- Generated by code-examples-manager release 2.4.7-SNAPSHOT
- 621 published examples
- akka-actors-hello-world.sc : Simple akka hello world example
- akka-capitalize-and-print.sc : dump capitalized string coming from stdin using streams
- akka-http-client-json-stream.sc : Fully asynchronous http client call with json streamed response using akka-http will work in all cases, even with chunked responses !
- akka-http-client-json-with-proxy.sc : Fully asynchronous http client call with json response using akka-http will work in all cases, even with chunked responses, this example add automatic http proxy support.
- akka-http-client-json.sc : Fully asynchronous http client call with json response using akka-http will work in all cases, even with chunked responses !
- akka-http-client-simple-with-proxy.sc : Fully asynchronous http client call using akka-http will work in all cases, even with chunked responses, this example add automatic http proxy support.
- akka-http-client-simple.sc : Fully asynchronous http client call using akka-http will work in all cases, even with chunked responses !
- akka-http-client-websocket-hello-world.sc : playing with websockets using akka-http
- akka-http-client-websocket-typed-actor-graph.sc : Dump incoming websockets content
- akka-http-server-static-files-with-shutdown.sc : Simplest static resources http server example using akka-http framework with shutdown support and root redirect.
- akka-http-server-static-files.sc : Simplest static resources http server example using akka-http framework.
- akka-http-server-websocket-counter.sc : akka websocket counter service, just increment a counter every second for each connected client
- akka-http-server-websocket-echo.sc : akka websocket echo service
- akka-typed-actors-hello-world.sc : Playing with akka-typed
- akka-wscat-stream.sc : Send stdin lines to websocket and dump (asynchronously) everything coming from the websocket to stdout stream implementation
- akka-wscat.sc : Send stdin lines to websocket and dump (asynchronously) everything coming from the websocket to stdout
- pekko-actors-hello-world.sc : Simple pekko hello world example
- pekko-http-server-websocket-counter.sc : pekko websocket counter service, just increment a counter every second for each connected client
- pekko-http-server-websocket-echo.sc : pekko websocket echo service
- pekko-typed-actors-hello-world.sc : Playing with pekko-typed
- pekko-wscat-stream.sc : Send stdin lines to websocket and dump (asynchronously) everything coming from the websocket to stdout stream implementation using pekko-stream
- pekko-wscat.sc : Send stdin lines to websocket and dump (asynchronously) everything coming from the websocket to stdout using pekko
- algo-bfs.sc : Playing with Breadth first search (bfs) algorithm.
- algo-coordinates-encoding.sc : encode (x,y) coordinates in a single int
- algo-coordinates-hexagons-grids.sc : hexagons and grids coordinates conversions
- algo-dfs.sc : Playing with depth first search (dfs) algorithm.
- algo-geo-conversions.sc : geo conversions
- algo-graph-paths.sc : Walk through possible paths within a simple bidirectional graph with potentially revisitable vertex
- algo-kadane.sc : Maximum subarray problem
- algo-load-balancing-simple.sc : simple load balancing algorithm
- algo-open-location-code.sc : open location code
- algo-paths-to-tree.sc : convert a list of paths into a tree
- algo-solution-brute-force.sc : all possible solutions generator, can be used to brute force passwords, hashes, ...
- algo-solutions-combinations-list.sc : given a list of entities and goals find all possible goals/entities associations where a goal can only be used once
- algo-trees.sc : Playing with trees and distances between nodes
- algo-vector4-encoding.sc : encode/decode 4 component vector into an integer
- num-perms.sc : integer permutations up to a given value
- README-apps.md : Standalone launchers for various applications
- amm.sh : ammonite launcher shell script
- cem.sc : code examples manager application launcher script
- cem.sh : code examples manager application launcher shell script
- counters.sc : counters web service launcher script
- counters.sh : counters web service launcher shell script
- lorem-alt.sc : lorem ipsum generator web service
- lorem-lib.sc : lorem ipsum generator
- lorem.sc : lorem-ipsum web service launcher script
- lorem.sh : lorem-ipsum web service launcher shell script
- primes.sc : primes web service launcher script
- primes.sh : primes web service launcher shell script
- spy.sc : spy web service launcher script
- spy.sh : spy web service launcher shell script
- web-echo.sc : web-echo web service launcher script
- web-echo.sh : web-echo web service launcher shell script
- djl-README.md : Notes about Java Deep Learning (DJL)
- djl-bert-question-answer.sc : bert question answer using DJL
- djl-gpt2-pytorch.sc : playing with GPT2
- djl-gpu-info.sc : get some gpu information
- djl-hugging-face-mistral-refactored.sc : using mistral with DJL refactored
- djl-hugging-face-mistral.sc : using mistral with DJL
- djl-hugging-face-sentence-positiveness.sc : sentiment analysis using DJL
- djl-image-classification-models-compare.sc : image classification compare models
- djl-image-classification.sc : image classification try
- djl-image-to-text.sc : image to text try
- djl-models-list.sc : take a look into models zoo
- djl-object-detection-models-compare.sc : Things (objects, people, animals) detection using DJL - compare models efficiency
- djl-object-detection.sc : Things (objects, people, animals) detection using DJL
- djl-tutorial-01.sc : Playing with Java Deep Learning (DJL), tutorial-01
- djl-tutorial-02.sc : Playing with Java Deep Learning (DJL), tutorial-02
- djl-tutorial-03.sc : Playing with Java Deep Learning (DJL), tutorial-03
- djl-tutorial-full.sc : Playing with Java Deep Learning (DJL), tutorial-02 & tutorial-03 combined to a standalone executable script
- nix-shell-cuda.nix : nix-shell environment for CUDA and DeepJavaLibrary
- drools-backward-simple.sc : Simple drools backward chaining example.
- drools-basics-json.sc : Basic drools json usage examples through unit test cases.
- drools-basics.sc : Basic drools usage examples through unit test cases.
