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nbenn / parallel-dt.R
Last active December 28, 2018 08:02
Experiments with parallel group-by in data.table
dt_sequential <- function(tbl, group_by, fun, use_cols) {
time_taken <- system.time({
res <- tbl[, fun(.SD), by = group_by, .SDcols = use_cols]
list(result = res, timings = time_taken)
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traversc / fastAUC.r
Last active April 12, 2021 09:31
Fast AUC and ROC calculations in R
fastROC <- function(probs, class) {
class_sorted <- class[order(probs, decreasing=T)]
TPR <- cumsum(class_sorted) / sum(class)
FPR <- cumsum(class_sorted == 0) / sum(class == 0)
return(list(tpr=TPR, fpr=FPR))
# Helpful function adapted from:
fastAUC <- function(probs, class) {
x <- probs
BretFisher / .travis.yml
Created February 15, 2016 21:26
Travis-CI Docker Image Build and Push to AWS ECR
sudo: required #is required to use docker service in travis
language: php #can be any language, just php for example
- docker # required, but travis uses older version of docker :(
- echo "install nothing!" # put your normal pre-testing installs here
mrecos / stratifiedCV.r
Last active August 14, 2020 17:50
Stratified K-folds Cross-Validation with Caret
#load some data
### Prepare Data (postive observations)
# add a column to be the strata. In this case it is states, it can be sites, or other locations
# the original data has 50 rows, so this adds a state label to 10 consecutive observations
USArrests$state <- c(rep(c("PA","MD","DE","NY","NJ"), each = 5))
# this replaces the existing rownames (states) with a simple numerical index
djhocking / dplyr-select-names.R
Last active February 28, 2022 19:08
Select columns by vector of names using dplyr
one <- seq(1:10)
two <- rnorm(10)
three <- runif(10, 1, 2)
four <- -10:-1
df <- data.frame(one, two, three)
df2 <- data.frame(one, two, three, four)
revett /
Last active December 22, 2023 17:12
Git Branch Naming Conventions




wch / app.r
Last active February 2, 2025 16:41
Shiny example app with dynamic number of plots
max_plots <- 5
ui <- fluidPage(
headerPanel("Dynamic number of plots"),
sliderInput("n", "Number of plots", value=1, min=1, max=5)

tmux cheatsheet

As configured in my dotfiles.

start new:


start new with session name: