewing multiple images!
  • Copy file link, opens copy dialog need to press copy button (why not just copy directly) AND after press copy button, another dialog opens for "copied", but it has another copy button there! (so user ends up doing copy about 3 times?)
  • "Are you writing finnish now" constantly appears sometimes, surely they could use detect language algoriths, instead of bothering user (the panel sometimes blocks your message when it appears or moves)
  • starting new chat and adding people, pressing tab doesnt add highlighted person (first item in results), even though its highlighted!
  • Clicking downloading file doesnt open the file in explorer, need to click that file downloaded (that is visible at the same time in the end)
  • Never put anything important in the meeting chats (you'll never find those meeting chats again!) (or always duplicate the message in main channel chat for that topic/project) as those meeting chats seem to disappear in history and search cannot find them either..
  • viewing files from chat, opening even small files takes 30 seconds (and there is no info or progress, so it looks like its bugged)
  • viewing files from chat, if press close, it jumps back into start of the list
  • New 18.01.2023: When you upload or delete item in Files, uncloseable popup panel appears on top right..
  • Messages dont show date, only day name and time, so it looks like the message was from this week, Until you scroll up and see the full date (messages are grouped to date)
  • viewing pdf file, cannot press Page down to go next page (until click the page manually once)
  • Writing email: Cannot first character from email address (it removes whole address) [email protected] (if press delete ahead of "a" letter, it erases whole email)
  • Viewing files list, cannot easily click "modified" header to easily sort ascending/descending, it opens some dropdown instead with all kind of options (non standard way)
  • No way to cancel download
  • No way to see whats currently downloading (files tab icon shows that something is downloading)
  • cannot click main teams name to get there! "Cannot Click here > Sub Teams", impossible to find it, actually cannot be sure if its chat or teams that you were added..
  • viewing word document: cannot double or triple click to select whole line of text
  • viewing word document: close button was moved in between other buttons! not in the top right anymore..
  • Files view: if select multiple file rows, Share button disappears! need to share 1 by 1..
  • Searching for filename, you get few related results and bottom has "more files" link, pressing it displays "We couldn't find any results for ...", then why display the link at all?
  • cannot see if the meeting is already running (only if meeting has more than x amount of people it does close mic in the join window), this causes issue that people join in later (when meeting is already ended, because they dont know if anyone is still in the room) and then everyone get the windows notification for "asdf started meeting.."
  • during meeting, top bar buttons move if someone shares screen (so you will accidentally click wrong button) when you tried to press chat or people
  • if company meeting has not started, people will join and everyone get notification that "asdf started meeting", Teams needs option that only organizer can start meeting!
  • With the new message system, if you leave message unsent, you get "continue writing this draft" there and have to click it.. so its 1 extra click again.
  • Downloads list, no right mouse button menu (to open file folder like elsewhere), left button opens file location in explorer (while normally left click opens file in Teams)
  • with the new chats per topic/thread, you cannot see files tab on those threads! it means if someone says the file is in files/ you have to go into main channel first, and then into files, and then back into that thread..
  • if you type something with ( ) characters, if tries to convert it into emoji constantly, on every key press!
  • "Reply"-row now requires 2 clicks most of the time!!! started few weeks ago, and it takes almost 1 seconds to "activate"
  • uploading file with same name shows warning about "Uploading a copy because a file with the same name is shared in this channel. Reshare older file instead" AND then it renames your current upload file (before its uploaded!!!) and the name is really strange "file1.gif" becomes "fil 2.gif"
  • cannot see from activity or any history, that who called you today?!?!?
  • opening word doc in chat, vertical scrollbar is ~4pixels wide, hard to click it (especially if you have 2nd monitor on right side of screen)
  • opening word doc in chat, there is no close or clearly visible back to chat button!!
  • when attache docx to chat, you cannot open or preview the attached file! so you have to go open it manually from explorer, to confirm its correct
  • Files, if you move existing file to another folder, it takes several seconds before anything happens (so it feels like it didnt work, no indication that its doing something)
  • when you send message with image, and are forced to press "See More" to see your just sent image, it appears for 1 second and then folds again, have to press "See More" again.. (and every time you come to see it again also)
  • when starting to write message in teams chat, if you mouse hover some user, it steals focus from text input box!
  • when you go into teams chat files, and come back, its not in the same chat position anymore (need to scroll back up)
  • when file has finished downloading, and you click "downloading" (not the "downloaded"), it doesnt do anything!!
  • pressing END button on message where username is last, it jumps to next row! instead going into last character in this row..