- drools-equality.sc : Drools equality behavior and customization thanks to the
annotation. - drools-hello-world-revisited.sc : Drools Hello world revisited
- drools-hello-world-small.sc : Drools Hello world smallest
- drools-hello-world.sc : Drools Hello world
- drools-insertLogical-aggregate-expires.sc : Understanding insertLogical, aggregates in the context of drools events reasoning, keeping up to date a computed value
- drools-interactions-enhanced.sc : Drools web based user enhanced interactions with a performance diagnostic knowledge base
- drools-interactions-gatling.sc : drools interactions performance test script
- drools-interactions.sc : Drools web based user interactions with a performance diagnostic knowledge base
- drools-kb-advanced-understanding.sc : Drools advanced understanding rules knowledge base
- drools-kb-banking-advanced.sc : Enhanced drools example banking application wired to a kafka topic
- drools-kb-banking-events-stream-generator.sc : Start an embedded kafka and provide simple way to generate simple banking events
- drools-kb-banking-skeleton.sc : Drools banking skeleton application wired to a kafka topic
- drools-kb-banking.sc : Drools banking example application wired to a kafka topic
- drools-kb-doctor.sc : Drools doctor knowledge base
- drools-kb-errors-management.sc : Drools knowledge base error management
- drools-kb-events-understanding.sc : Drools understanding events base knowledge base
- drools-kb-family.sc : Drools family knowledge base
- drools-kb-forever-loop-on-modify.sc : Drools rules loop knowledge base
- drools-kb-forever-loop.sc : Drools forever loop knowledge base
- drools-kb-official-examples-games.sc : Drools official examples launcher examples
- drools-kb-official-examples-simple-with-pauses.sc : Drools step by step FireKB example
- drools-kb-official-examples-simple.sc : Drools official minimalist FireKB example
- drools-kb-official-examples.sc : Drools official examples unit tests, it list all example knowledge base names
- drools-kb-pets.sc : Drools pet knowledge base
- drools-kb-reasoning-forward-chaining-enhanced.sc : Drools forward enhanced chaining example knowledge base with roots from wikipedia definition example
- drools-kb-reasoning-forward-chaining.sc : Drools forward chaining example knowledge base with roots from wikipedia definition example
- drools-kb-understanding-constraints-limitations.sc : Drools constraints analysis
- drools-kb-understanding.sc : Drools understanding rules knowledge base
- drools-parsing-issues.sc : Drools parsing issues
- drools-persistence.sc : Learn to use drools working memory persistence to disk.
- drools-spark-hello-world.sc : Drools spark hello world knowledge base
- drools-with-case-classes.sc : Drools ammonite case class support ?
- kb-doctor.drl : A simplified doctor knowledge base.
- Makefile : flake configuration for lmstudio
- Makefile : flake configuration for ollama
- opencv-hello.sc : using opencv
- README-smile.md : Notes about Smile - Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine
- cal_housing.sc : Playing with smile and california housing dataset
- iris.sc : Playing with smile and iris dataset
- smile-repl.sh : SMILE scala-cli REPL startup script
- visualization-swing-hist.sc : smile visualization histograms
- visualization-swing-linechart.sc : smile visualization line charts
- visualization-swing-qqplot.sc : smile visualization qqplot
- visualization-swing-scatter.sc : smile scatter swing visualization
- visualization-vega-scatter.sc : smile scatter vega visualization
- tess4j-hello-world.sc : extract text from an image
- tess4j-photo-with-text.sc : extract text from a photo
- cemtool.sc : CEM tool - code examples content and execution results sent to a search engine, opensearch or elasticsearch
- learn-gists-api-1-list.sc : List a user github gists using sttp for client http and circe for json processing.
- learn-gists-api-2-list-json4s.sc : List a user github gists using sttp for client http and json4s for json processing.
- learn-gists-api-3-oauth-list.sc : List a user github gists using sttp for client http API.
- learn-gists-api-4-oauth-list-link-advanced.sc : List a user github gists using sttp for client http and circe for json processing with authentication.
- learn-gists-api-5-oauth-list-link-json4s.sc : Various operations on gists using sttp for client http and json4s for json processing with authentication.
- poc-1-examples-manager.sc : Publish code examples to remote repositories solutions (DEPRECATED see https://github.com/dacr/code-examples-manager).
- poc-2-gists-manage.sc : Publish code sample as github gist (DEPRECATED see https://github.com/dacr/code-examples-manager).
- cem-github-gist-test-4.md : testing github gist cem #1
- cem-github-gist-test-new-1.md : testing github gist cem new #1
- Makefile : testing1 multi-files cem
- README.md : testing2 multi-files cem
- cem-elk-1-start.sh : start an elasticsearch through docker
- cem-elk-10-feed.sc : feed elasticsearch with code examples content, generates ready to insert json files with feeding scripts
- cem-elk-20-synonyms.txt : synonyms file for elasticsearch synonym filter
- cem-elk-50-search.sh : search for code examples using elasticsearch simple query language
- cem-elk-99-dev-console.elk : example based elasticsearch training lab content for use within kibana developer console
- bash.md : bash cheat sheet
- curl.md : curl cheat sheet
- direnv.md : direnv cheat sheet
- elasticsearch-opendistro-public.md : elasticsearch and opendistro public cheat sheet
- git.md : git cheat sheet
- graphql.md : graphql cheat sheet
- i3.md : i3 cheat sheet
- journald.md : journald cheat sheet
- jq.md : jq cheat sheet
- jvm.md : jvm cheat sheet
- kafka-public.md : kafka public cheat sheet
- linux-debian.md : debian cheat sheet
- linux.md : linux cheat sheet
- mvn.md : maven cheat sheet
- nc.md : netcat cheat sheet
- nginx.md : nginx cheat sheet
- nixos-homemanager.md : nixos home manager cheat sheet
- nixos.md : nixos cheat sheet
- ocaml.md : ocaml cheat sheet
- pdf.md : pdf cheat sheet
- raspberry-pi.md : raspberry PI cheat sheet
- scala.md : scala cheat sheet
- sed.md : sed cheat sheet
- ssh.md : ssh cheat sheet
- ssl.md : ssl cheat sheet
- tcpdump.md : tcpdump cheat sheet
- b64uuid.sc : encode/decode base64 based UUID
- base64.sc : encode/decode base64 with charset management
- hashes.sc : Various programmatic hashes.
