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Daniel Vincent Horgan vinnyhorgan

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Game Porting Adventures

This article details my adventures and disadventures while porting my +9 years old XNA games, originally developed for Windows Phone, to multiple other frameworks (SharpDX, PSM, MonoGame...), for PSVita, Android and Desktop (Windows, Linux, macOS) platforms.

The article is divided in 3 parts:

Minionguyjpro /
Last active February 28, 2025 08:13
Activate Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and 11 Pro for Free

Activate Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and 11 Pro for Free

A guide how to get and activate Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and 11 Pro for free!


I noticed that people or bots are trying to place suspicious links below that link to some sketchy source for what they say is a 'crack' or nothing at all. I'd recommend you to NOT click on any of those links! The scripts in this guide are open source and can be viewed as desired. I'm fine with posting coupons here! Do note that if you do so, please prove it! Link a review site along with the site and the coupon. Thanks, Minionguyjpro.


If you see the Windows keyboard button in this guide; and you can't find it on your keyboard, you likely have/had Windows 10 which has the button . If you can't find that one, you likely have a PC that

masterex1000 / agui.h
Created October 22, 2020 18:29
A small UI helper library intended to be used with raylib. It has a few simple rectangle manipulation functions that make it much easier to write a semi-responsive ui
* This is a simple helper library for handling some common responsive ui stuff
* I wrote this because UI dev sucks and I wanted to stop writing the same code
* over and over again.
* This also adds some nice things like doing margins if you want. All it does
* is modify the bounds of rectangles but it is suprisingly flexable.
* License: I don't care, do anything as long as you don't claim it as your own
Niakr1s / cmake_windows_icon.txt
Created November 23, 2019 19:55
How to add icon to cmake app in windows
1. Put app.ico in directory.
2. Create app.rc in same directory with one line:
3. Run command (Warning: it's app.o, not app.res, how it is mentioned in other manuals!)
windres app.rc -o app.o
4. add_executable(app
mattiasghodsian /
Last active February 19, 2025 23:37
How to create a Windows application Installer with NSIS

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System is also known as NSIS open-source system to create Windows application installers. NSIS is a script-based system allowing you to create the logic behind your installer/setup file in a complex way to install tasks. NSIS offers plug-ins and other scripts, for example, to download/install 3rd-party files or communicate with Windows.

The tutorial application

This tutorial will guide you through installing and creating your first Windows installer with Nullsoft Scriptable Install System and how to compile your project. Captura Portable will be used as "our application" for the sake of this tutorial.


Head to NSIS official site and download the latest release and install it. Run NSIS and you will be welcomed with a menu like below, It's always a good practice to read the Documentation before jumping in t

JerryLokjianming / Crack Sublime Text Windows and
Last active February 23, 2025 00:44
Crack Sublime Text 3.2.2 Build 3211 and Sublime Text 4 Alpha 4098 with Hex

How to Crack Sublime Text 3.2.2 Build 3211 with Hex Editor (Windows | Without License) ↓

  1. Download & Install Sublime Text 3.2.2 Build 3211
  2. Visit
  3. Open file select sublime_text.exe
  4. Offset 0x8545: Original 84 -> 85
  5. Offset 0x08FF19: Original 75 -> EB
  6. Offset 0x1932C7: Original 75 -> 74 (remove UNREGISTERED in title bar, so no need to use a license)
zwcloud / Dog.cs
Created November 21, 2016 08:38
An example on embedding Mono runtime in C/C++.
using System;
public class Dog
static public void Type()
Console.WriteLine("a Dog!");
public void Bark()
bkaradzic /
Last active February 27, 2025 08:52
Orthodox C++

Orthodox C++

What is Orthodox C++?

Orthodox C++ (sometimes referred as C+) is minimal subset of C++ that improves C, but avoids all unnecessary things from so called Modern C++. It's exactly opposite of what Modern C++ suppose to be.

Why not Modern C++?

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; \__ \ ' \/ _` | / / -_) _ \__ \ () / /
; |___/_||_\__,_|_\_\___\___/___/\__/___|
; An annotated version of the snake example from Nick Morgan's 6502 assembly tutorial
; on that I created as an exercise for myself
; to learn a little bit about assembly. I **think** I understood everything, but I may
; also be completely wrong :-)
metaphox / DCPU-16Spec.txt
Created October 14, 2012 09:40
DCPU-16 Specification
DCPU-16 Specification
Copyright 1985 Mojang
Version 1.7
=== SUMMARY ====================================================================
* 16 bit words
* 0x10000 words of ram