  • Apps require wide permissions "Access this team's information such as team name, channel list and roster (including team member's names and email addresses) – and use this to contact them."
  • Clicking "Add" app didnt do anything..* actually it appeared in main channel, not in the channel that i clicked add
  • Apparently need to go add apps again, click the added app again, then there is option to disable post message to channel, but no option to add into tabs still

Weather app

Viewing Powerpoint in Teams

  • Cannot press Page down (to jump pages) or mouse scroll
  • clicking the page goes to next page
  • while clicking next/prev, tooltip never disappears

Viewing Word Document in Teams

  • Cannot copy image from the document!!! (even when you pressed open, not just from the view mode)

Signin (after password changed)

  • "We need you to sign in! Either your password changed or the server needs your sign-in info again", signin button doesnt do anything (it just opens the app again to this same page)
  • Pressing TAB allows you to browse content behind the signin window! ahaha.


  • cannot put links to network drives (in email you can)


  • Backspacing on url keeps jumping around backward and forward
  • Blinking taskbar window, shows title of current chat (even though notification is in completely different chat room)!
  • No reply button visible for thread, but appears if you click "new conversation", then scroll down

Real Feedback From Teams users

  • "Everything gets lost in teams"
  • "Lets go back to using emails and shared excel in network drive"

Favourite Contacts

  • If you typed someones name, selected user, then click elsewhere, you cannot edit the field anymore (need to close and open again)