- object-persistence.sc : Using standard java object persistence mechanism.
- uuids.sc : Universally unique identifiers using standard and JUG APIs
- com-lihaoyi-fansi.sc : com-lihaoyi fansi basic usage examples
- com-lihaoyi-fastparse.sc : com-lihaoyi fastparse basic usage examples
- com-lihaoyi-mainargs.sc : com-lihaoyi mainargs basic usage examples
- com-lihaoyi-os-lib.sc : com-lihaoyi pprint basic usage examples
- com-lihaoyi-pprint.sc : com-lihaoyi os-lib basic usage examples
- com-lihaoyi-utest.scala : com-lihaoyi utest basic usage examples
- config-typesafe.sc : Configuration using Typesafe Config
- data-fake.sc : Using java faker to generate good looking information
- data-updates-using-quick-lens.sc : deep case/data class changes
- opendata-postalcodes-old.sc : First try with open-data data sources with ssl certificate hacks
- opendata-postalcodes.sc : postal code opendata data sources.
- vectorgraphics-doodle-animate-example.sc : Trying to animate vector graphics using doodle library.
- vectorgraphics-doodle-basics.sc : Playing basics vector graphics using doodle library.
- vectorgraphics-doodle-circles-2.sc : Drawing again circles using doodle library.
- vectorgraphics-doodle-circles.sc : Drawing circles using doodle library.
- vectorgraphics-doodle-example-animate-1.sc : simple doodle animation ex
- vectorgraphics-doodle-example-interact.sc : Drawing interactions
- vectorgraphics-doodle-examples.sc : Drawing embedded examples using doodle library.
- vectorgraphics-doodle-labyrinth.sc : Drawing a labyrinth using doodle library.
- vectorgraphics-doodle-photos-mosaic.sc : Draws several photos
- vectorgraphics-doodle-simplest.sc : Smallest doodle example.
- euromillions-random-generator.sc : generate a random euromillions play
- euromillions-random-org-generator.sc : generate a random euromillions play using random.org random generator
- loto-random-generator.sc : generate a random loto play
- loto-random-org-generator.sc : generate a random loto play using random.org random generator
- functors.sc : playing with functors
- monads.sc : Playing with monads
- git-api-dealing-with-local-repo.sc : JGIT operations - get number of changes for a given file
- scala-graph-1.sc : Playing with scala-graph API
- github-gists-list.graphql : get current user github snippets
- github-me.graphql : get current user github information
- gitlab-me.graphql : get current user gitlab information
- gitlab-snippets-list.graphql : get current user gitlab snippets
- http-client-http4s-simple-1.sc : Simplest http4s http client library example
- http-client-java-only.sc : http client using modern java default API
- http-client-requests-simple.sc : http client using requests API
- http-client-sttp-basics.sc : Simplest sttp http client library basic usage examples.
- http-client-sttp-json-simple-akkahttp.sc : Simplest sttp http client library json example using akkahttp backend.
- http-client-sttp-json-simple.sc : Simplest sttp http client library json example.
- http-client-sttp-simple.sc : Simplest sttp http client library example.
- http-web-linking.sc : lazy generic http web linking
- wscat.sc : Simple websocket example
- file-path-tools.sc : Various file and path helper functions
- filesio-betterfiles-basics.sc : Using scala betterfiles API to simplify operations with files.
- filesio-default-basics.sc : Using scala default API for operations with files.
- Issue533UsingLibForJava.java : scala cli - hello world in java with using lib directive
- issue-532-example-ko.sc : scala-cli issue with execution context
- issue-532-example-ok.sc : scala-cli no issue with execution context when object encapsulation is used
- scala-cli-dependencies-1.sc : scala cli - trying to get test artifacts
- issue-7301-example-ko.sc : zio-streams ZStream collectZIO stucked forever #7301 ?
- issue-7301-example-ok.sc : zio-streams ZStream collectZIO stucked forever #7301 ? the ok case replacing collectZIO with mapZIO
- zio-json-644-bigdecimal.sc : zio-json - dealing with bigdecimal representation
- nix-shell-scalafx.nix : nix-shell environment for javafx scala-fx
- ui-javafx-canvas.sc : Playing with the canvas of javafx library to display photo and render stuff over it
- ui-javafx-imageview.sc : A photo viewer proof of concept using imageview of javafx library
- ui-scalafx-canvas-doodle-test.scala : scalafx canvas example
- ui-scalafx-from-zio.scala : scalafx from zio effect system
- ui-scalafx-hello-1.scala : scalafx hello world example
- ui-scalafx-hello-2.scala : scalafx hello world example again
- ui-scalafx-hello-3.scala : scalafx hello world with reflection example
- ui-scalafx-imageview.scala : scalafx image view
- json-borer.sc : borer scala json API cookbook as unit test cases.
- json-circe.sc : Circe scala json API cookbook as unit test cases.
- json-genson.sc : genson java json API cookbook as unit test cases.
- json-jawn.sc : typelevel jawn scala json API cookbook as unit test cases.
- json-json4s.sc : Json4s scala json API cookbook as unit test cases.
- json-jsoniter.sc : jsoniter scala json API cookbook as unit test cases.
- json-upickle.sc : upickle scala json API cookbook as unit test cases.
- hello-world.jl : hello world julia script
- logging.jl : logging with julia
- testing-unittests-1.jl : julia unit testing
- testing-unittests-2.jl : julia enhanced unit testing
- uuidgen.jl : julia uuid generator
- kafka-client-simple-consumer.sc : Kafka simple usage using java API
- kafka-embedded-features.sc : Kafka features test using embedded kafka.
- kafka-embedded-hello.sc : Hello world embedded kafka test script using scalatest-embedded-kafka.
- kafka-raspberrypi-publish-temperatures.sc : publish raspberry pi 1-wire DS18B20 temperature sensors to a remote secured kafka
- kafka-stream-simple.sc : simple kafka stream example
- logging-basics.sc : logging basic instructions just for copy and paste purposes
- logging-enhancement-experiment.sc : Experimenting scala logging approach.
