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On an intergalactic cruise

John Connors johnfredcee

On an intergalactic cruise
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MrWen33 / vscode-clangd-ue.code-workspace
Last active November 11, 2024 12:28
.code-workspace template file for vscode clangd to work on unreal engine project
// Author: @MrWen33
// 0. Install Clang and add to your PATH
// 1. Replace "{YourUnrealEnginePath}" to your unreal engine absolute path.
// Replace "{YourProjectName}" to your project name
// Replace "{YourUprojectPath}" to your .uproject file absolute path
// 2. Open this file with vscode and run task "GenCompileCommands"
ryanschmidtEpic /
Created March 1, 2022 22:38
Sample UnrealEngine 5.0 Python Script for using Geometry Scripting to do a Boolean Subtract operation
# Unreal Engine 5.0 Python Script that takes in N >= 2 selected StaticMesh Actors,
# and subtracts Actors 1..N from the first Actor
import unreal
# output path and asset name (random suffix will be appended)
BooleanResultBasePath = "/Game/PythonBooleanTest"
BooleanResultBaseName = "PyBoolean"
iUltimateLP / DynamicTexture.cpp
Last active January 31, 2025 14:01
Implements dynamic textures into Unreal Engine 4, which can be dynamically written at runtime using the fastest way possible: by directly manipulating the pixel buffer of the texture.
// DynamicTexture
#include "DynamicTexture.h"
// UTextures have a BPP of 4 (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
void UDynamicTexture::Initialize(int32 InWidth, int32 InHeight, FLinearColor InClearColor, TextureFilter FilterMethod/* = TextureFilter::TF_Nearest*/)
// Store the parameters
tavinstitute /
Last active October 15, 2020 12:35
A brief overview of the work involved in testing complex narrative multimedia

Testing Large and Branching Narrative Entertainment


One of the most significant challenges in producing large works of text-driven multimedia is the work of testing. There’s a few basic reasons for that:

  • Games are designed in-flight, through iterative and playful processes, and so a pre-written set of test plans or user stories will invariably need further labor to keep pace with design.
  • Testing is easy to ignore in the context of deadlines.
  • Understanding and visualizing any narrative as a complex tree or directed acyclic graph, rather than a piece of “static” fiction which moves from A-Z (or א to ת, if you prefer), is extremely difficult. If this sounds hyperbolic, ask literally anyone who’s ever contracted with a VC-funded interactive televisual or multimedia startup.
  • Testing is subjectively different from programming in that nothing, not even the compiler, tells us whether we did it right. There’s no model, even in senior software engineering, which tells you whether your tests a
// Dump Blueprint Callstack (UE4 Editor Build)
// Dump Blueprint Callstack (UE5 Editor Build)
(defun doit ()
(let ((vao (gl:gen-vertex-array))
(vbo (gl:gen-buffer))
(buffer (static-vectors:make-static-vector
1 :element-type '(integer 0 255)
:initial-element 0)))
shawngraham /
Last active October 28, 2020 14:57
A History Generator; Also Does Timelines!
#!/usr/bin/env python
# source:
# to create a visualisation, run like this:
# ./ --dot | dot -Tpng > filename.png
# brew install graphviz to get the dot files rendering
# to have the story, run like this:
# ./
# have your state names in the names.txt file
# now, all of this *could* be done with tracery i suppose, but you can see the bones of the
# history system could be expanded to model other aspects, keep track of things, calculate new things.