  • cannot open simple pdf file attached in chat, shows blank screen.. so need to download and open outside
  • cannot open simple txt file attached in chat, shows blank screen.. so need to download and open outside
  • "do you want to use new teams", if you click no, it just restarts and asks again!
  • "failed to retrieve.." error when someone sends audio message, need to press Refresh to reload it
  • "We ran into a problem getting your team.", what issue and what should i do then? (but of course it works when you try again, still would like to know what was the error..)
  • session expired, it says please close your browser and relogin.. But im not using browser, this is Teams Client. What fixed it? Press sign in another way, then press cancel, then it reloads, then it logged in normally..
  • ÖÅÄ Characters not visible in team names (btw. its year 2020, same problem in linkedin still)
  • Image not loading, just broken image icon appears when clicked on chat
  • Chat, Contacts, Favourites ... Add contact to this group, the popup dialog becomes deactive after 0.5s (just before you try to type the name)
  • pasting image to teams chat, appears as broken image, until go to another teams and back
  • teams screen is black, after computer sleep
  • "We are setting up your file directory." cannot view files today
  • login stuck in infinite loop (page keeps refreshing, button missing text, or just stuck), signout button doesnt work, errors "Error Code: nonce_mismatch_error|Nonce is not matching, Nonce received: null, nonce",
  • clicking shift-enter after a link breaks the text box (cannot move, until click in the start of the line)
  • recently it started to happen that when you select chat from the list, it doesnt scroll all the way to the end by default, so you need to always scroll down to see last messages
  • clicking "go to message" from search results, it doesnt go that that message
  • searching inside chat, can see results on left, but clicking the message doesnt do anything! (and it doesnt show the full time and date for that message, so its more difficult to find)
  • viewing excel, doesnt load all cells, need to scroll down and back to refresh
  • writing list is impossible, shift+enter moves to next line without creating new list item (ok), but ctrl+enter sends message, enter sends message, cannot add new list item
  • last seen 2hrs ago, but the person is live on the meeting right now
  • copy pasted images are super jpeg compressed, hard to read texts (need to download and view externally)
  • switching account: status get reset and your profile image disappears (after switching back)
  • dropping image to chat, it doesnt appear there, then drop again, it says already exists..
  • message not updated for other users (after it was edited)
  • left right arrow doesnt work in chat
  • Really slow to scroll back to messages history (and it loads only 10 messages per refresh time upwards) AND scrollbar doesnt update automatically always, need to scroll down then up again
  • setting status to BRB, it doesnt update busy color in your top bar icon, until you click it again
  • horrible lag scrolling some chat (doesnt even have many messages visible, and if you scroll down again, they turn into placeholder messages, while its loading or "building" the ui again?)
  • you can drag tool bar buttons away, sometimes it shows drop is possible on some areas
  • app starts at small quarter sized window every time
  • cannot see reply button to someones reply, until scroll down the message (if it had been modified?)
  • cannot paste webm image to chat
  • clicking "see more" just shows "see less" in some messages
  • search doesnt work today.."something went wrong"
  • mouse over info panel: "you are 6hrs ahead", but they are in same city..why default setting is wrong location?
  • viewing simple word document, it loads most of the pages, but the most important pages (in the middle) are always stuck on loading..until you close and open again
  • switching to "busy" doesnt work today! (worked yesterday) *fixed by minimizing teams, then set again
  • if you erase part of https url string, it jumps back to half of the string! (if you stop for 1 second)
  • going into chat files, and coming back, you end up in differerent teams chat room!
  • opening pdf file from chat, usually doesnt open, sometimes does, really slow (even if you just had opened it earlier)
  • cannot triple or double click to select full line in power point view (read only ppt)
  • cannot copy text from read only power point view!
  • sending message didnt send it, then sent new message, 2 messages appeared..
  • if you try to add event for today, late at night, it adds the event on next day instead!
  • Email notifications for teams messages, are missing spaces! sothewholemessagelookslikethis
  • sending reply from mobile failed, could receive notifications but not reply..huh
  • When computer starts, Teams is not initialized(?) in taskbar, no busy icon and those, until you open it once (no messages icon either)
  • meeting: people status icons are shown as white, until you open people tab again
  • pasted 3 images in chat, then error "oh no! we lost your image. Please paste it again before sending.", But how do it know which image is lost? (they are visible in text message still
  • cannot click links in the edit message box (works if you have 1 or 2 links, but not if many links in list)
  • uploaded file just now, then went to another team chat for a while, came back, file was not uploaded (not visible anywhere)
  • "we hit a problem.. reconnecting", but nothing happens, so you need to restart manually
  • you can drag file view top bar around (it shows + icon for drop), but why though
  • when keeping image in teams chat open, it flickers every minute or so
  • error message: "please type message to continue", if you typed your message in title and tried to send, then moved title message into text box.. have to press send again.
  • posted message with text and image, it doesnt display the text anymore (like before it used to), have to click see more to see text ABOVE image.. (fixed if go another teams and come back, *but happens again later)
  • clicking See more doesnt always work on first click
  • uploading image with same name in the chat breaks the current upload filename!! "file1.gif" becomes "fil 2.gif"
  • when using teams on another computer, new account, Clicking "Continue" after signin, doesnt work! Cannot use, back button or signout doesnt work either!
  • edited Word file from chat, saved and pressed close Word (local), it says "we've saved your changes locally, but we can't upload your changes to the server right now. We'll rety uploading them the next time you open this file." *How hard can it be to upload a file in year 2024???
  • Opened file again as it suggested, it says "we couldnt verify that you have the necessary permissions to upload the file" (but its private chat with 1 person, why cannot upload modfied OR even renamed file?)
  • today same error multiple times "There was a problem reaching this app"
  • if you select that "There was a problem reaching this app" text, then re-enter/reload, everything is selected in the teams chat
  • popup: add ..something.. tools into chat, click here to watch how. I clicked it, nothing happened.
  • share conversation to outlook, takes 1 minute to load
  • opening stream shared video from teams: "Something might be outdated or not supported. Please try again." And that whole message cannot be copied in browser.. so you need to either type it manually to ask for help, or use inspect element.
  • teams chat old messages, shows timestamp as "Thursday 10:29AM", but actually that message is from last weeks thursday.. bit confusing.