- logging-generator-application-logs.sc : Application random logs generator, with multi-line entries
- logging-testing.sc : Playing/testing with logback configuration.
- logging-tips.sc : logging tips with log4j2 and slf4j
- reference-conf-logback.xml : simple logback logging configuration
- math-beal-conjecture.sc : Beal conjecture / conjecture de Beal.
- math-benford-law-1.sc : Benford law experiments
- math-collatz-conjecture.sc : Collatz conjecture / conjecture de syracuse.
- math-combs-perms-and-co.sc : permutations combinations and co
- math-computes-with-same-number.sc : Numbers which can be computed with the same figure
- math-e.sc : compute exponential e high precision value
- math-fact.sc : almost no size limit fact compute
- math-fibonacci.sc : compute fibonacci number
- math-gaussian-functions.sc : gaussian simple function drawn using breeze
- math-lcm-gcd.sc : lcm and gcd
- math-logistic-map-1.sc : the logistic map / La suite logistique
- math-logistic-map-2.sc : the logistic map - bifurcation diagram / La suite logistique - diagramme de bifurcation
- math-pi-plouffe.sc : compute a high precision value of pi
- simu-monty-hall-paradox.sc : Monty Hall paradox simulation (probability puzzle)
- metadata-extractor-commons-imaging.sc : meta data extractor using commons-imaging
- photos-check.sc : Photos check coherency - When you have ~80000 photos/videos tooling is mandatory
- photos-from-elastic-to-lmdb.sc : Photos manager - extract photo records from elasticsearch/opensearch to lmdb
- photos-to-video.sc : Make videos from photos coming from several cameras, one video by camera and by day - WORK IN PROGRESS
- photos-update-records.sc : Photos manager - update photo document field within elasticsearch
- photos.sc : Photos indexation proof of concept using ZIO, opensearch and deep-java-learning - When you have ~89000 photos/videos tooling is mandatory
- photos-model.sc : Photos model experiments - When you have ~89000 photos/videos tooling is mandatory
- dns.sc : playing with dnsjava api
- host.sc : resolve host name
- my-ips.sc : get my local IPs and my remote IPs
- netio-remote-check.sc : Testing if a remote http server is reachable.
- data-types.nix : nix data types
- fetchers.nix : nix fetchers
- hello-derivations.nix : nix derivations hello-world
- hello-world.nix : nix hello world
- paths.nix : nix paths
- pkgs-lib.nix : nix pkgs lib
- shell-env.nix : nix shell environment
- hello.ml : ocaml first example script
- breeze-repl.sh : BREEZE scala-cli REPL startup script
- breeze-simple-1.sc : first example with the breeze data visualization
- breeze-simple-2.sc : breeze visualization example
- chartreuse-battery-degradation.sc : plotting with chartreuse - electric car battery degradation
- chartreuse-photos-count.sc : plotting with chartreuse - photo count trend
- nspl-repl.sh : NSPL scala-cli REPL startup script
- nspl-simple.sc : first example with a new scala plotting library (nspl)
- plotly-multiplots.sc : Playing with plotly through plotly-scala - multiplots
- plotly-repl.sh : PLOTLY scala-cli REPL startup script
- plotly-simple-timeseries-multiY.sc : Playing time series and multiple Y axis with plotly through plotly-scala.
- plotly-simple-timeseries.sc : Playing time series with plotly through plotly-scala.
- plotly-simple.sc : Playing with plotly through plotly-scala.
- smile-simple-1.sc : plotting with smile
- smile-simple-2.sc : declarative plotting with smile
- nqueens.scala : nqueens problems
- cem-word-cloud.py : display examples keywords frequency cloud tags graph
- tcp-port-check.py : just check if a network tcp port is accessible
- rabbitmq-learning.sc : learning rabbitmq through java api.
- rng-basic-fast-random.sc : Compare homogeneity of some simple custom random generators using doodle (increase XSS !!)
- rng-random-org.sc : using random.org random generator to generate true random number
- rng-simple-evaluation.sc : Evaluating random generators using compression algorithm : less compressed meaning better random generator ?
- simu-random-variations-behavior.sc : plotting random series variations as an attempt to illustrate mandelbrot (un)wild chance
- ammonite-add-external-repository.sc : Customize ammonite repositories.
- hello-collections.rs : hello rust collections
- hello-deps.rs : rust hello scripts dependencies
- hello-enums.rs : hello rust enums
- hello-errors.rs : hello rust errors
- hello-expressions.rs : hello rust expressions
- hello-functions.rs : hello rust functions
- hello-http-client.rs : hello rust http client
- hello-json.rs : rust hello json
- hello-lambdas.rs : hello rust lambdas
- hello-loops.rs : hello rust loops
- hello-memory.rs : hello rust memory
- hello-mutations.rs : hello rust mutations
- hello-strings.rs : hello rust strings
- hello-struct-1.rs : hello rust structs
- hello-struct-2.rs : hello rust structs and methods
- hello-type-conversions.rs : hello rust type conversions
- hello-types.rs : hello rust types
- hello.rs : rust hello
- JavaFeatureExceptionCheckedUnchecked.java : java feature - checked versus unchecked exceptions
- ScalaCLIHelloJava.java : scala cli - hello world in java
- binary-operations.sc : various binary operations (cheat sheet)
- collection-operations.sc : Collection operations
- java-futures.sc : java futures
- java-scripting.jsh : java hello world script
- java-time.sc : java8 time api usage examples.
