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Billy Rowell williamrowell

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montasaurus /
Last active February 18, 2025 21:43
AI Shell Command Generator
llmc() {
local system_prompt='Output a command that I can run in a ZSH terminal on macOS to accomplish the following task. Try to make the command self-documenting, using the long version of flags where possible. Output the command first enclosed in a "```zsh" codeblock followed by a concise explanation of how it accomplishes it.'
local temp_file=$(mktemp)
local capturing=true
local command_buffer=""
local first_line=true
local cleaned_up=false # Flag to indicate whether cleanup has been run
cleanup() {
# Only run cleanup if it hasn't been done yet
amiorin /
Last active December 30, 2024 18:53
How to configure Home Row Mods with KMonad on macOS


Karabiner and KMonad are great open source software. Don't forget to support the authors and contributors.

If you want to try home row mods on OSX, don't use Karabiner but KMonad. KMonad is harder at the beginning but then it is easier than Karabiner. Creating layers in KMonad is trivial and without drawbacks, while it is impossible in Karabiner without drawbacks.

You need to compile a PR of the project. Install

stokito /
Last active January 4, 2025 17:04
WebDAV with curl or wget for scripts and command line
merlinmann /
Last active March 17, 2023 06:16
sous vide cooking times

Sous Vide Cooking Times

CANON! pork chops, MED 1:30 143°
CANON! prime rib roast, MR 6:00 129.5 Works every time!
CANON! pork chops SUPER thick 1:45 142° solid MR+
YES ribeye, frozen, R 1:30 126° Awesome at low temp
YES thick pork chops, MR 1:30 142° SO good
XXX filet mignon, MR 1:30 130° XX
pmbaumgartner /
Created July 19, 2021 15:17
Search the contents of Word docs via CLI

Search Contents of Word Documents from the Terminal

You'll need ripgrep and pandoc to get started. You can read more about ripgrep here and pandoc here. I use both of these frequently and they're quite helpful.

You can install them both with homebrew:

brew install pandoc ripgrep
dbdness /
Last active January 5, 2025 02:25
DigiSpark Kickstarter ATTINY85 Setup on macOS + Hello World

Digispark ATTINY85 Initial Setup on macOS + Hello World

Originally written in January 2021.

Originally written for macOS Big Sur 11.1

Step 1: Acquire a DigiSpark ATTINY85 Board

Board used for this guide is the Kickstarter version.

Step 2: Download the Arduino IDE

Version at the time of writing is 1.8.13

sinamajidian /
Last active March 31, 2022 22:33
Extracting the high coverage region (as bed file) from a BAM file

A simpe code for extracting the regions with high coverage (>depth_treshold) from a bed file. The input of the code is a bed file containing rows of regions with its depth as following format

21	9424000	9424500	69.00
21	9424500	9425000	69.00
21	9425000	9425500	67.00
21	9425500	9426000	66.00
21	9426000	9426500	65.00
21	9426500	9427000	66.00
Prukutu /
Created May 20, 2020 18:37
Create a matplotlib figure with a colorbar using gridspec.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from numpy.random import randint
# Generate array of random values
data = randint(0,
size=(100, 100))
# GridSpec object. second column will hold colorbar
afrendeiro / seaborn_clustermap_with_effortless_colorbars_decorator.ipynb
Last active May 14, 2020 23:56
Seaborn clustermap with effortless row and column colorbars
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
a1ip /
Last active January 14, 2025 07:34
How to set the Mac hostname or computer name from the terminal

How to set the Mac hostname or computer name from the terminal

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Type the following command to change the primary hostname of your Mac: This is your fully qualified hostname, for example
sudo scutil --set HostName <new host name>
  1. Type the following command to change the Bonjour hostname of your Mac: This is the name usable on the local network, for example myMac.local.