  • When some meeting starts, you get notification popup with join button, but it has Camera icon, i dont want camera, i just want to join with mic and muted, so i need to go to email and click from there instead
  • right clicking teams icon in windows iconbar has some issues (it then rightclicks on windows icon bar also when closing?)
  • mediakeys play teams call sound
  • power viewer only shows first page, takes long to load the rest
  • again ads popup for "Get the Teams mobile app"
  • shared files are deleted after certain time (with no warnings or info!!)


  • Unclear what app permissions for, like "Read your Enterprise", does that mean they can read all enterprise messages? and the rest also, it feels like they can read every chat, which probably is not the case, but unclear. Needs (?) for more info or tooltips..


  • cannot search from specific chat only
  • if i found file in search, how do it go into that Teams files tab? cannot go anywhere from the results..
  • file search results doesnt show actual full path (only TeamName/Shared files, when it should be TeamName/Files/YourFolder/..)


  • upload kills internet from other applications
  • images from android cannot be uploaded sometimes? error: file is missing something ..
  • if you upload file to teams files, you can see the upload panel and info (progress), but if you go to another chat and come back, you cannot see the upload file text or access progress panel anymore!


  • "One more step to set up Teams with Office", cannot skip this step! what if i'm in a hurry?


  • Forms survey, results are displayed in a message above, and after voting, the vote buttons stay there (probably could vote again?), instead of having standard survey where results are displayed in the place that you clicked

Web client

  • Cannot make calls on firefox
  • Cannot join meeting on firefox (forces to use edge by using special edge: link)

Missing features

  • no "forward message" feature (so you need to download file, copy message and send manually to someone else)

Teams Mobile

  • Copy link, copies link to teams chat message, not the link that you pressed copy for..
  • Keeps showing old messages as new (notifications, even if you had cleared them)

Teams Meeting recordings

  • Have now an expiration date. A recording will expire in 60 days, too short for anything, why its default?


  • Huge blue blinking water drop icon appeared on top bar today, with circles emitting from it! "add shortcut to one drive", totally useless and annoying. Clicking that water drop icon opened some weird help panel for "finding files faster", then it closed itself, not sure how to even get it back..
  • Today every calender event is bright yellow!
  • 06.10.2023, suddendly today you cannot make regular posts anymore!! It creates post and start with Title field, so you cannot @people there, need to fill in title and then go to write message below!!! (cannot add download link to title either)
  • Right mouse button context menu is disabled in some Teams or announcements?!?! Just wanted to copy address from one message with mouse..
  • at some update, when you type @... it doesnt offer names, UNTIL you type 4 letters, previously it would offer earlier
  • there is NO ctrl+f SEARCH in PDF viewer?!?! Ahahaha..
  • Cannot copy text if its message title!! Works if you select whole title text MINUS 1 letter : D
  • Cannot copy selected text with right mouse click (opening right mouse menu selects all text from message!!)

Mobile UX

  • Sending message on Teams chat, "new conversation" button is not visible at bottom (there is blue icon, but it doesnt look like "new conversation", more like close or open link button), so you most likely press reply (on older thread) instead


  • suddenly one channel shows banner: "reserve your seat for whats new catch latest product updates"
  • needed to send quick message, but suddenly on opening teams it showed mobile app modal banner

Missing Features

  • cannot share link to specific post or topic! (but if you share chat to outlook, it contains link to thread!)