- regex-operations.sc : Advanced operations on strings with regular expressions
- sbt-metadata-tracing.sbt : Generate build medata data and inject them into the packaging process as properties file
- scala-autoclose.sc : Auto close/dispose resource
- scala-basics-async.sc : scala asynchronous operations
- scala-basics.sc : scala language
- scala-cli-hello-0.sc : scala cli - hello world - run context as code
- scala-cli-hello-1.sc : scala cli - http hello world - run context as code
- scala-cli-hello-2.sc : scala cli - hello world - run context as command line parameters
- scala-cli-hello-3.sc : scala cli - hello world using ZIO
- scala-cli-js-hello-1.sc : scala cli - hello world from nodejs
- scala-cli-js-hello-2.sc : scala cli - hello world from nodejs with dependencies
- scala-cli-native-hello-1.sc : scala cli - native hello world
- scala-erasures.sc : Type erasure and solutions to avoid it - work in progress
- scala-feature-algebric-data-types.sc : scala algebric data types
- scala-feature-chaining.sc : Using scala new chaining capabilities
- scala-feature-classtag.sc : Obtain the class type of a generic type at runtime
- scala-feature-fold.sc : fold feature (instead of matching) to simplify code
- scala-feature-identity.sc : the identity function
- scala-feature-implicit-class.sc : implicit class scala feature.
- scala-feature-instantiate-through-lambda.sc : instantiate automatically a trait or an abstract using a lambda
- scala-feature-lift.sc : lift/unlift scala feature
- scala-feature-partial-function.sc : partial function scala feature
- scala-feature-smart-constructor-with-value-class.sc : scala smart constructor with value classes
- scala-feature-smart-constructor.sc : scala smart constructor
- scala-feature-type-classes.sc : scala type class
- scala-feature-value-class.sc : value class scala feature
- scala-howlong.sc : Simple operations duration tools.
- scala-lambdas.sc : lambdas variations in scala
- scala-list-resources.sc : scala list available resources.
- scalafmt-basic.conf : david crosson scalafmt configuration file to auto format scala code
- string-operations.sc : Advanced operations on strings
- xml-basics.sc : simple scala xml operations
- scala3-feature-anonymous-class-inference.scala : scala3 feature examples - anonymous class inference
- scala3-feature-enums-typed.scala : scala3 feature examples - tree as typed enums
- scala3-feature-enums.scala : scala3 feature examples - enums
- scala3-feature-explicit-nulls.scala : scala3 feature examples - explicit nulls
- scala3-feature-exports.scala : scala3 feature examples - export
- scala3-feature-extension-methods.scala : scala3 feature examples - using extension methods
- scala3-feature-indentation.scala : scala3 feature examples - indentations
- scala3-feature-literal-types.scala : scala3 feature examples - literal types
- scala3-feature-macro-0-simple.scala : scala3 feature examples - macros - inline
- scala3-feature-macro-1-sizeof.scala : scala3 feature examples - macros - inline sizeOf
- scala3-feature-macro-2-inline-def.scala : scala3 feature examples - macros - inline def
- scala3-feature-macro-3-inline-if.scala : scala3 feature examples - macros - inline if
- scala3-feature-macro-4-inline-matches.scala : scala3 feature examples - macros - inline matches
- scala3-feature-macro-5-programs-as-values.scala : scala3 feature examples - macros - programs as values
- scala3-feature-main.scala : scala3 feature examples - main functions with basic arguments parsing
- scala3-feature-opaque-types.scala : scala3 feature examples - opaque types
- scala3-feature-optional-control-syntax.scala : scala3 feature examples - optional control syntax
- scala3-feature-parameter-untupling.scala : scala3 feature examples - parameter untupling
- scala3-feature-trait-parameters.scala : scala3 feature examples - trait parameters
- scala3-feature-transparent-traits.scala : scala3 feature examples - transparent traits
- scala3-feature-vararg-splices.scala : scala3 feature examples - vararg splices
- scala3-helloworld.scala : scala3 feature examples - hello world
- scala3-macro-basic.sc : scala3 macro examples - basic
- chimney-basic-2.sc : chimney simple usage example
- chimney-basic.sc : chimney simplest usage example
- main.sc : chimney interaction with java records
- iron-basic.sc : iron refined type simplest usage example
- elasticsearch-demo-1-startup-minimal.sc : Elasticsearch minimal startup for test, experiences, proof of concept purposes.
- elasticsearch-demo-1-startup.sc : Elasticsearch startup for test, experiences, proof of concept purposes.
- elasticsearch-demo-2-basictests-embedded-mode.sc : Basic elastic4s (scala API for elasticsearch) tests using elasticsearch-cluster-runner in cluster mode
- elasticsearch-demo-3-fill-with-spark.sc : Feed elasticsearch with almost 20 years of chicago crimes (using spark).
- elasticsearch-demo-3-fill.sc : Feed elasticsearch with almost 20 years of chicago crimes.
- elasticsearch-demo-cluster-1-startup.sc : Elasticsearch cluster startup for test, experiences, proof of concept purposes.
- elasticsearch-demo-cluster-3-fill-cluster.sc : Feed elasticsearch cluster with almost 20 years of chicago crimes.
- elasticsearch-demo-tests.sc : Basic elastic4s (scala API for elasticsearch) tests using elasticsearch-cluster-runner.
- elasticsearch-stock-timeseries-generator.sc : Generate stock time series
- search-crud-operations.sc : elasticsearch / opensearch basic read, update, insert, delete operations
- basic-auth-token.sc : small scala function to generate a basic authentication Authentication token
- basic-auth-token.sh : small shell function to generate a basic authentication Authentication token
- jwt-token-pubprivkey.sc : decode/encode/validate JWT token with public key
- jwt-token-secretkey.sc : decode/encode/validate JWT token with secret key
- vectorgraphics-skija-basics.sc : Playing skija library.
- spark-csv-load.sc : Load and process CSV content using spark.
- spark-hello.sc : spark hello world.
