WebRTC が使えるのか?という興味で調べたので、実際に使ってみたとかではないし、ビジネス的にどうなのとかはない。技術的な話がメイン。
IGGG Advent Calender 2015のために書いた記事です。
default: &default | |
adapter: mysql2 | |
encoding: utf8mb4 | |
username: root | |
password: | |
host: localhost | |
variables: | |
development: |
/* | |
#1 always write datetime values into the database as UTC!!! | |
-- Reread that last statement | |
Vertica will store all datetime values as UTC values | |
*/ | |
-- I highly recommend storing an Integer column of the Day Date | |
select TO_CHAR(<% DATA_END_TIME %>::DATE - INTEGER '1', 'YYYYMMDD')::INTEGER AS date_id | |
SELECT CLOCK_TIMESTAMP() "Current Time"; -- return current time | |
SELECT NOW(); -- time since last session connection (or commit;) which may be an older time than now |
Introducing Incremental DOM — Google Developers — Medium
Reactやvirtual-dom、Glimmer(Ember)などVirtual DOMの実装は色々あるが、これらのVirtual DOM実装には2つの問題がある
これらを解決するためにIncremental DOMと言うものを作っている(WIP)
更新: | 2017-05-09 |
作者: | @voluntas |
バージョン: | 3.14 |
URL: | http://voluntas.github.io/ |
MQTT をググって調べた人向け
To enable the precompilation of all non.js/.css assets within vendor/assets
just add this to config/initializers/assets.rb
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile << Proc.new { |path, fn| fn =~ /vendor\/assets/ && !%w(.js .css).include?(File.extname(path)) }
Be aware that this will precompile ALL non .js/.css assets that you have there, some plugins or libraries might have .txt or other files around, and those would end up into your precompiled list also.
If you need to precompile images only, you could use this:
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif)
@import "bootstrap-sprockets"; | |
@import "bootstrap"; |