Cant believe it


  • Asks for authenticator code, but you can close that window and scroll messages behind it for a short perioid of time (and can repeat it as many times as you want)

New version of Teams... (2023 October and then the new forced version in end of May 2024)

UX Issues

  • closing teams: warning dialog "your message has not been send", but no info what message and where..
  • speaker in presenter mode cannot see if someone raises hand
  • "Language changes detected. Please restart Teams to see the change.", what does it mean? i havent changed anything.. need more info.
  • if you receive multiple images, that you want to download, you cannot download them easily! On top of that, when you download one file, you cannot download next file, until you close the downloaded dialog, because it blocks the Download button!
  • one chat has red (1) notification, but no info what it is about? no mouse over info, clicking it does nothing, channel has no new messages or pings
  • 2025 jan: Close Image button has been removed! (when you open image from chat, no more close button, need to click outside the image to close it..)
  • Search something, find the message, press "Go to channel", it doesnt go to that message!! (goes to last message on that channel)
  • without warning, doing some update? "we are setting things up for you" ?
  • if you add 5 people in chat, you cannot see all the names!!! even mouse over cuts them with ...
  • suddenly today, totally new theme, no info whats happening!
  • search feature is so laggy and bugged that if you clear search and search again, it detects your search key clicks as some other shortcut instead and jumps into different chat!
  • Today that AI generated "Discover" title is bolded! Just to force users to click on it.. (i wont : )
  • Suddenly today: When you close current meeting window, it Exists Meeting!! (i didnt press Leave Meeting, previously it would minimize the window)
  • forwarding message to meeting chat, Cannot open the images!!! (only shows thumbnails)
  • When you open teams from taskbar icon, it returns to wrong chat! (not the one you were, when teams was closed to task bar)
  • from search results, you cannot go into that result Teams chat! (can open the found image, but cannot go then into that chat)
  • chat: if you hover over 2 replies from user, trying to copy some text, the emoji tooltip blocks you from going upper row
  • Activity: If someone reacts to your message, in the same chat that you have curretly open. You still need to go into Activity to clear that notification!
  • Polly in chat, window is too small, cannot resize..
  • trying to press thumbsup reaction for message, but the reaction toolbar disappears if you move towards thumbsup (need to move first up, then left..)
  • chat: you cannot view attached gif in original resolution! (unless open in browser, which requires logins and all that)
  • downloaded file dropdown, delete button is too prominent (browsers like Firefox doesnt have delete button in that list, which is fine)
  • files view, zip icon and folder look quite the same..
  • Opening Zip file from chat, it doesnt show Download button directly! its under "..." (as a single item, nothing else there)
  • meeting view: 3 cams + 2 no cams, layout seems wonky (not properly aligned)
  • meeting view: your own thumbnail/avatar box blocks another persons view! (cannot see their face fully)
  • title bar is gray, hard to see search box there
  • Everything has more margin and padding and rounded edges? Cannot see as many messages in Teams view
  • All teams chat messages are using gray background, which looks like they are quoted text instead (and main background is white instead!! why..
  • List circle symbol is now not filled? hard to see it as a first level list
  • Pressing arrow key up moves into other messages, while you are editing your own message!!! (leaves the textbox)
  • Right click, Copy link to file, it doesnt copy link without clicking that "copy button" (only says "link created" in that dialog, so have to press copy Again! (when you just selected "copy link" in context menu already..)
  • New copy link dialog changes size when you press copy! (so you need to actively look where Close button moves) AND you cannot click copy again (since button disappears)
  • downloaded file popup doesnt close when you open file from it, so need to manually close after coming back
  • still no indicator that file is downloading
  • still no file size info, no idea if i'm starting to download 10gb file or 1kb

Missing features

  • File tab still doesnt have file size columns
  • cannot type > character in chat (as first character) it becomes quote or some other element?