- ssh-hello-1.sc : hello world 1 through ssh
- ssh-hello-2.sc : hello world 2 through ssh
- ca-csv-processings-simple-1.sc : Simple stock processing to compute global earnings and stock palmares
- ca-csv-to-json-stock.sc : Converting CA stock operations histories into JSON
- stock-get-from-boursorama.sc : Extract stock data fro boursorama
- tmbom-dji-1-download.sc : Download DJI historical data - The (mis) behavior of markets : A fractal view of Risk, Ruin and Reward - Benoît Mandelbrot
- tmbom-dji-2-process.sc : Visualize DJI historical data - The (mis) behavior of markets : A fractal view of Risk, Ruin and Reward - Benoît Mandelbrot
- NOTES-arangodb.md : basic thing to know about arangodb and graphql
- arangodb-javadriver-basics-1.sc : playing with arangodb using java driver and genson serdes
- arangodb-javadriver-basics-2.sc : playing with arangodb using java driver and native serdes
- arangodb-javadriver-basics-3.sc : playing with arangodb using java driver and json4s serdes
- arangodb-javadriver-graph-basics-1.sc : playing with arangodb graph using java driver and json4s serdes
- arangodb-javadriver-learning-as-tests-basics.sc : learning arangodb through java client driver
- arangodb-javadriver-learning-as-tests-graphs.sc : learning arangodb graphs features through java client driver
- arangodb-javadriver-learning-as-tests-serdes.sc : learning arangodb serialization / deserialization using the java client driver
- arangodb-primes-feed.sc : Create arangodb primes number dataset
- arangodb-primes-queries.sc : arangodb primes number queries
- arangodb-proteus-basics.sc : playing with arangodb using scarango client library
- Neo4jCypherRawHello.java : neo4j cypher queries in java using scala-cli - simple embedded test example
- neo4j-cypher-dsl-hello.sc : neo4j cypher dsl queries - simple embedded test example
- neo4j-cypher-dsl-test-hello.sc : neo4j cypher dsl queries - simple embedded test example with test framework
- neo4j-cypher-raw-data-types.sc : neo4j cypher queries - supported storable data types
- neo4j-cypher-raw-hello.sc : neo4j cypher queries - simple embedded test example
- neo4j-cypher-raw-query-parameters.sc : neo4j cypher queries - query parameters
- neo4j-cypher-raw-records-content.sc : neo4j cypher queries - node name and label - relation name and type - records content
- neo4j-cypher-raw-test-hello.sc : neo4j cypher queries - simple embedded test example with test framework
- neo4j-cypher-raw-transactions.sc : neo4j cypher queries - transactions
- neo4j-neotypes-creates.sc : neo4j cypher - many inserts
- neo4j-neotypes-hello.sc : neo4j through neotypes - hello world
- neo4j-neotypes-records-with-parameters.sc : neo4j through neotypes - query parameters
- neo4j-neotypes-zio-stream.sc : neo4j cypher - stream inserted records using zio
- neo4j-record-identifiers.sc : check neo4j identifiers
- neo4j-repl.sh : NEO4j scala-cli REPL startup script
- neo4j-spatial-features.sc : check neo4j spatial features
- alive-teller.service : simple alive service based on systemd (service part)
- alive-teller.timer : simple alive service based on systemd (timer part)
- simple.service : Simple way to create a systemd service with a blocking command
- chronos-demo.sc : Chronos API usage demo
- chronos-tests.sc : Chronos API tests
- chronos.sc : Chronos API using zio, tapir and zhttp
- tapir-auth-basic-hello-1.sc : securing API with tapir - basic auth
- tapir-auth-basic-hello-2.sc : securing API with tapir - basic auth - output openapi doc
- tapir-vertx-hello-world-1.sc : hello world http server (vertx based) using tapir with swagger documentation
- tapir-with-iron-jsoniter.sc : tapir with iron/jsoniter for data validity and better documentation
- tapir-with-iron.sc : tapir with iron for data validity and better documentation
- tapir-with-refined-enhanced.sc : tapir with refined for data validity and better documentation - simple way to build refined instances ?
- tapir-with-refined.sc : tapir with refined for data validity and better documentation
- tapir-zio-dynamic-api.sc : An API to rule them all - to define or customize new API at runtime
- tapir-zio-hello-sealed-traits-pickler.sc : http server random hello world using sealed traits or union types - experiments
- tapir-zio-hello-sealed-traits.sc : http server random hello world using a sealed trait data structure
- tapir-zio-hello-states.sc : http server keeping a state at server side
- tapir-zio-hello-world-1.sc : hello world http server (zhttp zio based) using tapir
- tapir-zio-hello-world-2.sc : parameterized hello world http server (zhttp zio based) using tapir
- tapir-zio-hello-world-3.sc : hello world http server (zhttp zio based) using tapir with swagger documentation
- tapir-zio-hello-world-4.sc : hello world http server (zhttp zio based) using tapir with redoc documentation
- tapir-zio-http4s-server-hello-sse-json.sc : json based server side event (SSE) using http4s library
- tapir-zio-http4s-server-hello-sse-with-zio-service.sc : Simple server side event (SSE) using http4s library and zio dependency injection
- tapir-zio-http4s-server-hello-sse.sc : Simple server side event (SSE) using http4s library
- tapir-zio-http4s-server-hello-world.sc : Simple http4s http server library example
- tapir-zio-static-files.sc : http server to serve local static files using tapir endpoint and zhttp
- tapir-zio-stream.sc : Streamed hello world
- gatling-simple.sc : Just ONE ammonite script file to execute a load performance test using gatling !
- testing-pi-2.sc : simple scalatest test framework usage.
- testing-pi-3.sc : simple scalatest test framework usage with durations.
- testing-pi-calculus.sc : Compute PI using montecarlo approach, i.e. using a random generator.
- testing-pi.sc : Simplest scalatest test framework usage.
- testing-scalacheck-example.sc : simple properties based scalacheck usage example
- testing-scalacheck.sc : Properties based testing using scalacheck
- testing-scalatest.test.scala : scalatest basics cheat sheet
- testing-selenium-with-autoproxy.sc : Playing with scalatest selenium integration to test remote sites with automatic http proxy support.
- testing-selenium.sc : Playing with scalatest selenium integration to test remote sites.
- testing-stdout.sc : How to test the console output of a function or method ?
- testing-with-docker.sc : scala with docker testing using docker-testkit library.
- amm-update.sh : Very simple ammonite upgrade script with multiple scala release taken into account
- bash-date-formatted.sh : Generates a simple timestamp.
- bash-date-iso8601-formatted.sh : Generates an iso8601 timestamp.
- bash-printf.sh : bash printf example with float rounding
- bash-ssh-gitlab-agent-import-key.sh : ssh agent automatic provisioning using a ssh private key initialized through an environment variable.
- bash-uuid.sh : bash uuid
- cmdline-parser.sc : command line options parser
- curl-post-json.sh : post json using curl
- date-iso8601.sc : Simple script to generate an ISO8601 date.
- diaporama.sh : photos diaporama
- http-alive-wait.sh : wait for a http end point to become available
- ssh-client-server-sync.sc : SSH server and client operations both within a single script using apache sshd.
- uuid-generator.py : Simple script to generate an UUID using python
- uuid-generator.sc : Simple script to generate an UUID.
- cats-first-try.sc : First use of cats-effect API.
- cats-learning-1-hello.sc : hello world with cats-effect
- cats-learning-2-example-1-typelevel.sc : cats effect example as shown on dedicated typelevel site
- grammalecte-hunspell.sc : french hunspell from grammalecte
- zio-features-cheat-sheet-as-tests.sc : ZIO cheat sheet as tests
- zio-repl.sh : ZIO scala-cli REPL startup script
- zio-unsaferun-1-default.sc : ZIO default unsafeRun for synchronous effect execution
- zio-unsaferun-2-simplified.sc : ZIO simplified unsafeRun suggested by @adamfraser
- zio-unsaferun-3-worksheet.sc : ZIO simplified unsafeRun brought by unsafeRun
- zio-learning-graphql-caliban-1.sc : ZIO learning - graphql API
- live-01.sc : ZIO live session - Hello world
- live-02.sc : ZIO live session - Make execution resilient
- live-03.sc : ZIO live session - Dealing with long running operation
- live-04.sc : ZIO live session - Writing a simple application - legacy versus effect-based
- live-05.sc : ZIO live session - Writing a more complex application
- live.sh : ZIO live session - simple live demo
- zio-learning-cli-1.sc : ZIO learning - zio cli
- zio-learning-config-1.sc : ZIO learning - application configuration
- zio-learning-config-2.sc : ZIO learning - application configuration revisited
- zio-learning-config-3.sc : ZIO learning - using standard ZIO config system
- zio-learning-config-4.sc : ZIO learning - using standard ZIO config system - documentation
- zio-learning-config-5.sc : ZIO learning - using standard ZIO config system with external provider
- zio-learning-1-hello-0.sc : ZIO learning - hello world first
- zio-learning-1-hello-1.sc : ZIO learning - hello world shortest
- zio-learning-1-hello-2.sc : ZIO learning - hello world with repeat
- zio-learning-1-hello-3.sc : ZIO learning - hello world with for comprehension
- zio-learning-1-hello-4.sc : ZIO learning - hello world with for comprehension and zio app
- zio-learning-1-hello-5.sc : ZIO learning - hello world using command line arguments
- zio-learning-2-app.sc : ZIO learning - program with a return Int value
- zio-learning-3-chaining.sc : ZIO learning - assembling a program from smaller parts
- zio-learning-4-env-1.sc : ZIO learning - providing a layer to the environment
- zio-learning-4-env-2.sc : ZIO learning - composing environments
- zio-learning-4-env-3-custom-1.sc : ZIO learning - defining and injecting a custom very basic layer into the environment
- zio-learning-4-env-3-custom-2.sc : ZIO learning - defining and injecting a custom config layer into the environment
- zio-learning-4-env-3-custom-3.sc : ZIO learning - defining and injecting an effect based custom config layer into the environment
- zio-learning-5-exceptions-catchAll.sc : ZIO learning - java unswallowed exception
- zio-learning-6-retries.sc : ZIO learning - retrying is possible, very easy and loggable
- zio-learning-7-concurrency-1-foreachPar.sc : ZIO learning - fiber based concurrency model - using foreachPar
- zio-learning-7-concurrency-2-forkjoin.sc : ZIO learning - fiber based concurrency model - using fork and join
- zio-learning-7-concurrency-3-race.sc : ZIO learning - race to get the fastest response and immediately stop others
- zio-learning-7-concurrency-4-timeout.sc : ZIO learning - operations timeout with fibonacci compute
- zio-learning-8-resource-0-ensuring.sc : ZIO learning - ensuring finalization is run
- zio-learning-8-resource-1-acquire-release-with.sc : ZIO learning - managed resource using acquireReleaseWith approach
- zio-learning-8-resource-2-acquire-release-attempt-with.sc : ZIO learning - managed resource using acquireReleaseAttemptWith approach
- zio-learning-8-resource-3-acquires-zip.sc : ZIO learning - using several managed resource
- zio-learning-9-random.sc : ZIO learning - return distinct random numbers
- zio-learning-10-sleep.sc : ZIO learning - virtual sleeping
- zio-learning-11-clock.sc : ZIO learning - clock
- zio-learning-12-clock-testing.sc : ZIO learning - testing
- zio-learning-13-game-guess-number-testing.sc : ZIO learning - guess number game tests
- zio-learning-13-game-guess-number.sc : ZIO learning - guess number game
- zio-learning-14-service-1.sc : ZIO learning - providing custom service through environments
- zio-learning-14-service-2.sc : ZIO learning - an authentication service
- zio-learning-14-service-3.sc : ZIO learning - an enhanced authentication service using a http service
- zio-learning-14-service-4.sc : ZIO learning - an enhanced authentication service with http service used multiple times
- zio-learning-15-massive-scalability.sc : ZIO learning - massive scalability thanks to fibers a very dangerous silly example
- zio-learning-16-garbage-collected-fibers.sc : ZIO learning - garbage collected fibers
- zio-learning-18-shared-state-ref.sc : ZIO learning - atomic update like operations
- zio-learning-19-shared-state-refm.sc : ZIO learning - effectfully atomic update like operations
- zio-learning-20-fibers-communication-with-promise.sc : ZIO learning - promise allow one fiber to communicate with an other one
- zio-learning-21-back-pressured-queue.sc : ZIO learning - implementing a backpressure queue
- zio-learning-22-transactions.sc : ZIO learning - transactions
- zio-learning-23-aspects.sc : ZIO learning - zio aspects
- zio-learning-26-structured-services-1.sc : ZIO learning - structured services - the basic pattern
- zio-learning-26-structured-services-2-horizontal-composition.sc : ZIO learning - structured services - horizontal composition
- zio-learning-26-structured-services-3-vertical-composition.sc : ZIO learning - structured services - vertical composition
- zio-learning-27-blocking.sc : ZIO learning - dealing with blocking operations => Nothing more to do from ZIO2 ?