  • main screen is white today, cannot access my setings or other teams, during meeting in other window
  • pasted image, [x] remove button from image top right corner is missing today!
  • teams crashes, if other user leaves meeting, while screen sharing was on?
  • "can't display presentation - there was a problem displaying the content", this should be there main feature? why it doesnt work or say how to solve it..
  • Went to meeting, they used split to breakout rooms, but operater said it has error moving me to the rooms, and there is no way to manually move me into breakout rooms
  • teams crashed today (probably after changed password?)
  • chat: if you have text selected, the emoji toolbar never disappears, and you cannot select text from the above line (since its behind the emoji bar..) and now you also get 2 emoji bars visible in other lines..
  • Links with # dont work in chat!! ><
  • pressing Page down button in chat window is broken today! (goes few lines upwards on press!!) 🤡
  • "Meeting details" button, failed to load meeting details.. pressing try again, page gets stuck
  • again today: "We are settings things up for you" Teams suddenly started blinking in taskbar
  • pressing back in Teams files view, sometimes "The specified view is invalid" (and retry button doesnt work)
  • pressing back in Teams files view, sometimes it jumps to different Teams files view!! while still showing that you are in current Teams chat in left panel!!!
  • Teams hangs whole computer for several minutes, if paste certain formatted text from Word to Teams chat!
  • Polly takes half a minute to load, and hangs on final submit for 1 minute.. then have to click submit again.
  • sometimes teams channel is listed on left, but if you click it it disappears!
  • if you send message, then press [x] to close window, it gives error dialog "your message has not been sent yet", but why not sent it while app is minimized in tray???
  • file upload failed silently! no warnings or anything, file was just not attached when sent
  • after posting post, you always need to go edit links in post (to appear as links, by pressing enter again end of the link, and the new bug is: if you press save edit too fast after pressing enter (and after the link has turned blue), it doesnt turn as a link!!! you need to wait few seconds after pressing enter..)
  • if i go into certain Team, Files and then press BACK.. it jumps into completely separate Teams files location! 🤡
  • if you have un-sent message in some teams, and you try to use search field, it jumps back to typing that message!!!
  • right click quit teams, doesnt close the app properly (icon still visible, until mouse over it)
  • right click teams on taskbar, its on wrong language (not same as what teams is set to)
  • Cannot upload .mov files (and error message is cryptic "missing necessary data"
  • if paste SVG image in chat, its visible initially, but not after posting 🤡
  • recently(?) when you open Teams from taskbar icon, it appears slowly and white window for ~1 second, previously it wouldnt do that
  • red squiggly lines for text: if you right click on it, it offers copy/cut/paste, instead of suggesting fixed word
  • Now that they finally added "downloaded file" dialog (to access that file easily), that dialog never closes just hangs in there, until close it
  • Teams refreshed itself in the middle of me writing chat message! (and jumped into another chat after refresh!??!). Its probably some bug that they need to call refresh every x minutes?
  • clicking "see more" after you just posted message with some images, doesnt work, have to click again! (why is it even minimized by default, you want to see that the message and images got posted correctly)
  • suddenly Teams taskbar started blinking and it restarts? No info about what happened and it opens on different chat where i had left it
  • links are not getting converted to links so easily anymore? have to go press enter again at the link text line
  • "this message was deleted" shown in the (You) chat, but there is no deleted messages
  • Huge red circle in application task icon (but can see small part of green icon next to it)
  • Cannot hide one channel, it just pops back to the list
  • cannot drag and drop gif to chat message (nothing happens, have to add manually from "+" and "from this device" ..)
  • Polly got stuck on next button
  • Polly cannot view results: "Unable to reach app. Please try again."


  • big model dialog: "Get the Teams mobile app for the full experience" (2nd day after using new version)
  • Suddenly big "Discover" panel at the top of all Teams list! (looks like some AI thingy) *Oh, its Feed.. ok, but at least their initial feed content is totally useless "interacted with this author", Doh - they work in same company.. Seems like a useless feature.
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see also "Whats Wrong with Enterprise Outlook Email"

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