- zio-learning-28-operations-1.sc : ZIO learning - using a counter to monitor logic behavior
- zio-learning-29-chunks-1.sc : ZIO learning - using chunks
- zio-learning-30-cached-1.sc : ZIO learning - using cached
- zio-learning-30-cached-2-ttl-invalidate.sc : ZIO learning - using cached ttl and explicit invalidation
- zio-learning-30-cached-3-renew.sc : ZIO learning - using cached with renew automatically
- zio-learning-30-cached-4-renew-effect.sc : ZIO learning - using cached with renew automatically the underlying effect ?
- zio-learning-31-layers-1.sc : ZIO learning - quick layer definition
- zio-learning-zhttp-client-1.sc : ZIO learning - zhttp - simplest http client
- zio-learning-zhttp-client-2.sc : ZIO learning - zhttp - simplest https client
- zio-learning-zhttp-server-1.sc : ZIO learning - zhttp - simplest http server
- zio-learning-zhttp-server-2.sc : ZIO learning - zhttp - playing with http server
- zio-learning-zhttp-server-streaming-1.sc : ZIO learning - zhttp - simple streaming
- zio-learning-zhttp-server-streaming-2.sc : ZIO learning - zhttp - streaming from a java stream
- zio-learning-json-1-hello.sc : ZIO learning - learning&testing zio-json features
- zio-learning-json-2-cheat-sheet.sc : ZIO learning - playing with json - zio-json cheat sheet
- zio-learning-json-3-derives-new-codecs.sc : ZIO learning - playing with json writing custom encoder/decoder
- zio-learning-json-4-custom-codec.sc : ZIO learning - custom encoding/decoding
- zio-learning-json-5-opaque-types.sc : ZIO learning - playing with opaque types and zio-json
- zio-lmdb-basic-scala2.sc : ZIO LMDB simple example for scala-2
- zio-lmdb-basic.sc : ZIO LMDB simple example
- zio-lmdb-feed-postal-codes.sc : ZIO LMDB feeding with french town postal codes
- zio-lmdb-with-config.sc : ZIO LMDB simple example using configuration provider
- zio-learning-logging-0-hello.sc : ZIO learning - using zio logging
- zio-learning-logging-1-hello-logback.sc : ZIO learning - using zio logging with logback
- zio-learning-logging-2-hello-log4j.sc : ZIO learning - using zio logging with log4j2
- zio-learning-logging-3-features-with-log4j2.sc : ZIO learning - using zio logging great features with log4j2
- zio-learning-logging-3-features-with-logback.sc : ZIO learning - using zio logging great features with logback
- zio-learning-logging-3-features.sc : ZIO learning - using zio logging great features
- zio-learning-logging-4-example.sc : ZIO learning - testing slf4j logging bridge
- zio-learning-nio-1-file-write.sc : ZIO learning - playing with nio - write to file
- zio-learning-nio-2-file-read-1-lines.sc : ZIO learning - playing with nio - read lines from file
- zio-learning-nio-2-file-read-2-chunks.sc : ZIO learning - playing with nio - read content from file
- zio-learning-nio-3-file-list.sc : ZIO learning - playing with nio - list files
- zio-learning-nio-4-file-find.sc : ZIO learning - playing with nio - find files using glob
- zio-learning-process-1-hello.sc : ZIO learning - dealing with command and processes
- zio-learning-process-2-kill.sc : ZIO learning - interrupting a sub command & its process
- zio-learning-process-3-timeout.sc : ZIO learning - timeout on sub command process
- zio-learning-process-4-race.sc : ZIO learning - race several sub-command processes
- zio-learning-schema-caseclass.sc : ZIO learning - learning&testing zio-schemas features
- zio-learning-streams-1-random-numbers.sc : ZIO learning - playing with streams - stream of random longs coming from linux secured rng
- zio-learning-streams-2-grep.sc : ZIO learning - playing with streams - stream based grep implementation
- zio-learning-streams-3-ls.sc : ZIO learning - playing with streams - files list
- zio-learning-streams-4-find.sc : ZIO learning - playing with streams - find files
- zio-learning-sttp-client-basic-1.sc : ZIO learning - Simplest http client using sttp
- zio-learning-sttp-client-basic-2.sc : ZIO learning - scoped http client
- zio-learning-sttp-client-basic-3.sc : ZIO learning - http client using sttp with retries
- zio-learning-sttp-client-basic-4.sc : ZIO learning - http client using asynchronous sttp http client
- zio-learning-sttp-client-basic-5.sc : ZIO learning - http client using synchronous sttp - shortest usage
- zio-learning-sttp-client-json-circe-1.sc : ZIO learning - playing with sttp async http client and circe json
- zio-learning-sttp-client-json-circe-2.sc : ZIO learning - playing with sttp async http client and circe json with complex data types
- zio-learning-sttp-client-json-zio-1.sc : ZIO learning - playing with sttp async http client and zio json
- zio-learning-sttp-client-json-zio-2.sc : ZIO learning - playing with sttp async http client and zio json with complex data types
- zio-learning-sttp-client-proxy.sc : ZIO learning - http client using synchronous sttp with proxy support
- zio-test-cheat-sheet.sc : ZIO learning - zio tests cheat sheet as tests
- zio-test-filtering.sc : ZIO learning - zio tests filtering
- zio-test-properties-based-testing-scalacheck.sc : ZIO learning - zio properties with scalacheck generator based tests cheat sheet as tests
- zio-test-properties-based-testing.sc : ZIO learning - zio properties based tests cheat sheet as tests